Chapter 9

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The squeaky-shoed entrance of my crotchety night nurse interrupted our deep conversation about the afterlife. If the nurse was curious about why I was scooted all the way over to the side of the bed, she didn't acknowledge it. I wondered if she saw an indentation where Daniel sat as she efficiently went about her business.

Deciding that she wasn't paying enough attention to pinpoint anything like that, I raised my hand for her to manually take my pulse. I didn't bother trying to speak to her again, since I could see the 'don't bother me' earbud wires dangling from her ears.

She noted some measurements in my chart and squeaked out of the room as quickly as she had appeared. Her intrusion reminded me of something that I wanted to ask Daniel. "Shouldn't my mother be here by now? And Trent?"

It felt awkward to ask Daniel about Trent. I could tell by the look on his face that my concern about my best friend, whom I had secretly had a crush on since childhood, hurt Daniel's feelings, but I needed to know why my loved ones weren't here yet. Besides, if Daniel had truly been by my side for my entire life, then he already knew exactly how strong my unrequited feelings for Trent were.

"They probably haven't been notified yet." His answer surprised me. What kind of rinky-dink hospital was I in that they didn't bother to notify my next of kin that I had been ran over by a car?

When I scrunched up my face in disbelief, Daniel expanded his explanation. "You came in as a Jane Doe," he informed me.

My immediate reaction was that I should call for the nurse and tell her my name. Shouldn't she have asked me my identity when she came to check my vitals? Of course, she was so engrossed in her own world of music and ignoring me, I'm not sure she even noticed that I was awake.

Once I had a moment to think about it, I realized that once my sarcastic mother and Trent arrived, my Daniel time would be limited. I liked being in a secluded bubble with him, where we could talk, touch, and get to know each other. Once outsiders intruded, I would look like a crazy person talking to my guardian angel that they couldn't see.

Seeing that I had reached the same conclusion he had, Daniel said, "It might be selfish of me, but I want to keep you to myself for as long as possible."

I decided to ignore that my critical mother would likely view it as a slight and be furious at not being immediately notified. Smiling at Daniel, I said, "I guess it doesn't hurt to keep them in the dark a bit longer."

We beamed at each other, both of us pleased to be safe and alone in our cocoon of happiness for a little while longer. "As soon as the hospital staff goes through my purse, they'll find my ID and notify my family, though."

"Your pocketbook was stolen just after the accident. I was too distraught to deal with the thief at that time, but he will be punished accordingly."

Daniel's voice had dropped to a deep and menacing level. His body thrummed with barely-concealed rage. As much as I hated the idea that someone had stolen from me while I was unconscious and possibly dying, it frightened me to think about the repercussions Daniel and his friends might dole out to the thief.

Angel or not, I didn't want to ever be on the receiving end of Daniel's wrath or think about what he might do as retribution for wrongdoing. Although I only felt warmth and adoration emanating from Daniel, I imagined that bubbling just under the surface of his calm demeanor, this powerful angel could be avenging when pushed.

Seeking to simmer down his anger, I steered the topic of our conversation away from my purse-snatcher. "Are you always in this gorgeous form or is this deliciousness just for me?" I teased him, using my free hand to indicate his chiseled and sexy body.

My attempt to flatter him into a better mood worked because he chuckled at my obvious ploy. "This is what I really look like," he answered, before adding, "But I can take on other forms and even other species if I so choose."

"Really?" I asked, truly fascinated. "What else have you been? I would want to be a dolphin, or an eagle, or an elephant!" My mind was whirling with all of the possibilities.

"All excellent choices," he praised me, making me beam. "Sometimes, I like the mindlessness of being a bird of prey for a while after watching a particularly difficult human."

I wondered if I was 'particularly difficult,' but I wasn't brave enough to ask.

Seeming lost in the memories, Daniel went on. "I did inhabit an elephant once. They are amazingly intelligent, social, and caring creatures."

I knew elephants were special. They were one of my favorite animals. "Are they truly as sensitive and smart as they seem?" I asked him, hoping that my beliefs about these amazing animals were accurate.

"Oh, yes!" Daniel practically gushed. "Their familial social structures are very similar to human ones. They have a close-knit family bond, and they show great emotion when reunited with a family member who has gone astray."

Obviously excited to be sharing his experiences with me, Daniel went on, "They're also extremely empathetic––possibly even more so than many humans. When a member of the herd is distressed, other members communicate with that animal by both making reassuring sounds as well as giving comforting caresses with their trunks. It's truly phenomenal to see and be a part of."

"I can't imagine." My eyes were wide with awe as I tried to envision actually being a part of a herd of elephants. Daniel's life was so different than and superior to mine that I couldn't quite even visualize it.

Shaking himself out of the memory, Daniel said, "I've never been a dolphin, but I might try it one of these days. Swimming with a pod at a high rate of speed is bound to be an adrenaline rush."

"I swam with dolphins once," I told him as if this were news to him. "It was one of the best experiences of my life."

"I know," he reminded me. "Seeing you be that happy and carefree was one of the best experiences of my existence."

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, heating them with a delicious mixture of giddiness and embarrassment at his kind words.

"You look so beautiful when you blush," Daniel lifted his free hand to brush across my cheek. His finger left a trail of dancing nerve endings in its wake. My face felt like it shimmered with sparkling glitter where he touched me.

My eyes were still closed as I savored the tingling sensation of his touch when he abruptly changed the subject back to the animals he had inhabited. "You know my favorite animal to be?" He quizzed me.

Unsure what to even guess, I shook my head at him.

"A dog," he informed me before adding, "They have the purest hearts. Did you know they actually love their humans more than they love themselves?"

I shook my head again, surprised to learn this. I knew that dogs were loyal and loving, but I hadn't realized the degree to which their kindheartedness stretched. It was tempting to admit to Daniel that I had always been somewhat afraid of dogs and their mouths full of chomping teeth, but chances were high that he already knew it anyway.

"Becoming a dog is a good way to relax," he went on. "The only things they worry about are finding their next meal and taking care of their humans." He chuckled as if realizing it for the first time before he added. "I guess it's so relaxing because those are my top two priorities, too."

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