5| heartbeat

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[Taehyung's POV]

My heart beats so fast. Jungkook follows only one fanpage, well including me two now. But he followed that fanpage, cause it was his first real fanpage.
Why did Jungkook decide to follow my page all of sudden? I mean yeah i also have this fanpage for a long time, but not as long as the other fanpages.

I was scared. What if Jungkook found out that i'm the owner of the page? No, he can't! If he knew he would've been more awkwa- okay maybe i know why Jungkook acted so weird at the shoot.

I was so frustrated so i grabbed my water bottle, which was almost empty. And i drank it.

When i realized that it was empty i sighed and glared at my water bottle. "Why are you doing this when i need you the most?"

I didn't realize that i was being watched by someone, but then i heard someone chuckle.

It was Jungkook leaning at the wall with his arms crossed. My eyes widened and i almost chocked.

He walked to me and grabbed the water bottle. "Talking to your friend i see" he let out a little giggle. I was blushing so hard right now, so i didn't really care about what he was saying. And thankfully i didn't say anything stupid when he was watching me.

He brushed my 'messy' hair away from my eyes "You okay?" He asked in curiosity.

I snapped out of my thoughts, cause i realized that he was close to me 'too' close. I was sweating a bit and i hoped he didn't notice. I bit my lip. "How can i be okay when you're standing so close to me" i mumbled

"What?" He asked. He flipped his hair, cause it was falling over his eyes.

Jungkook, this isn't making it any better.

"Nevermind, i gotta go" he said and he walked away.

I then released my breath i was holding the whole time. Then i rushed to my drawer and grabbed a towel to dry my forehead.

Jungkook making me sweat and feel so soft, why does he gotta be so hot

Update!:) are you liking this story so far? I personally think that it's so shitty, but i just had the idea so i just wanted to write it out. Idk how many chapters this will have, but i hope i will continue it till it ends (not having to discontinue or anything)

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

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