Chapter 19

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Feeling giddy with my angel by my side and my newfound knowledge about my father's continued existence, I suddenly turned bold.

"Do you think you might ever kiss me again?" I asked Daniel.

"I might," he teased me, grinning and obviously enjoying our flirtation.

Confident and happy, I tilted my head around to press my lips lightly against Daniel's neck. "You might, huh?" I asked. His deep growl let me know that the feather-light brushes of my lips were driving him crazy. "And when might this happen?" I asked, already knowing it would be sooner than later.

When my lips trailed a path along the outer edge of his ear, he was no longer able to hold back. My mighty angel took charge, pushing me back and pillaging my mouth with his own. This wasn't the tentative and sweet kiss of new love. This was the kiss of a lust-filled, raging male, and I loved it.

I met his passionate kiss and escalated it. My lips and tongue sizzled with excitement as our mouths forged their union. I couldn't get close enough to Daniel as we kissed. I ached to touch his skin and erase any tiny chasm of space between us.

He pressed into me. His carefully held self-control was obviously beginning to slip. I felt like a starving person discovering the mysterious delights of chocolate. My inhibitions fell aside as it became painfully obvious that I couldn't get enough of him. His deep moan as he ravaged my mouth nearly sent me into a wild frenzy.

My hands sought his skin. When I yanked his tee shirt out of his pants and slid my palms along his flat stomach, we panted into each other's mouths. A scintillating burning sensation tingled along my fingertips as if they were electrified. "Do you feel that?" I whispered.

"Yes." His voice sounded strained as if it were taking every bit of his self-control not to claim my body with his own.

I wondered if our touch created the same delicious mixture of heat and electricity for him. It was obvious that he was enjoying himself, but it wasn't like he was feeling the touch of an angel.

My fears were alleviated when Daniel's gravelly voice said, "I want you so much. I've never desired anyone like this."

His revelation made my waning confidence level soar. "I haven't either." I breathed out as his mind-numbing lips kissed their way down my neck. I tilted my head to the side, savoring his touch and angling for more. His breath near my ear felt warm as it sent a delightful chill racing down my spine.

It briefly crossed my mind that a medical professional or possibly even my Mom or Trent could walk into this hospital room at any moment and find me writhing in the bed alone, but I was too caught up in the ecstasy of Daniel's touch to truly care.

His kisses left a blazing trail of heat along my skin. His lips and tongue were nothing short of magical. I wrapped my arm around his neck, pulling him closer. "Daniel," I whispered, consumed by his touch.

"I've waited so long for this, Kerry," he murmured near my ear, "And you're so much better than I could have even imagined."

My mouth fell open and my head fell back as I enjoyed his marvelous words. I let my hands snake around his sides and savored the heat as they smoothed up his rippling back.

"You taste so good." His teeth lightly nipped my ear, making me cry out with delight. "And your scent is addictive." He enunciated this statement by trailing his tongue along the outer curve of my ear. "I can't get enough of you, Kerry."

His words were making delicious heat travel through my veins before settling low in my belly. My heart felt like it was going to pound its way right out of my chest. Never in my life had I felt so desirable or aroused. I wanted Daniel with every fiber of my being. The realization was dizzying.

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