Chapter 3: Runaway

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I quickly pull into a parking space, push open the car door, and step out. I stand and slam the door behind me.

"Nice shirt," I hear a voice come from behind me, causing me to turn around.

"Oh, hi Tobias," Tobias is standing next to his car which is parked behind mine, cigarette in mouth. He wore his usual super tight black skinny jeans, big studded belt, black t-shirt, and his motorcycle boot things.

I looked down and realized I was wearing a Motörhead t-shirt. "Thanks."

"Do you and the band want to go out to dinner with us? Clarence, Ashley, and I want to try that cute little Italian place by the beach." he asks.

"Of course! I'll see if they're available tonight."

"Cool, we can talk about the times later, the principal wants to talk to me."

"Is it about...?"

"No, I think business shit."

"Okay, well have fun with her," I put in my earbuds and blast Falling In Reverse as Tobias goes off towards the principal's office.


I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump. I whirl around, ready to hit someone, but relax once I see it's just Declan.

"Come on, we're gonna be late for class!" he says, tugging on my arm. I pull my bag onto my shoulder and hurry to catch up with Declan as he begins walking towards the school.  

"The bell already rang?"

"Yes! You must have had your volume up super loud... as usual," he grumbled.

"What's with you, why are you so grumpy?" I grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop.

"Nothing...," he tries to pull away, but eventually gives up because he knows I won't let go.

"Declan, you know you can tell me anything! What's up?" slowly, I let go of him.

"I don't really want to talk about it...," he sighs and looks up at the over cast sky as the bell rings, signalling we're late for class. "I hate Sptembers."


"It doesn't even feel like the beginning of the school year! We all went here last year, it just feels exactly the same as junior year. Why is everyone so happy and excited? It's September!" he throws his arms up in the air.


I was starting to get really worried now.

I take Declan's hand and pull him to my car where I push him in. I then go around to the other side and get in. 

"Rikki, what are you doing, you know I'm gay! I only make out with Isaac in cars," he scoots away from me and presses himself up against the car door, pretending to fumble for the door handle.

"Declan. Ew. I don't know what's been in that mouth," I shudder. "And I don't kiss gay guys. Dec, just tell me what's up? I can tell when something's bothering you."

Declan sighs and relxes into the leather seat. "Alright, well... i-it's about Isaac."

"What happened hun? Did he break uo with you?"

"No. Can we drive? I don't wanna sit in the school parking lot."

"Okay," I jam my keys into the ignition and back out of the parking space. "Talk to me."

"Well... Isaacs dad has been suspiciuos because Isaac's been out so much, obviously spending the night at my house, and to make it worse... ummm...," Declan blushes. Declan never blushes.

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