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"She shouldn't be here right? ",Mr Doj said . Miss Right was talking with him. Al and the others had just left for the Heights. "I know ",Miss Right said ."You are not going to tell me anything about it ? You are not going to tell me why she ls ...... ",Mr Doj asked ."No", Miss Right said . Doj nodded once. He was clearly annoyed. The screen went blank. Right sighed. Things were messy now. She had hoped they had never entered here. Yet here they were.

J......who is he? His sudden rise to power had been surprising. But then so had been the previous leaders...K. She didn't remember much of K's rule but his rise had been sudden too and then he died. Why did J want Jimin? She sighed as she rubbed her temples. Also Jimin was getting suspicious of her. Probably Al too. She sighed. She had more work than usual now. Where was Wooney again ? she wondered.Then the screen lit up once again. Right watched in horror.


After Ally left, Jimin felt bored and lonely . He missed his Army. He had half wanted to follow Al and the Team. His place was here now though. Yet he felt it. The Heights calling for him. Should I just go by myself? No...lets wait for Ally ,he thought. He hoped Ally was doing well. He ached for Jin's cooking. The once barely edible Masked Munchies packet had got over an hour back. He realised that they were strangely addicting. Also he realised that they had dyed his teeth black and for the past half an hour he had been flashing them at everyone. No wonder Wooney wasn't meeting his eye. Was it morning in their world? Did time flow differently here? Wonny had left a while back to 'restock'. He hoped Wonny would actually get something that didn't dye his teeth. He looked at Right. She was barking commands at the other two masked men . Huh. She looked so familiar. But he wasn't going to ask again her about it. He didn't want to witness another dramatic hair flip.

Right now he had a job too. Find out more about Hoodude. He decided to investigate further on the Hoodude painting. He walked in to the supply room. Nobody was there. He went back to the Supllies Room. He picked up the box that Wooney had pointed last time they were there. He gave it a small shake. It rattled a little.

The box was taped up so he cut it open using a crude cutter. He opened the box . Inside were some more paintings . All of had the same style he could tell. Most of them were sceneries. The painings weren't huge. He recognized the sea that they had come out of. The cliffs, some random rocks. Even a cute little starfish. Then he saw a tall tower whose top was covered by the spiral clouds. The Heights? Well he had to ask Right about it. After the Heights painting came room. Its walls and floor were covered in white stones. It strangely looked like those pristine white walls of labs or mental asylums.... except that the stone shone a lot. The next painting was that of a room stark opposite of the previous painting. It had glossy black stones. Interesting. So did this place really exist? The sea and cliffs did exist.

The next painting froze him in his spot. It was the most breath taking painting he had ever seen. A beautiful pink haired male with doey eyes looked back at him. His lips parted wonder. And an arm lying on his forehead. Jimin realized that he was looking at himself. He felt his head spin. What in the world was happening? Why was his painting here in the midst of all these paintings? He observed his painting once again. Clearly who ever had captured his face felt something for him... The more closely he looked he realized the eyes weren't as doey as they looked. They were half filled with lust. The parted lips weren't because of wonder like he first thought... Jimin silently placed the painting down. What in the world was happening? His head hurt real bad. He removed the painting from the frame. He started rolling the canvas .It was then he noticed it.

The initials S.K written on the back in a black bold writing . S.K ? Who is this artist ? . He then pocketed the it after carefully folding the rolled canvas in half. He hoped it didn't damage it. The style of the painting was similar to fanarts. He should ask Al about it. As a ARMY she might know more about it. He was the one chosen among all other members in the painting for a reason. He was the one who had been invisible for a reason too. Did this have a connection ? Is this a dream ? He thought for the hunderedth time .

"Danger ",a robotic voice said trough the speakers. Jimin broke out of his thoughts. Like he already wasn't in danger in the first place,Jimin wanted to retort . A Masked entered the room. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up to his feet . "Come on !",she said rushing him out of the room . Jimin followed her half stumbling and running . "What is happening ?",Jimin asked panting. What he really wanted to scream in the Masked's face was - Somebody just explain what in the world has been happening from the past couple of hours!

"There has been a security breach . I think J knows you are here . He has sent his Guard .",Miss Right said once they reached the main cave.

"Where is Woony ? ",she asked the two masked men who were on their feet grabbing some electronic devices. "He went out to buy some fruits , something about making milkshake ",one Masked spoke up timidly. Miss Right cursed . She grabbed a gun and threw it at Jimin . Jimin managed to catch it before it hit the ground . So NOW they arm him? "They are towards westend", masked man A yelled . "All our hide outs are being raided right now ! Where do we go ?", Masked man B yelled . Jimin looked at the screen sure enough it was filled with red dots. Miss Right cursed once again . Her string of words this time were more unpleasant. "They are capturing the Masked in the other Hideouts as we speak",Masked B yelled as he jammed his fingers hard against the keyboard. "All the hideouts? What about ..",Right asked in despair. "The Left Rock one? First to go down. ",Maked girl C cut in . "All the others are simultaneously under attack?", Right asked. "Yes.", B confirmed. "That means the Tower is not so protected now is it ? ",Right said. Well more like talked to herself. A and B looks at each other. Somebody had clearly leaked all the information ,Jimin thought .Who ? What was gonna happen to them now? Looks like Al will not have a safe place to return to, Jimin thought worried.

Miss Right sighed . "We have to leave Woony behind I am afraid . ",she said . C looked like she wanted to protest as she glared at Right. Right looked back with same intensity. "Right is right", C mumbled under her breath. Right thankfully didn't hear it . Woony sure picked a wrong time to go grocery shopping Jimin thought . "Miss Right they are dangerously near should we burst the BBL?",Maked man A asked .

"Yes . We will be completely surrounded if we stay here any longer . Besides the bomb's effect is temporary .",Miss Right paused . Her eyes were focused on the exit of the cave.

"Take All the Ammo possible we are heading towards Jamless Towers .",she said grimly .

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