Chapter 13

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"So, getting back to your super-powers. Are there any others I should know about––other than the ability to change forms and completely light up my world with a kiss?"

My compliment caused Daniel to grace me with a delighted, sexy grin. "Is that so?" He asked me, waggling his brows flirtatiously.

Self-doubt now flooded my system as I wondered if our awe-inspiring make-out session hadn't been as phenomenal for him as it had been for me. I worried my lip between my teeth as I contemplated the realization that I was merely a human, so our kissing from his perspective was probably average at best. He hadn't been experiencing being touched by the lips and tongue of an angel, like I had.

My fears must have been obvious on my face because Daniel's expression quickly morphed from one of relaxed teasing to a completely serious one. "You're the one who lit up my universe, Kerry." He said sincerely before adding, "That was the best kiss of my entire existence."

His kind, reassuring words made me feel like I was lit with glowing warmth from within. The breath I'd been holding while I waited for his assessment of our kissing, blew out of me in an audible 'whoosh.'

"You don't ever have to worry about me not wanting you," he went on. "My body is physically drawn to you, both as part of my job and as a hot-blooded, lustful male." He enunciated his words by climbing back into bed with me.

My heart hammered in my chest at both his nearness and the thought of him desiring me. I couldn't help but wonder if he would ever let his guard down and act on those carnal cravings. I longed for that day. Having Daniel lose control was something that I now knew I desperately wanted. If kissing him gave any indication, getting naked and rolling around with this sexy angel would absolutely blow my mind.

Just the thought of his hands searing their way along my naked skin made me wiggle with delicious anticipation. The desire to slowly and thoroughly explore his long, sculpted body nearly overwhelmed me. I longed to know what delights were hidden beneath his surprisingly human-looking clothes.

When I realized that Daniel didn't dress nearly as angelic as I would have imagined, I decided to address it with him. "Your perfectly-fitted jeans and black tee-shirt are a sexy look, but it isn't at all what I would have thought an angel would wear."

"What were you expecting––a white toga and golden halo?" He grinned down at me as if that were the most preposterous idea in the world.

"Well, yeah," I admitted, which made him guffaw with laughter at me.

"You humans never cease to amaze me," he shook his head. "Always assuming that you know everything."

"I'm glad I amuse you," I pouted, feeling hurt that he was making fun of my misconceptions. Starting to feel defensive, I added, "How was I supposed to know you dress in modern clothing? I've only ever seen images of angels dressed in flowing garments, so I assumed that is what you all wore."

"We used to," he finally admitted, before clarifying, "When it was fashionable."

Now it was my turn to laugh. It surprised us both when I snorted. Holding a hand up to my mouth and trying to contain my giggles, I mumbled, "Fashionable!?!"

Daniel pretended to be outraged, but I could tell that he really wasn't. "You weren't there. You don't know," he accused, but his voice held a teasing tone. "I can rock a toga."

"I bet you can," I flirted before my eyes travelled down Daniel's length and back up again.

My open and obviously approving perusal of his body had him shifting uncomfortably before admitting, "It takes all of my strength to keep my hands off you."

The desire for him burned hot in my core. I didn't want him to keep his hands off me. "Then don't," I suggested boldly. Leaning in, I whispered near his ear, "Use them to explore every inch of me."

He groaned when he heard my naughty suggestion. Since he'd been around my entire life, he must know that this forwardness was brand new territory for me. I could tell that he was tempted to take me up on my offer. I briefly wondered what would happen if a nurse or doctor walked in and found me in the throes of ecstasy in a seemingly empty bed, but I quickly decided that it was worth the risk.

Proving that he had copious amounts of self-control, Daniel scrubbed his hands quickly over his face before pushing himself up and out of my bed. He reclaimed his uncomfortable-looking chair.

"The bed's a lot softer and more comfy than that hard old chair." I patted the still-warm spot beside me on the mattress.

"It's too hard to be that close to you," he admitted.

Even though he was an angel and was most likely telling the truth, it was still almost impossible for me to believe that this near-perfect creature wanted me. I felt unworthy of his attention or affection, but I wasn't about to turn it down. "I'll wear you down eventually," I teased him.

His eyes twinkled, making me squirm with anticipation, when he said, "I'm sure you will."

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