Bella's POV
The next day is, again spent at the hospital. But it's different. I can't stop thinking about everything that happened that night, it felt like another wave of reality had hit me in the face. And it was saying that my life will never be the same again because of what happened. Then I thought about my mother. I didn't even know what she was doing or where she was. She never even showed up to the hospital. Right now I need her the most and I just want her to be there for me once even though our relationship is terrible.
I still can't believe what has happened. I still can't comprehend it all. And all I can ever think of is Arron's words screaming at me.
"Shut the fuck up!"
"I'm going to have a lot of fun with you,"
"Oh so now we're talking huh? I thought you only talked to harry?"
It's like all I could hear where his words. I put my hand over my ears to block them, but only to fell a hand being laid over mine, making me jump up in bed. Luckily it was only Harry. Lately I've been jumpy and skeptical, but he can understand.
"Sorry I snuck up on you like that."
"It's fine, um what's up?" I ask him sitting straight in my bed.
"It's about your mom. I think she's here." he said
I look down. Why does she decide to show up days later? What the hell kind of parent is she if the hospital has me? "What does she want?"
"To see you, she just didn't want to wake you."
"That doesn't sound like her. You have the wrong person." I retorted
"Can I just let her in Bell? She just wants to see you." Harry pleaded; I already know how badly he wants me to have a good relation ship with my mother. But it isn't simple. I had lost the mother-daughter bond years ago. She was the one who stopped talking to me, I just copied her actions. But if Harry was right, and my mom did want to see me, I still have a deep wish for my mom and I to be close again.
"Okay fine." I say
"Thank you. I know you really aren't on good terms with her." Harry says sympathetically and gives my shoulder and rub. He strides out of the room after that and goes to find my mother.
As I watch him leave I couldn't help but let these feeling I have for Harry make my stomach churn. It was stupid for me to even like him like that, and i keep trying to convince myself that I cannot be with him. But its hard when he's always with me.
Interrupting my thoughts, my mother walks in.
She didn't look like her usual hangover mess, but a more distraught stressed look making its way onto her features instead.
"Bella, Im so sorry." the words that came from her mouth surprised me immensely. She walked over to me, and all I did was look at her, waiting for some kind of explanation. "I should have been here for you after your father, and Im not, I lost myself and look where I am. I lost you. I don't even talk to my own daughter anymore." she shakes her head, and sits down on a chair a few feet from me. "I should have been helping us get through all of that, but I went my own way and now after Ive heard you were in the hospital, I realized how wrong I was being. I don't know what else to tell you other than Im so sorry Bella." she sighs and stands up, walking to me. She takes hold of my hand.
"I don't expect you to say anything to me. I just want to say that I know I wasn't there for you when you needed me but I'm here now and I know you need a mother right now." she says looking down.
I sat there shocked. I had no idea what to do, or if I should say something. So I nodded, "It's okay." I said. My mother smiled and hugged me.
"Im going to be there for you, but right now I have to go back to work because Ive missed one to many days, and Im too close to loosing a good job. But I know that Harry said he would take you home and stay with you until I get back. Ill see you later Bella." she said and I gave her a small appreciative smile. And that was it. About a minute later Harry walked back into the room.
"Thanks for doing that." he said. I nodded my head in response, I wasn't up for talking about it.
"Im going home today?" i asked
"Actually yes, I was just talking to your doctor. He said your free to go. I also told your mom that I would stay with you so your not alone." he explained.
"You don't have to stay with me Harry,"
"I know I don't. But I don't want you to be alone." he says sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"Alright, so I got you a change of clothes, so you can change then we can get the hell out of here." he says smiling at me. After I take the clothes I go to the bathroom to change.
When I was ready, and wearing Harry's clothing, I met up with him in the lobby.
"You didn't have any clothes that fit me?" I scolded him.
He only chuckles at me with his cheeky smile, "Its not my fault that your mom wasn't home to give me your clothes, so deal with it." he teases me.
I only stick my tongue out at him back, making him laugh at me. He pulls an arm around my shoulder and smiles at me.
"Lets get out of here, We've been here to long for comfort." he says, I nod because it was too true.
When we get to my house its around 5 pm, so we decided to just make a frozen pizza because all Ive eaten was hospital food for the past days.
"What do you wanna do? Watch a movie? Anything you want." Harry says leaning on the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. All i could think of how hot he looked standing there, but I pushed the feeling aside.
"Stop babying me Harry, I'm okay." I tell him. I felt like he was making sure I got anything I wanted just because of what happened. I waned him to treat my normally, not like someone who's dying.
"I know. I just want you to be happy." he tells me his head looking down on me.
"Thanks Harry. I wish you could magically make me happy again, but thats not how the real world works." I smile sadly at him.
"Im so sorry," he says leaning in and giving me a hug "for everything."
I buried my head into his shirt and released a long breath, just standing there holding onto him tightly.
"I don't know when I'm going to be happy again." I say honestly. It was true, I had no idea when I was going to be fully happy because right now everything is just a mess.
"Fuck, all I want is for you to be happy bells." he says softly using that nickname he has given me.
"I know," I look up at him with teary eyes, but I blink them away before they can fall.
"Are you going to be okay when I leave?" he asks
I nod my head "I think so. I'll be okay."
"I just hate leaving you after all thats happened. I just feel like I need to be with you."
"I'll be fine Harry, I'll have my mom here." I say trying to convince him/myself.
"I hope so," he says "Now come on, there is a movie waiting for us and I hate seeing so sad." he says making a pouty face, which made me smile.
As we watched the movie and ate a whole frozen pizza, I realized that I will never be alone if I still have Harry. He has been the best thing that has happened to me in so long. I don't want to ever lose that.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
FanfictionAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....