Blood Sweat And Tears

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"Are we there yet ? ",I asked as I brushed a weird insect that was crawling up my arm . I had definitely not signed up for this . We had hitch hiked for the past one hour along a river and now we were wading in some marshy waters for the past half an hour . Two leaches and sixty seven thorns later I had given up . My shirt stuck to my skin thanks to my sweat . "Another five minutes !",Alpha guy yelled . He had told that when I had asked him half an hour ago too, when a rather huge tree branch had cut through my arm . Alpha had then put a band aid on the cut and assured me we will reach their shortly. . I was low key terrified that my blood might have attracted something unpleasant that might reside in these waters.I moved the bit of hair that was sticking right in my eye, when I noticed another of those suckers had latched onto my arm .I sighed. "Pass the salt .",Gamma (or Epsilon ?) said . He sprinkled some over my arm and the leach finally decided to let go . I wondered how Miss Right would have reacted if she had been here . She probably would have smashed them like a bad ass and probably set the forest on fire. "Are we th .. ", I began once again when suddenly something dropped in front of us . I gave  a small startled squeak . It looked like a mega sized leech .But it landed solidly on the ground. I realized it was actually a man wearing a thick coat . He too wore a black mask .And suddenly it hit me! he was the man from the screen . Dodge? 

"Hello Miss Ally I am Doj ".,he said and the skin around his blue eyes crinkled so I assumed he was smiling . I just nodded and gave a small smile. He continued to stare at me . I looked away suddenly finding a creeper very interesting . How was he behind the mask ? His mask was slightly different then the rest.Even though I could only see his eyes I could tell he was good looking.(My seventh sense has been building. I can almost imagine Woony's face. But Right's face for some reason was something I couldn't get.)  He also had a good built too. I was curious. Well nobody can beat Bangtan in looks anyway I thought and mentally sighed .Looks like I will be single all my life.

"Is this all ? I was expecting a little more at least .",he said ,his voice laced with disappointment and worry .

We were five in total excluding Doj.

"Well a lot of Guard are appearing near the Bases lately  so we have tightened up the security Sir", Alpha said.

Sir? Of course this guys was the leader now. I was helping a rebel leader. Man I can swear I am in movie. Who is Miss Right then? 

Suddenly a Comm. phone crackled . We all turned towards Gamma(assuming its Gamma) . "Hello ? Hello ?", Gamma said . But the Comm, had gone silent ."Miss Right was trying to reach us ",he said ."Those things don't work here properly ,the Heights are a messed up place. Be in group don't wander off.",Mr Doj said. 

"So Miss Ally I assume you know where the weapon cell is ? ", he asked . "Yeah", I said shifting the heavy bag(which was actually light when we had started) from one shoulder to another . Well not completely sure but....I was risking my life and these men's life on a dream lets hope its worth it. Jimin's too I realized.

We reached the end of the dense undergrowth. The "Jamless towers " were aptly named. They looked like they sucked the living jams out of you , dark and menacing. Huh a typical evil villains tower cliche. I wanted to laugh. What was this place again? I looked at Doj who gave me a nod .The Masked formed a lose circle around me and were bent in typical commando style as they aimed their guns in all directions. We had arrived at the location I had described from my dreams. Prior to our arrival Doj had made sure the Guard weren't anywhere near for a while.We approached the tower wall . The creepers had grown rather densely on this part of the wall. "Here is the secret entrance ",I said . The men looked at each other nodded . I reached out and moved my hand through the plants . I was not sure what I was looking for... my dream had only shown me this much.Then my hand caught something. Aah here it is !

 "Hurry up Miss Al the guards who are on the rounds will be here any minute .",Doj said .I grabbed whatever my hand had found and pulled it .To my horror I realized it was actually a lizard like creature . I gave a shriek as the creature jumped to the ground . The men turned towards me their guns raised ."Lizard", I murmured embarrassed .Then I went around feeling through the climbers once again . My hands finally hit the cold stone wall. I continued moving my hand against the wall until I finally found what felt like a handle . I pulled it down with all my might . Suddenly as if a vacuum had been turned on as I was sucked into the gaping hole that had opened up .

Its the pressure I realised as I landed heavily on my butt(Third time in a day ? I have lost count by now.).The Masked however entered as badass -ly - graceful as ever while I looked at them in awe from my place on the tunnel floor . It was really like a movie . But why do I feel like I am that one comic character who always dies first ? Ok Al no thinking about death now. Mr Doj slid the door and shut it. The tunnel we were in went pitch black . I got up holding the rocky walls of the tunnel . Then thankfully somebody (Gamma ?Epsilon?,Sigma? wait Beta ?) switched on a torch. "I have never entered the Basement of the tower so we have to be prepared for anything . Though I assume So Miss Al knows."Mr Doj said nodding at me. Was he feeling reassured I was there? Sorry Doj. "Lead the way Miss Ally ",Doj said .

 We approached a part where the tunnel had split into two. I was about to admit that I was getting a little confused when the crying began.

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