Bella's POV
It was Thursday, just a day before halloween. And I was terrified. Not in a scary way or anything, but because I was going out with Harry tomorrow. And he always found a way to make me nervous, or just make me giddy on the inside. And deep down I felt wrong for taking a romantic interest for him, because I knew there was no way he could like me the way I liked him.
He didn't just make me nervous all the time, he made me happy. Which was a new feeling to me. I wasn't always hanging out with friends or having sleepovers with girls. I was home bound and unsocial, I always liked to read and draw when I was younger. I never enjoyed playing dress up or having tea parties with my stuffed toys. I was just- me. And I can't remember the last time I was so happy, until Harry came along. Something was also weird when I was with him.
I felt like I had to fight more not to talk. Like I had to hold myself back from muttering a single word. And I never ever had to hold back when it came to being quiet. It was easy just shutting my mouth. But now I'm with Harry and it's becoming harder not to talk to him. And for some reason I just want him to know that he does this to me, he makes me happy and excited. He makes me want to talk. And that was a huge thing. It was hard to process my thoughts about it, all I knew was I just wanted to say his name, and hear the way it rolls off my lips. I want to scream him name and smile. But I was fighting not to. And it was becoming so hard.
Today I woke up a little but more early than I wished, and I think it was because I knew harry we as coming to pick me up. And me not being a morning person, that was strange. I also decided to give Harry his sweater back after washing it yesterday. As much as I loved it, I felt annoying to keep it.
Today I wore a black t-shirt with and some blue skinny jeans as always. I left my hair down and wavy after giving it a brush. Once I was done with everything I took all of my homework I had finished yesterday and shoved it in my bag. Thank god I broke my right hand because I write with my left. The only two good parts about breaking your wrist is that I get to miss gym class and Harry is going to drive me to school. I giggled at the thought.
I went down stairs and fixed myself a cup off coffee while I waited to be picked up. When I got his text that he was here I jumped from my kitchen stool and went to put my converse and coat on. When I did, I went out the door and saw his black car waiting by the end of the driveway. I got to his car and swiftly opened the door and got in. He looked a little tired but he still look handsome and perfectly cute. He wore his brown coat and those brown boots he always wears, and his hair was styled perfectly up. I didn't want to see what I looked like next to him.
"Good morning. How that wrist?" He asks me starting to drive to the school. I smiled up at him and shrugged. It still hurt but it felt a lot better after being in a cast.
"I could imagine that its still hurt." He chuckled. I nodded back, as always. I was getting bored of not talking, I just felt like telling him. But I held back my huge urge.
We drive in silence, mostly because we are tired and because it was a quick ride.
Once I did get out of his car and we were at school, I was received such strange looks and death stares. Which increased my social anxiety ten times more higher. But once we passed all the "jocks" all of them looked mad and I moved closer to Harry because of it. They were pissed that I had Harry to protect me and I feel like when they get a good chance to get me alone they will. That terrifies me. We got into school and Harry said bye to me and I ran right into homeroom hoping Arron wouldn't find me. Thankfully, Arron wasn't even in homeroom. He probably skipped or something. So homeroom went fine and I went to math class unharmed. When I got there harry waved at me and I smiled. But then Harry and that girl started talking again. I couldn't help but wonder who she was to harry. But I felt extremely jealous and nice sure about myself again.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanfictionAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....