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I uncomfortably sat in the booth, my arm around (F/n), as she caught up with her friends. I didn't really know them, and I didn't have much in common with them, from what I'd figured out so far. Noticing the weird looks I was getting from other Socs, I tried to keep my eyes down. The only reason I hadn't been attacked yet, I think was because I was with (F/n). Socs tend not to attack people who are with other Socs, greaser or not. There are exceptions, but from what I know, (F/n) was well-liked among the Socs, even in she had only been in Tulsa for a month.
I know (F/n) had apologized for the inconvenience and all, but it was still a little weird. Sitting there silently, munching on french fry after french fry; it's a little awkward for me-- not for Thomas, David, or the twins, Roger and James. Just for me.
The latter two were almost identical, their only difference being that one of them had curly hair and the other, straight. They had thin, almond-shaped, copper eyes. They had ridged features. Their hair was a dark brown, almost black, and neatly, finely cut. James, the one with the curly hair, wore his long and shaggy, but it looked nice.
The other boy, Roger-- his was far shorter than mine, and had been styled with some products, I could tell. He wore a white baseball-style shirt with black sleeves, and his brother wore the same design, only with inverted colors. They were both very attractive, and, like me (going off of what I've been told), they both could have been movie stars.
David, the other boy, had fine, ginger hair and ice-blue eyes. He was tall, maybe 6 feet, and buff; the football-playing showed. He was pale and had freckles all over, but they looked cool. Like his friends, he looked around 17 or 18. David was wearing a blue t-shirt, coincidentally matching with (F/n)'s, and a pair of khaki shorts.
I groaned quietly after sizing them up. Despite being Socs, they lookes real tuff. I had no chance. (F/n) had a bunch of hot guy-friends coming to visit her. They had Mustangs and clean hair, a good education and football bodies. I was only three inches taller than (F/n); they were all at least 5. I knew she only dated one of them, but she was quite close to the others. When we had come in, James jokingly slapped her but and hollered out, "Cheese and crackers," saying shortly after that it was an inside joke. And for crying out loud, she kissed them! Not Thomas, of course, but David, Roger, and James all got cute cheek kisses and gave out forehead kisses. I almost blew my top.
"So, Sodapop, (F/n) hasn't really introduced us." I looked over at David, who was grinning brightly.
Roger nodded. "Yeah! What's up with you? You don't look like the quiet type. Tell us about yourself."
I swallowed my french fry and looked down at (F/n). "Oh, well, there's not much to tell. I'm 17. I have two brothers: Ponyboy and Darry. I like swimming, horses, and rodeos. I work over at the DX station, I fixed your car and changed its oil with my pal."
"Well, what school are you at?"
"I'm... Not in school. I dropped out last year."
I saw Thomas give the others a look, and (F/n) said, "I actually met him up at the gas station. Remember how you held onto my book?" She smiled up at me and winked so they couldn't see. "He told me he hoped it would draw me towards him, like a magnet. I after I saw him again, he gave me the book and... asked me out."
I was taken aback by how accurate she was about the book/magnet thing. Nevertheless, I added, "And we've been dating for about a month now."
"Cute, cute," Roger replied, clapping silently.
"So, (F/n)," Thomas snickered, "you're dating a dropout? Moving up in the world, baby. No offense, man." He lifted his eyebrows smugly at me.
James lightly punched his arm. "Hey, calm down, Tom."
"No, James, it's fine. At least he works hard. And can do more than pour a cup of coffee. Actually, didn't you get fired because you couldn't even do that?"
We all quieted down for a moment, observing the stare down between (F/n) and Thomas. He was offended, I could tell by how he shifted in his seat. I bit into another french fry, the salt kind of burning my tongue.
I coughed awkwardly and set some money on the table. "I-I'll get the tip for you. Maybe we should go, (F/n). I'll drop you off if you want."
She looked up at me, her eyes softening, and said, "Oh, uh, okay. You guys, er, where are you staying?"
"At this place called 'The Lucky Eight'. It's an inn not far down the road."
"You're staying there? It's sketchy though." She shook her head. "This won't do. Come on, you'll stay with us-- me and Jackson."
"You have the room?"
"Of course we do. Jackson has a spare room, we have a futon in the basement, and our living room, of course, has a couch. He won't mind. I insist."
Roger grinned. "Are you sure? We wouldn't mean to--"
"Didn't I say that I insist? Come one, you're only here for a week; I want to spend as much time with you as I can."
The boys all shrugged, simultaneously agreeing as we got out of the booth. One of the twins paid the bill, flirting with the Socy waitress, just before we backed out of the diner. (F/n) took my hand-- only for show, I told myself-- and led the boys towards her house. They made light conversation, talking about past teachers and sharing stories.
I soon saw the white brick house, with red rose bushes planted in the front and an American flag hanging on the front. The terrace on the front right belonged to (F/n)'s room, and I noticed she had left the light on. The sprinkler was running, dampening the walkway to the stone porch.
(F/n) unlocked the door, letting the boys in. I stayed back a few feet, not wanting to stay much longer. I didn't like being attacked by (F/n)'s ex-boyfriend. I listened to (F/n) tell the boys to make themselves at home
She pulled the door closed and turned to me, slowly stepping closer. "Soda, I..." (F/n) sighed. "I'm so sorry about that. And I'm sorry for roping you into this. I can't imagine posing as my fake boyfriend was how you planned on spending the first week of summer. Thomas was out of line, and I didn't think he was going to be like that. God, I hate him for that-- for deprecating you and reducing you to a high school drop out. I mean, if he knew, if he just got to know you..."
"He's your cheating ex-boyfriend; you don't need his approval of me. And you're right when you say he doesn't know me. He doesn't know why I had to drop out, he doesn't have the whole story. If he doesn't know everything, then his opinion is biased, leaning towards what he knows."
She sighed, her face showing in dismay, and I could tell she was grinding her teeth. "You're right. I'm sorry for getting so upset."
I rested my hands on her waist and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Don't apologize. Being your fake boyfriend is a fine way to start the summer. But for all my trouble, I think I deserve a kiss...?"
Her ears reddened slightly. "Only because they're watching us. It'd be weird if you left without a kiss."
"Y'know, I was hoping we could talk later, too. I know you wanna visit with them, like, all week, but if we I could come over tomorrow...?"
She chuckled. "I know what you want to talk about. Just freaking kiss me and tell me you'll see me tomorrow, Sodapop."
I smiled and pushed my lips onto hers. She kissed me back, her hands on my shoulders. She pulled away from me after a few seconds, wearing a silly smile on her face. "Go on, you should have been home hours ago. Sorry for keeping you so long."
"Awe, Strawberry, you apologize too much."
She shrugged. "Maybe I do. Bye."
"Bye, Strawberry."
"Oh, and, Sodapop," I turned when she called me, "stop telling the gang what lingerie I wear. I'd prefer that Dally doesn't know I wear lace."
I blushed. "Wha-- I didn't--"
"Save it, Curtis," she chided sillily, shooting me a wink before shutting the door.

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