Chapter 7

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The idea of Daniel being punished for anything––let alone something to do with me––made me feel nauseous. I couldn't stand the thought of it.

"You have to go before we get caught." It was so hard to say those words because the last thing I wanted was for Daniel to leave me, but thinking about him facing the judgment of the mysterious and dark-sounding Tribunal frightened me to my core, making icy fear shoot through my veins.

"I'm already here," Daniel responded logically. "Whatever punishment they decide on is going to happen no matter what, so shouldn't we enjoy each other's company as long as possible?"

His words made perfect sense, but the fear of Daniel being hurt on my behalf was overwhelming. I could feel the calm warmth emanating from his hand into mine, trying to reassure me. Looking down at our interlaced fingers, I asked, "How do you do that?"

I was fairly confident that he would know exactly what I was talking about. He proved me right when, without missing a beat, he responded, "I have mad angel skillz... with a 'z'."

The laughter burst out of me. What kind of crazy, rebellious, and silly guardian angel have I been blessed with?

"What other skillz... with a 'z' do you have?" I wiggled my brows up and down at him to let him know that my ridiculous question was my feeble attempt at flirting.

Quick as a wink, he responded, "Let's find out."

It would have been physically and emotionally impossible for me to turn down an implied invitation like that. When Daniel sat down on the edge of my bed, I scooted to the far side to give him room to snuggle in beside me.

The zinging pleasure of his touch now radiated all up and down my right side as we sat together on my hospital bed. I wondered if our connection was having the same delirious affect on him. "Do you feel that, too?"

When his simple response was, "Yep," I sensed that we were quickly getting in too deep with each other and our relationship to turn back.

We both leaned our heads back on my pillow, enjoying the pleasure pulsing in each of the points where we touched. My right leg was practically vibrating with ecstatic chills from being next to Daniel.

I couldn't keep my wandering thoughts to myself. "If it feels this good to sit here like this, imagine what it would be like if we were to make love."

Daniel closed his eyes, obviously imagining the sexy scenario I had just voiced aloud. After taking a deep breath and letting it out, he said, "You are going to be the death of me, woman."

I wasn't sure how to take his admission. I cleared my throat awkwardly. I wanted to know if it was within the realm of possibility for us to ever be together physically, but I wasn't sure how to ask without being crass. "I mean, if you have those same carnal desires as mere humans," I stammered, unsure if sex was a human-only need. Lust might be viewed as a weakness by higher spiritual beings.

"Oh, I want to be intimate with you," he assured me, turning in my direction and swallowing audibly, before adding, "I've wanted you for a very long time."

His answer made me puff out the breath I'd been holding in anticipation of his response, but it also raised some other questions. The way he had said that he wanted to be with me seemed to imply that maybe he couldn't. My eyes darted downward of their own accord. Of course, he saw the direction of my gaze, so I forged onward with my embarrassing questions.

"Are you built the same as a human male?" I asked him boldly.

The look he was giving me could only be described as spellbound. "You know, in all my years spent on Earth, I have become quite familiar with human tendencies. I can almost always predict how a particular person will behave in any situation. You, however, somehow manage to truly surprise me over and over."

"Am I wired wrong, or something?" I wondered aloud why I would be different than everyone else.

Daniel tipped his head back, and his glorious laugh filled the room. He laughed for a bit before answering. Turning serious, he said, "The only thing wrong with you is how utterly irresistible you are. I don't think I have the strength to stay away from you."

I knew that it would likely be in both of our best long-term interests for him to go back to watching over me invisibly and silently by my side, but I couldn't bring myself to suggest it. Apparently, the very real possibility that I might face an eternal punishment for causing the downfall of an angel wasn't enough of a deterrent for me to send Daniel away. Instead my voice sounded husky when I said, "I don't want you to leave me."

It wasn't lost on me that he had failed to answer my original question. Certain that I wouldn't have the nerve to bring this incredibly sensitive topic up again, I prompted him, "So, your physical attributes... ?" I let the question dangle unfinished because I was sure he would know exactly what I meant.

He beamed a smile down on me as if I were as delightful as a cupcake. Shaking his head slightly, but answering in the affirmative, he said, "Yes, I have all of the necessary parts."

I didn't bother to hide the fact that I slumped with relief at that news.

Daniel interrupted the racy thoughts my mind had immediately conjured. "And before you ask, yes, things work exactly as you would expect."

His confirmation was a relief, but I also suddenly felt embarrassed by this entire discussion. Unable to face him, I stared down at my lap and nodded. It was thrilling to know that we could take our relationship to that level, if we both decided that we wanted to go there. I wasn't sure what the long-term repercussions of our coupling would be, but the idea of it was too intriguing to ignore.

Reaching around with his free hand, Daniel tilted my chin up so that I had no choice, except to look into his eyes. I had never considered that the tip of my chin might be an erogenous zone until I felt my guardian angel's touch there. His pupils darkened a shade when he amended his previous statement naughtily, "Things work as you would expect, PLUS a dash of angelic magic."

I squirmed next to him, unsure what that meant, but desperate to find out. If being intimate with Daniel was as intense and hot as the mere touching of our covered bodies indicated it might be, I would probably spontaneously combust!

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