Run Part 2

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'Kim did you drop the boxes again?',a rough voice said. We both looked towards the kitchen back door .Sure enough a silhouette was moving around.'Does this place still run ?',another voice asked .'Well they ordered some vegetables',the rough voice replied back.The guy Kim I suppose then asked,'where is the next delivery?' . I looked at Jimin excitedly when I heard the reply.

'My grandma's place is near to that palce ! We can hitch a ride ',I told Jimin .

'Are you sure your grandmother will help?'

'Yeah ' , I said with fake enthusiasm. She had to .

'What do we do about this guy ',he asked tilting his head towards Hoodude.

'What if Hoodude was actually trying to help us ? ',he asked.

We both became silent .

Outside Hoodude was hovering around a passerby except that he didn't notice him and... wait was Hoodude eating... hair ? I gave a small shudder . As if he felt our gazes he turned. And screeched , as if to say to not to judge him harshly for his diet(we too were eating something barely edible ourselves in spite of being in a restaurant) . And when he screeched we could see rows and rows of pointed canines with bits of hair and what susupiciously looked like chunks of meat stuck to them .

'I pick your grandmother any day ',Jimin said with a nervous laugh.

'Who wants their hair to be a monster's appetizer?', I agreed .

As soon as Hoodude turned back to his hairy feast we dashed to the kitchen back door .It was not locked .Huh not surprised these owners really didn't care about their place. We quietly got out .The two men were talking loudly about whose pet cat was better.The uncollected garbage from the neighboring dustbins was flowing everywhere and some cats moved about .

'Do we ask them?',I asked . Before Jimin could reply we heard the familiar khwassss whisper from around the corner that led to the main street. That was our cue .

We silently ran inside the back of the truck and hid ourselves. 'Ah I tell you calico cats are better any day then your persian ones any day',Kim said as he closed the truck storage doors.

The already dark interior looked even darker once the doors were shut and the overhead potato sack wasn't making things any less eerier .

'Do you think he is gone?',Jimin 's voice came from beside me. I almost jumped in surprise.

'HE might be a she too', I said wondering .

'Do you think 'IT' has a good sense of smell ?',Jimin asked as he moved some sacks and crates to make space for us to sit.

'I think the vegetables might mask our smell a little at least and hopefully It will not sniff us out. That's assuming It even has a nose ' ,I said.

'Or the vegetables might make us extra delicious you never know ',Jimin said unhelpfully. Thanks Jimin for suggesting that we will go well with vegetables .

'How far is your grand mom's place?'

'Not too far only an hour till the nearest stop and a bus from there'

It was one long hour indeed . Every time the tyres hit the speed breaker the truck almost did a high jump and we landed heavily on the potatoes which were halfway to becoming smashed potatoes. My head kept hitting the overhead crates and sacks. Man another cause for headache on top of the situation we were already in.

'How can you touch stuff ? I thought you kinda pass through stuff ?',I asked breaking the silence .

'Well If I really want it at that moment it happens on its own. I have no control over it. But it is tiring ',Jimin said and he became quiet again.

My head was hurting again. Funny I had never thought I would be going to my grandmom's place after three years, with a idol and that too in a vegetable truck. Amazing.

How can we forget him ? Armys can never forget any one of them I thought disappointed in us. True there are many solo stans but.....


'Wake up !Army wake up !', a sweet voice was yelling /whispering in my ear.

I opened my eyes expecting to see a angel but I was greeted with darkness. And got up immediately and smacked into something hard .'Owww',Jimin winced.

'Sorry', I said suppressing a yawn. 'How can you dream in such a place ?',Jimin asked .

'I can pretty much dream anywhere . Wait was I talking loudly in sleep ?! ',I asked in panic.

'No I just guessed.',Jimin said. I almost let out a low sigh.It would have been too embarrassing . Speaking of the dreams I am pretty sure there was a girl in it but I couldn't remember what had happened. All these dream that I had been getting recently were getting weirder by the day. Not to mention that one door that kept appearing. The truck stopped.

We heard a pair of doors being shut.We quickly hid behind the rear doors. Kim spoke ,'Six bags here? ' as he threw open the trucks rear doors. The door almost hit Jimin in the face ,I let out a small quite gasp. As Kim moved deeper inside the truck we jumped outside. We ran right past the rough voiced guy and he didn't notice us . 'Maybe you are invisible now too',Jimin joked as we approached a bus stop.

'Now what ?',Jimin asked . 'Now we wait for the bus ',I said collapsing on the nearest seat. Jimin too dropped to the seat next to mine. Who is responsible for all of this ? Does Jimin have any enemies? I doubt people like him will ever have enemies but then all idols have antis even if they have done nothing wrong .Sometimes people don't need a reason to hate .

'You have any idea who might be behind this ? Antis ?', I asked . 'Honestly I don't know who would have wanted me gone from this world. Antis ... possible but hey then they who will they vent out their insults and insecuritities on ? and not to mention this feels real incomplete...., also the fact that Hoodude is behind me ......',Jimin was saying.

Suddenly I felt a blinding pain in my head and I slipped from the seat to the floor . A masked girl was in front of me and she was reaching out to choke me.

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