Siblings' Arguments

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          I lied down on my white sheets, feeling the warm setting sunlight hit my back as it shined through my window. I'd had a very tiring day, walking around Tulsa in search of a summer job. I was considering the record shop, but Soda had mentioned that there was a register spot open at the DX station. Taking it meant that I could work closely to him and Steve. I wouldn't mind that. But the record shop was closer, and I liked records a lot. I was a collector, you could say. 
           I turned by back towards the door, meaning that I couldn't tell who had walked into my room as I was starting to doze off. I sleepily hummed, questioning who it was, but got no reply. Soft footsteps dragged across my floor, towards the bed. My mattress' weight shifted, and a warm, calloused hand rested gently on my waist. I opened my eyes and turned slightly, seeing Sodapop lying there. He sighed and buried his face in the crook of my neck.
          "Soda? What're you doing here? Are you alright?" I drowsily questioned.
          He shook is head and tightly shut his eyes. I felt his other hand reach up and gently start to comb through my hair. "Pony and Darry were fighting again. I couldn't stand it, and I didn't know where Steve was. Can I stay here tonight?"
          I nodded, turning around in his arms and moving closer to him. I let Soda's chin rest on top of my head. I was warm and comfortable, I didn't ever want him to leave. He hugged me tightly, and I could feel his chest puffing out and sinking back in against my forehead. I hadn't noticed how much smaller I was than him until I was laying in his arms. Being as beat as I was, I slowly shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

          I lied there, (F/n) snuggled up to my chest, for about ten or fifteen minutes before I head some soft snoring. It was light and stuffy. I looked down at (F/n)'s red cast around her wrist, wondering how long it'd take to heal. I wondered if her wrist hurt at all, being pressed seemingly uncomfortably against my stomach.
          I shifted onto my back, grinning widely when (F/n) groaned slightly and searched for my hand. I laced her fingers in my own and brushed a thumb over her hand. Her hands were tiny and soft, like a China doll's, unlike mine, which were always rough and calloused from working with cars all day. I wanted to hold onto them forever. (F/n) moved so her head was resting on my chest. Her broken arm was resting on the head pillow, and I took note in how comfortable her mattress was. Mine was nowhere near as soft or squishy. Maybe that's why I woke up with a backache so often. I shut my eyes and sighed, falling asleep slowly.
          When I woke up, it was pitch black outside. I groaned and sat up, looking around the dark room. My eyes followed the dim lighting in the corner, soon resting on (F/n). She was sitting in a beanbag chair, reading a book from the light of a peppermint-scented candle. There was a bag of ice on her arm, which was propped up on one of the throw pillows from her bed. I liked how she looked, her face stuffed in that book and her eyes steadily shifting from word to word.
          "Did you need a ride home? I mean, you can stay if you want-- I remember you asking-- but if you want to head home now..."
          I looked down at the floor and brushed a hand through my head. "You sure it'd be fine if I stayed? If I went home I'd have to deal with the tension and all, and I just can't."
          "Yeah, it's no trouble, really." She smiled and moved back onto the bed, laying her legs on my lap and clutching another fuzzy throw pillow. "Can I ask... what the argument was about?"
          I sighed, fiddling with the toe of her grey knit sock. "I don't really know. I think Ponyboy did badly on a math test or somethin'. Darry came home and saw the paper sticking out of his bag; a test with a big, fat D+ on the top. I was chatting with Pony when Darry came into the kitchen and started chewin' him out. Then they both... asked for my opinion." I laid my back against the bed railing, sitting right next to (F/n), and put a blanket over our knees. She picked up the nearest book and flashed me a sympathetic smile. "I just said I was heading out and threw pack of cancer sticks at Ponyboy. I think they hit 'em in the head."
          "That must stink. I only have one brother, but I can't imagine being torn apart like that in an argument. Will they be okay by-"
          I looked over at the door when it creaked open. In stepped a man with fluffy, (h/c) curls and a bit of scruff on his chin. He looked similar to (F/n) in many ways: they had the same nose and the same eye shape, but his smile was brighter and wider. He was the guy that told me (F/n) was in her room when I arrived. He seemed confused upon seeing me, probably because it was after midnight.
           "Ah, hello, Sodapop, (F/n). (F/n), euh, pour combien de temps il rester?" he said, causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.
          [Sorry if it's inaccurate, I'm not fluent in French yet]
          As if it was nothing, (F/n) replied, "Sans doute toute la nuit. Ses frères sont disputent, et il ne veut pas rentrer à la maison." Her voice was already thick and smoky, but even more so when she spoke another language.
          "D'accord. Il est... euh... sûr à être autour? Dans la nuit, c'est?" I saw him point to me. My eyes widened in confusion.
          "Oui, oui, bien sûr." She sighed. "C'est promis."
          "Très bien." He grinned and looked at me. "Hi, I'm Jackson. I think we met earlier. I have to be up early tomorrow for work. Assuming that you both don't pull an all-nighter, I likely won't be seeing you. Help yourselves to whatever's in the snack bin or fridge, just don't eat my yoghurt. It's my breakfast. Lastly, if you go anywhere, just leave a note with what time you left and where you're headin'. Goodnight, (F/n), Sodapop."
          "Goodnight, sir," I said, sending him a wave.
          "Okay, 'night, Jackson."
          The door shut quietly, and we were brought back into the dimness of the room as the hall light had disappeared. I looked at the flickering candle, a grin growing on my face. I started chuckling, but it soon turned into some loud laughing. I looked to my left, seeing (F/n) give me a questioning look. She was really close, like, about a shoulder's length away. I then realized I had my arm around her. I hadn't even noticed. I felt me face heat up, but continued laughing.
          "What are you chortling about?" she asked.
          "Y-you speak French! How did I not know you spoke French?"
          "Soda, we've known each other for two weeks; in all that time I don't think I've even had to say a word of French. But why's that a cause for such a reaction? Do I not impress you?" she joked lightly, over-dramatically placing a hand on her heart.
          "N-no, it't plenty impressive, it's just--" I wiped a tear forming in my eye. "it sounds fucking hot-- It's shockingly funny, I guess."
          "Non, il n'est pas," sang (F/n). I could sense the flirting tone.
          I chuckled. "If you don't stop that, I don't know if I'll be able to not kiss you."
          (F/n) leaned closer to me, pressing her forehead to mine. "Alors je n'arrêterai pas."
          God, I couldn't take how her voice sounded. I didn't hesitate in gripping her waist and pulling her lips onto mine. She kissed back almost immediately. I felt her move so her legs were straddling my lap. Putting my hands under her shirt, I placed them on her back and grazed my thumb back and forth across her skin. It was so soft and supple. She bit my bottom lip gently, and though it stung, it was still pleasurable. (F/n) ran her hands through my hair and twirled the slight curl on the back of my neck around her finger.
          She was so pretty. Her lips were so soft and her skin was exquisite. I thought my lips would explode if I kept kissing her, but the spark in my chest kept coming back every second my lips touched hers, like fireworks exploding in my lungs. I opened my eyes gently, looking at her soft, (s/c) skin. The area below her eyes was painted lightly with freckles, and her eyelashes were thick and dark.
             I felt her smile gently through the kiss. Her eyes fluttered open and gazed into my own. Through the (pale/dark) (e/c), I saw light dusting of black in the galaxy of her eyes. My chest tightened. She fluttered her eyes cutely and released her lips from mine. I could feel her pepperminty breath fanning across my face as she looked at me curiously.
          "Soda, are you ticklish?"
          My eyes widened confusingly, and I chuckled. "Am I what?"
          Her un-casted hand shifted from the back of my neck and down to my side, and she started trying to tickle me. I stared at her with a victorious grin, and she soon looked at me defeatedly. "You've got to be ticklish somewhere? Maybe your feet?"
          I thought this was going to be something kinky, but realizing that it wasn't made me smile. I kept my poker face up, since I am actually ticklish in my feet, but cautiously made sure she couldn't reach them.
          "I think that's something you've gotta figure out for yourself," I sighed.
          "Challenge accepted. I'll get you when you least expect it." She got off of my lap and stood, stretching her arms. "Where's a nice place to get dinner at this hour?"
           "What time is it?"
           (F/n) looked over at the clock on her nightstand. "Nearly 2:30. We've been sleeping since 8."
            I got up also, and searched around for my jean jacket. "The Dingo's open, but the crowd's a bit sketchy at this hour. How 'bout it?"
            She nodded and opened her bureau, pulling out a pair of black skinny jeans, a varsity jacket for a high school team I didn't recognize, and a Pepsi-Cola shirt. I smiled, recalling the nickname my dad gave me. "That's alright with me."
            I saw her tug off her sweatpants, and blushed when she pulled her shirt off, too. I caught a glimpse of her black, lacey underwear, but quickly averted my gaze, an intense flame burning on my face. My voice cracked a little when I said, "Great. If we're lucky, we might see some of the gang."
           "They all like to hang down there, too? Is that a regular hangout for you and the gang?" she asked.
          "Yeah, we all go there very often."
          "I remember having a place like that back in Minneapolis. Well, I'm ready. Let's go."

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