The Truth

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When I opened the door, I saw steam flooding out of the bathroom door to the right of (F/n)'s bed. I gritted my teeth and shut the door, hearing (F/n) call, "Jackson, I already told you; I check in the shower every time. You do not need to refer me to one of your gynecologist friends. Please."
"It's not Jackson," I stated, clenching my fists.
I saw (F/n)'s head peek out from behind the door. I hated myself for fawning over how gorgeous she was. "Sodapop? What are you doing here?"
"Did you sleep with someone else? That Roger fellow?"
"I'll tell you what I told your brother: I did not sleep with anyone. Hell, I haven't slept with anyone in three months," she said.
"Prove it."
She scoffed. "Well, how do I go about doing that?"
I pressed my lips together, looking around her dim bedroom. "Do you--" I sighed. "Do you own a purple bra with pink polkadots?"
"Ew, no. I hate the color purple. You can check. I just did my laundry, so all my bras are in the same place. Top drawer on the left." She pointed to her bureau and walked towards the closet. Only a towel covered her body, certainly leaving little to the imagination. Her hair was damp and strung up into a messy ponytail, with strands of hair falling out here and there. Her face was soft and clear, small droplets of water dripping down from the shower she had taken minutes earlier. I hated myself for looking.
I hesitated, not really wanting to rummage through her underwear drawer, but opted for doing it. I had to know. I wanted to be wrong in my assumptions for so many reasons. So I tugged open the mahogany drawer, with its brass knob, and took a peek.
"How can you be so calm? So casual about all this?" I questioned. "I mean, your ex-boyfriend is currently looking through all of your underwear while you get dressed."
She sighed. "Because I know I'm right. If you realize that, then it's up to you on wether we get back together or not; it's out of my hands, so I feel no reason to truly worry. I know what it's like to be cheated on, and I would never wish that pain upon you. Now toss me my dark red lace set, please."
I picked up the red lace bra from the neatly organized stack, tossing it to her and finding the matching bottom set. I wanted to see her wearing it, but I was still unsure.
Black, black, teal, tan, (s/c), white, pink, light red; no purple bra, let alone one with pink polkadots. In defeat, I closed the drawer and banged my head on the top of the bureau. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"I know," (F/n) replied softly, coming up behind me and rubbing a hand on my back. "I know you are. But you have me for a reason. Soda, I'm here for you; if you need to talk to me about something, you have to ask me. I'm sorry you misunderstood the situation. It wasn't me in that room with Roger, it was our waitress from the diner-- the one we went to on their first day in town. They're actually on a date right now."
I turned my head slightly, looking into her (e/c) eyes. "Can we start again?"
"I mean, if you want. Or maybe we could say we never broke up; this would be our three week anniversary if we called it like that."
"I could go for that," I replied, noticing that she was stepping closer to me with a soft smile.
Turning towards her fully, I placed my hands on her waist, brushing my thumb against her (s/c) skin and taking in its soft texture. She wrapped her arms around my neck, inching her lips towards mine slowly, teasingly. I leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled back, a smirk playing on her lips, which had swollen up slightly from the steam of the shower. And again, she teased me with a giggle, retracting her lips just before I could lock them with my own.
"Okay, this is not funny," I whispered, tugging my shirt off and letting her trace her finger along my abs.
"Then do something about it."
The look (F/n) gave me was just too much for me to handle; I quickly reached down, grabbing her bare, smooth legs, lifting her up, and pulling them around my waist. I gripped her bum, playing with the red lacey underwear. My tongue swirled voraciously in her mouth, exploring every undiscovered crevice.
I found my way to the bed and flopped down on my back, rolling right on top of her and locking my lips to her neck. I couldn't help but shiver at the moans escaping her lips. I heard some metal unclipping gently, and nearly passed out when I looked down at (F/n)'s chest.

When I stepped into the door of my own house, later that night, the first thing I heard was the whooping and hollering of Dally, Steve, and Two-Bit. My ears began to burn, and I rubbed my neck to cover the hickeys that tinted my skin. I tossed my jacket onto the coatrack and kicked off my shoes, sitting down next to Ponyboy on the couch. I quickly stole a swig of his Coca Cola and leaned back, staring up at the ceiling.
"Now, this, my friends," Steve began, "is the look of a man who just got the best sex of his life. Am I right, or am I right?"
Pony shoved the bottle towards my chest and stood up. "That's it. Nope, nuh-uh. No way am I listening to this. I'm heading out."
"Yeah," Johnny followed behind, "wait up, Pony."
"Be careful, you two." I took another sip of the Coke and sighed as the door slammed shut.
"Now, tell us everything. How good was she?" asked Dally.
I acted like I didn't want to dish out everything, saying, "Y'all are never gonna shut up if I don't spill, huh?"
"Never." Two-bit shot me a sly grin. "And don't play like that; you've got more to say than them gossiping broads down at the hairdresser's, and we all know it. I heard (F/n)'s got flexibility like no tomorrow."
I smirked. "Fine, you caught me. I was walking into her room just after she got out of the shower. I had to make sure she didn't own a purple bra with pink polkadots, since that's the one I saw on the floor in the guest bedroom. She actually let me go through her underwear drawer while she slipped on some dark red lace stuff. She wasn't cheatin', I learned, but we soon got to kissin' and stuff."
"Oh, you don't even know how great it felt. (F/n)'s really flexible, and such a good kisser. She was so... amazing. So gorgeous," I added, a tiny smile forming on my lips.
Steve jokingly gawked. "Awe, look at the dud in love!"

The End

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