Harry POV
The next day I was walking to Biology, with my mind itching me to ask Bella to go out to dinner with me. But I'm not sure she's known me long enough to trust me fully. That's the problem, I want her to.
When I get there I take a seat and wait to see her walk in. And when she does I swear I almost can't breath. Just like every other day, she looks beautiful. Her hair is down, cascading in waves down her chest. And she wore skinny jeans and and a X-men shirt. She was adorable. Especially in her blue Chuck Taylor's. She sits next to me, adjusting her glasses which also makes me wonder about what she looks like without them.
"I uh, like your shirt." I say to her, making her smile.
She nods her head and looks down at the table. She always does that. It was odd.
The bell rang and we waited for Mr.Neil to pass out our quizzes, and when he did Bella wrote her name on it and the date. I looked at her and smiled. I nudged her lightly, enough to get her attention.
"Hey, good luck." I said to her. She nodded and smiled.
I started my quiz quickly, and surely enough I finished it in 20 minuets, but I noticed Bella finished it five minuets before I did. And I made sure to take out a piece of paper to pass to her. Right now when I looked to my right, she sat there laying her head in her crossed arms waiting for everyone to be finished with the quiz. She looked adorable. I smiled to my self and wrote on the paper.
H: smarty pants
I passed it to her and she looked up at me, the down at the paper. She read it and a smile formed on her lips.
B: I'm proud of it :) I read.
H: where do you sit at lunch, haven't seen you around lunchtime? I wrote, kind of u sure if I was asking her too soon.
B: in the courtyard
H: mind if I join? I say, hopefully I don't get rejected.
B: why? I'm quite unextraordinary I read. I look up at her, her hand rested on her temple holding her head up.
H: no way! Your artistic, who else has their own space in the art room!?!?
When she read my note she laughed quietly.
B: haha no one.
And when the bell rang I took the note and stood up. When we where leaving out the class I looked at her one last time. "See you at lunch tomorrow." I say for her to hear and wink before turning around and walking to my next class.
The next day
It was one more period till I get to go find Bella for lunch. I saw her in math this morning and waved to her, making her smile shyly.
It seemed as though she was on my mind a lot often. I guess you could say I had a small crush on her. Who wouldn't? Shes gorgeous, and the funny thing is, is that I feel like I'm the only one who sees it. Because I know she doesn't. She's so insecure that she rolls her sleeves up all the way to her finger tips. It's cute, but I wish she knew how damn beautiful she is.
My thoughts where interrupted by Niall, one of my best mates.
"Oui Harry!" Niall's Irish voice rings next to me.
"Hey," I answered him, while walking to my class
"You going to Arron's party next Friday?" He asks me
"Nah, I think, I have other plans." I answer him with my hands in my pockets
"Really? What are you doing?"
"I said I think I have plans. I don't want to go to his lame party anyway." I say to him
"Oh well, your gonna miss out. Anyway, where have you been? You've been pretty distant."
"I have?" I ask him with a smirk on my face
"It better not have to do something with a girl!" He joked, which made me laugh. Because that's exactly what it was. I felt my cheeks heat up.
"No way! It is!" He said surprised
"Shut up." I muttered "I'll see you later punk! Get to class!" I joked going into my class and ditching him in the hall.
The. I reminded myself only one more period. And thankfully that forty minuets went by pretty quickly. I read and wrote notes to the poetry we were reading. And when the bell rang I headed straight towards the door like an animal. I was excited. I wanted to see what she did at lunch, if she read, or looked at the clouds in the some what cold weather. I could just imagine her loving winter and fall, it seemed so perfect for her.
I grabbed my lunch from my locker quickly and headed to the courtyard. When I opened the doors to the chilled air I was thankful for my sweatshirt. I looked around the empty yard, but when my eyes met a tree and someone leaning against it, a smile formed on my lips. I quickly jogged up to her by the tree. She was reading. And had and apple in her hand. So I sat next to her and smiled.
"Lovely spot you got here," I say as she looks up at me with a smile. Then puts her book down and takes a bite of her apple while nodding. "I can tell you like this weather." I smirk at her. She looked around with a smile and adoring eyes. She nods again, then lays down on the grass looking up at the clouds.
"I want to get to know you." I tell her, laying beside her.
She looked at me with a confused expression.
"How about I ask you yes or no questions and you nod or shake your head for an answer?" I suggest. She looks at me and shrugs, then nods.
"Umm, so fall is your favorite season?" She nods
"And you like to do art stuff..." I say and she nods again.
"But you don't talk." She nods
"Do you talk at home?" She shakes her head no. And all I can think of is, why? But that wasn't a yes or no question.
"Um have you heard of that big party?" I ask her and she nods her head.
"I was invited, but Im Definitely not going."
She giggles quietly
"You don't like this school?" I ask her, she nods
"It's the people it it isn't it?" She nods
"Okay... Umm.."
"Do you think you'll talk to someone again?" I look at her as she thinks. Then she shrugs.
"Let me guess, it depends?" She nods with a giggle
" I knew it."
Then I came up with an idea.
"Since I want to know you more, I'm going to give you this," I sit up and grab my black bag and pull out an extra spiral notebook. I hand it to her and she gives me a confused look. "Okay, so over the weekend think of questions to ask me and I'll find another notebook to write questions on over the weekend. And we can exchange when we see eachother. Deal?" I suggest and in my head I think it sounded more brilliant.
She raised her eye brows looking at me, and then shifting her eyes to the notebook. She shrugged. Then nods her head grabbing the notebook and putting it by her stuff. So maybe, just maybe after this weekend she'll gain a type of friendship towards me.

Quiet- Harry Styles fan fiction
Fiksi PenggemarAll I knew was that she was too distant, and way to quiet. And I would find out why....