Chapter 11

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I knew that it was time for me to sleep, and that I should be tired, but being near Daniel made me feel wide-awake and energized. It was like my body was electrified with pleasurable sensations, which made sleep just about the furthest thing from my mind.

It did dawn on me that Daniel was used to me regularly checking out for a few hours so he could take care of his own affairs. "Do you have angel business that you need to take care of?" I asked him, truly curious.

"Trying to get rid of me already?" He seemed somewhat miffed that I would suggest that he leave.

"No!" It was shocking that he would think that. Turning to look into his eyes, I told him honestly, "I don't ever want you to leave. I just thought that my being up for so long might be keeping you from doing the things you normally do while I sleep."

"I'll manage," he promised me before taking my breath away by saying, "There isn't anything more important to me than you. I'll deal with everything else when you are asleep."

"Smooth answer," I teased him, trying to sound aloof, even though I was secretly thrilled by his admission. My pounding heart probably gave my excitement away. That idea made me think of something else I had been meaning to ask Daniel. "Do you have any special powers other than the ability to change forms?"

"You mean like staying invisibly by your side and keeping you out of harm's way?"

I didn't want to bring up the fact that I was currently in a hospital bed because, from my previous teasing, I knew that Daniel already felt terrible about that. Instead, I said, "Yeah, like super-hearing or x-ray vision?"

"I wish I had that last one," he quipped as his eyes travelled down my body and back up again to make his insinuation clear. It didn't seem to bother him that I was wearing a hideous hospital gown and sat tucked into a bleached white sheet and coarse blanket.

My cheeks flared hot as his half-lidded gaze perused me. "You must have seen me naked a million times," I accused.

Now, it was his turn to blush, and it was the most endearing thing I have ever seen. Had I actually embarrassed this divine being?

Daniel cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, yes," he admitted, before adding, "But that is completely different than if you were to knowingly share your body with me."

My mouth fell open at the idea of getting naked with Daniel. Granted, I had done so every day of my life, unbeknownst to me. The thought of peeling off my clothes while I could see him there looking at me was so tantalizing, and it paled in comparison to the thrill if would be to see Daniel in the buff.

His mind was evidently in the exact same place as mine because he swallowed loudly as we stared at each other. Finally, he broke the silence by saying, "I just want to try something."

When he leaned over and tilted his head towards mine, the realization that he was going to kiss me nearly bowled me over. I wet my lips nervously with my tongue. We stayed frozen in suspended animation for a long moment, our lips mere fractions of an inch apart.

My eyelids felt heavy as I struggled to keep them open. I could feel his cool breath mingling with mine. He smelled like Christmas morning––an intoxicating mixture of cinnamon, orange, and a freshly-cut Balsam fir tree. I breathed in the scent of him, wondering if he could somehow make himself smell like my favorite things. "You smell so good," I murmured, unable to contain the words.

The compliment was all it took for Daniel to resume action. He moved the last few centimeters to lightly brush his warm, soft lips against mine. The electricity that normally pulsed between us kicked into high gear. Feeling the jolt of the first touch of his lips against mine is a sensation that I will never forget. If a first kiss could be any more perfect, I can't imagine how.

Our mouths moved together in perfect tandem. When the tip of his tongue eased out to lick across my lower lip, I couldn't hold in the blissful moan that echoed deep in my throat.

My enthusiastic reaction spurned Daniel on. His fingers tenderly stroked along my cheek before fanning through my hair. When my lips fell open, his tongue dipped inside to swirl with mine. It was a delicious dance of cat and mouse. We tasted and teased and savored each other until we were both panting with need.

Just as I was angling around to climb on top of him, Daniel pulled back. I immediately missed the intoxicating feeling of his kiss. My hand went up to my lips as they mourned the loss of his touch.

Daniel was gazing up at me as if seeing me for the first time. "Wow," was his simple whispered response, and that summed up my feelings perfectly.

Realizing that he wasn't going to allow things to go any further right now, I flopped back down on my back beside him. Puffing my cheeks out to release a deep breath, I agreed with his assessment. "Yeah, wow."

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