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She looked impossibly beautiful, which made the sting of knowing I could never have her dig even deeper. Her long wavy hair could have passed for gold as it glistened in the sunlight. When the cool breeze lifted one lock and gently teased it across her face, her graceful hand swept up to brush it out of the way.

Kerry wasn't normally one to be in a hurry. She preferred to be thoughtful, rather than rushed. She took the time to enjoy her life, unlike so many of her peers, who often didn't even recognize a pleasurable moment when they were right in the midst of it.

It wasn't difficult for me to keep up with Kerry, but today she was walking fast. She gracefully zigged and zagged in and out of the throngs of people with their heads buried in their electronic devices on the busy city sidewalks. I effortlessly weaved my way through them, even though I preferred our usual relaxed pace, rather than this hustle.

She was distracted by whatever news she had been given on her cell phone. I would throw that blasted device into the street to be crushed by oncoming traffic, if I thought she wouldn't go right out to buy another one. Tossing it to the street wouldn't break her addiction to the tiny screen; it would only serve to create another hassle for Kerry to deal with. I didn't want that.

We stopped to wait for the crosswalk signal to change into the walking person and notify us that it was safe to cross the busy street. Kerry's tongue flicked out to wet her lips.

I felt the now-familiar heat rush to my loins. Something about this particular woman made me feel things that I was not supposed to feel. I couldn't lust after her. I wouldn't allow myself to be distracted by my forbidden feelings for her.

Just because she was incomparably sexy, without having any idea that she was even attractive, did not mean that I had any right to show her how amazing she was. Someone else, who was more appropriate for her, could take care of that. I needed to focus on my task, which was making sure she stayed safe.

It wasn't my job to notice that she smelled like a delectable combination of lilacs and vanilla. I had no right to take note of how her sky blue eyes darkened when she was intrigued by an exciting new idea. The fact that she often curled up in a tiny ball and cried in the shower was absolutely none of my business.

This gorgeous, caring, brilliant, fragile creature was not my concern––other than her physical well-being. I am tasked with keeping her from harm. That's my job. Protecting her is my sole purpose, and that is what I shall do... nothing more, nothing less.

When Kerry angled her long neck to the side, I felt (not for the first time) like she was looking directly at me. Those deep-sea azure eyes bored into me. Logically, I knew that she couldn't possibly see me in my present form, but that didn't keep it from feeling like she was peering directly into my soul.

When her soft, glossy pink lips parted a bit, I failed at stopping myself from leaning in towards her. I wanted to know what those luscious lips would feel like pressing into mine. I wanted her tongue to flick out and brush against my lips and tongue. Knowing that it wasn't right couldn't stop me from aching for her.

She tipped her head back slightly as if she sensed my presence and was awaiting my kiss. My best attempts at holding back did nothing to slow my desire to kiss her, with Kerry seeming like she was gazing up at me, waiting for my mouth to devour hers.

My lips felt magnetized solely for her. Leaning down, my face was a fraction of an inch from hers. I longed to brush the lightest of kisses down on her, but I knew that once I started, I wouldn't be able to stop at just that. It was better to keep a professional distance, especially since I already felt far too much for her.

Kerry's eyelashes fluttered a few times. When her breath hitched, I had no doubt that she sensed my presence near her. I closed my own eyes, savoring the closeness to her. I normally didn't allow my carefully guarded self-control to slip like this, but she looked so vulnerable and needy.

Convincing myself that just one tender kiss wouldn't hurt anything, I pressed downward, seeking the warmth of her kiss. I would keep it light and reassuring, not the passionate tangling of our tongues that I craved. I didn't want to frighten her, but I couldn't resist any longer taking one tiny taste of her.

Rather than the silky warmth I was expecting, my sweet kiss met with chilly air, making my eyes pop open in alarm. The panic swelled in my throat as I realized that Kerry was gone. I never let her out of my sight. Not ever. Not even for a second. Not knowing exactly where she was for that brief moment in time likely shaved a thousand years off my life.

The overwhelming relief at finding her stepping into the street in front of us was too short-lived. I absorbed the situation in an instant. The careening taxicab was coming too fast to get stopped in time. It rounded the corner, ignoring the fact that pedestrians in the crosswalk are supposed to have the right-of-way.

The screeching sound of rubber tires on asphalt pierced the air. I lunged for her, but I was too late. Kerry's body rested, lifeless, on the pavement before me.

Even in my panicked, frightened state, I couldn't help but wonder... What kind of shitty guardian angel lets his charge get hit by a car?

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