13| GET IT

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[Jungkook's POV]

I was waiting patiently in my room. It has been 15 minutes now and he's still not here. I'm going to his room!

I was about to exit and Taehyung rushed to my door. Which caused us both to bump. Taehyung almost fell so i held him. I looked at his eyes, we were so close. Taehyung was looking down, but he was clearly blushing and i can feel him shaking.

"Uhm.. Jungkook, can we atleast go inside?" He said shyly. So i did, i stepped back, still holding Taehyung and i told him to close the door so he did.

"Hotggukie, huh?" I chuckled.

"Look, it was just a joke i made with some of the members" he tried to convince me, but because of the way he acts i just couldn't believe him.

"Just a joke" i said and he nodded slowly and he couldn't look at my eyes.

I lifted his chin up to let him look at me. "It is?" I asked. He giggled shyly. "Yes, it was just an umm a joke to, uhm it didn't really had a reaso-"

I shut him up by kissing him. I felt how he got shocked at first and i smiled between the kiss. He stood there realizing what just happened and after a few seconds he melt back into the kiss.

We pulled back and our foreheads were pressed together. Taehyung let out a small chuckle and i smiled at the beautiful sight. He's so pretty.

But then we got interrupted, by someone rushing in. We jumped in shock and acted like nothing happened.

"Am i interrupting something?" Jimin asked shyly.

Taehyung who was trying to hide his face said "no, Jimin you're not" Jimin clearly understood what happened so he shouted "GET IT, YOONGI, HOSEOK I HAVE GREAT NEWS " and he ran away

I started laughing. "He knew?" . Taehyung nodded and said "by an accident."
"Why was i so blind before?" I said and Taehyung looked confusedly.

I continued "Guess i was just blinded by love" and Taehyung shyly smiled.

He looked so cute, i couldn't handle it so i ran back to him and i hugged him tight. "Please tell me that you love me, once." I wispered.

"I-i-i" he gulped

"I love you"

Heheh updatess, sorry for this shitty chapter omg😂

To be continued..

Thanks for reading!

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