Harry's POV
"Harry, why are you leaving so early?" my mom says suddenly appearing in the kitchen. It was almost time to pick up bella and I was just getting my breakfast ready to go. "it's nearly 6:50" she adds getting some of the coffee I made and pouring into a cup.
"I'm just going to pick up a friend for school." I answer, taking a bite of banana and sliding my backpack over my shoulder.
"Who?" she asks again, but it wasn't a forceful question, more of a calm one.
"Um. Just a friend who broke their wrist and they can't drive." I said avoiding the question a little. If my mom knew that I was talking to a girl she would request that she meets her, and plus she gets all giddy and annoying about it.
"Is this a girl Harry?" she teased, wiggling her eyes brows.
I roll my eyes. "Whatever, I'm going." I head for the door and before I leave I hear my mom say, "I knew it!"
I get in my car and head to Bella's house. I kinda liked getting her in the morning, I looked forward to it. I know I can't admit it to anyone without sounding sappy and girly, but that's just how I felt. The drive was easily 7 minuets away and when I got there, I didn't even have to text her to come out because I saw her already out the door. I smiled, she looked beautiful as always, except this time she wore a skirt for the first time. She wore tights under it with combat boots and her shirt was long sleeved and cropped. Her hair in a bun on top of her head. I loved the way she dressed, chill and her. And today it was even better. She looked adorable, and girly. Not that she wasn't girly, it was just she never really wore dresses or skirts. And I loved that she made everything her, never being a follower and buying brand stuff.
She hopped into the passenger seat with a smile playing her lips.
"Morning sleepy head." I said to her, remembering last night and how tired she was that she didn't even want move herself.
"M-morning." She said. "Sorry for the stuttering, I-I'm just not used t-to-"
"To talking, I know. It's fine." I finish her sentence before she can hopelessly stumble upon her own words. Even though she thought it was annoying, I found it adorable; hell, I find everything she does adorable. But I wasn't going to tell her that.
"Okay." She huffs
I drive out of her neighborhood and to our school. I pass a few houses seeing decoration in their front yards, I see fake graveyards and ghosts. It was halloween.
"Happy halloween!!" I reminded her as we turn a street "I hope your ready for a fun filled evening." I say goofily, making her giggle.
"I guess so." She answered
- - -
Lunch time rolled around and surprisingly Bella had been sitting by the tree before me. It was pretty chilly outside; the weather was getting colder and colder. I hope we could find our own spot later on because I don't want to go back to my friends that probably hate me, all except for Louis.
I sit down next to her, against the trunk of the tree.
"Hey," I greeted
"Hi." She answers looking at one of her assignments, never glancing at me.
"Is something wrong?" I ask her
"N-No." She stutters. It didn't seem like a usual word fluster, more of a nervous stutter.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Just drop it." She sasses and places her hand on her forehead in distress.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanfictionAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....