Harry's POV
My mind was in a rush and a hurry to go find Bella.
She had called me and sounded horrible, like she was in real trouble. I knew she was because she wouldn't have called me if it wasn't an emergency. She doesn't want anything to do with me, but if she needed help I was going to be there.
I pull up to a gas station near the school though I wasn't even sure if it was the correct one. I looked around, then rushed into the store, my eyes searching everywhere for the beautiful girl. My breathing had become irregular since I couldn't find her. I needed to know she was okay, and I wouldn't rest until she was. I pulled at the ends of my chestnut hair and panicked.
"Bella?" I yelled walking around looking like a lunatic. I looked over to an alley way seeing that it was pitch dark. Why would she be over there? Then again I felt my skeptical side come out and I didn't even care about the creepy alleyway. I ran into the darkness. I saw an empty bag of chips, and a spilled water bottle and a few meaningless pieces of garbage. But as I got closer and deeper in the alley, I saw something, it could have been anything or anyone. But I ran to it anyway in desperation. Then I saw her. Her limp body was crawled in a corner and curled up in a ball. I ran as fast as I could to get to her. When I did, I noticed her only covering herself in her sweater and underwear. What the fuck happened? My mind flustered in so much deep and uncontrollable anger. Who the hell did this to her? She was fucking passed out.
I had to push away my anger at the moment to focus on Bella.
"Shit. Bella? Bella? Wake up!" I shook her and I didn't know what to do. She wasn't making up, I panicked. "Bella!" I yelled. Was I too late? Why wasn't I here to protect her? I felt tears come to my eyes. This couldn't be happening, I wasn't going to loose her.
I brought her small body in my arms, zipping up her sweater, then I took off my coat and covered her shivering body. I carried her in my arms and ran with her to my car as fast as I could. I thought I was going to loose her. I buckled her in my car and drove right to the hospital, speeding at the most due to the panicking feeling inside of me. When I did get to the hospital I barged into the emergency room with her my arms.
"Help!!! Someone help me!!!!!" I yelled for help cradling the girl in my arms. Nurses rushed to me and looked so concerned, but not nearly as much as I was. They quickly brought out doctors and a hospital bed. They tried to convince me to let her go but I refused.
"Please, let me go with her." I begged as tears streamed down my face.
"She's in good hands," one of them said. I shook my head and held her close. Then realizing I had no choice, she could be hurt or worse; I was being selfish. So I let her go on the bed and I kissed her forehead before they rushed her away.
Once they did I almost broke down. But I had to keep myself together for her and I won't loose it. I pulled out my phone and called my mother, the only person I needed help from right now.
"Mom?" I sniffled once she had answered the phone.
"Harry? What's wrong, are you alright?" She said concerned
"Meet me at the hospital, I'm fine. I'll explain when you get here."
"I'm on my way." She said before hanging up.
So I sat in the waiting room crying my eyes out because I didn't know what else to do. I could only picture her lifeless body laying there broken and bruised to the bone. I was so angry and so pissed that someone had done this to her, someone had violated her and left her all alone. I was going to fucking kill the person who laid hands on her. But for now I could only cry, because I had no energy to get mad or punch something. I remember her voice on the phone, how tired and scared it was. Like she was begging me to save her. I cried more into my hands. Then I felt arms encircle around me, only to be looking up at my mom. I let her hold me like a little boy in her arms, because it was all I needed right now.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanficAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....