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"I love you Wonpil" Dowoon froze at his words. He's fell too deep. If he lets Wonpil into his life, he could just hurt him again. That's the type of mindset he had at the moment.


"Don't. Just, forget that I ever said it" Dowoon unlatched himself off of Wonpil and right when he was about to walk away, Wonpil pulled him back and crashed his lips onto Dowoon's, taking Dowoon by surprise. By instinct, he wrapped his arms around Wonpil's neck, while Wonpil wrapped his arms around Dowoon's hips, pulling him closer. It's like they left earth and entered their own reality. It was like there was no one else but them there. Dowoon melted in Wonpil's touch. He missed this. He missed them. Mostly, Dowoon missed him.

Dowoon stopped. This can't happen. He pulled away and turned his gaze to the ground and away from Wonpil, who wore a confused expression.

"He's just going to hurt me later on. He'll tell me things I'll actually fall for. He'll just tell lies." Dowoon thought to himself as he suddenly became interested in his shoes.

"Dowoon" he froze at his name being called, but hummed.

"Hey, look at me, please?"

Great. Just great.

Dowoon, hesitantly, and slowly, shifted his gaze to Wonpil. He saw the way Wonpil was looking at him. He looked sad and confused.

"What's wrong Dowoon? Did I—"

"I, um. I have to go."


"I have to go Wonpil..." Dowoon wriggled himself out of Wonpil's embraced and walked off. Soon enough he heard Wonpil yell something weird from the distance.

"I'll text you later then" Dowoon came to a stop and turned around to Wonpil's direction, only to see the boy wasn't there anymore.


The scene that just happened replayed in Wonpil's mind. But those three simple words, which such simple letters, knocked him out with one blow. It was when Dowoon suddenly said that he loved him. He ran his hand through his disheveled hair. Wonpil's mind flicked back to the kiss the two had. A smile appeared on his face as he continued his way home. His phone started to ring and as soon as he checked who it was, his mind stopped for a second.


His girlfriend.

Wonpil froze in his position as his phone continued to ring in his hand.

He kissed his ex.

While he's with his girlfriend.

He cheated.

Wonpil composed himself and as soon as he did, he answered his phone.

"Yeobo! I missed you! I tried calling you earlier but you didn't answer.."

"I'm sorry Nina sweetheart" something about giving her a nickname made Wonpil squirm. He felt as if it was wrong.

"I'm going to come over. We need to talk about last time.."


"Alrighty jagi! I'll see you in a bit. Saranghae"


"Ne? What's wrong?"

"Um nothing I was um...answering a question for someone. They needed directions."

"Oh...see you in a bit. Bye"

"Bye Nina" he hung up quickly before she had anything to say after.


By the time he reached home, he saw Nina's car on his driveway. Greaaaat. He braved himself and when he u locked the door, Nina was right in front.

"Wonpil oppa"


"I was just about to go out and..look for you— wait, why are your lips so swollen?" Wonpil froze and decided it was time to come up with something.

"Today was pretty bad for me, considering the fact that I bit my lip so hard it began to bleed. Now I guess it's swollen. Let's go in hm?"

"Yeah...." she looked at him for a few seconds before walking into the house with him. They went into the living room and took a seat. They sat in silence until Nina spoke up.

"Wonpil oppa. I'm sporry, about last time."

"Nina, it's fine—"

"No it's not. I put you in a really uncomfortable situation. You wanted me to stop but I kept going. And to top it all off, I was really dramatic and you probably felt bad for something you didn't even do"

"Nina, like I said earlier, it's fine. Stuff happen, that's why we need to look past it and continue on with our lives. I'm not upset with you. I never was." Nina leaned in and was about to kiss Wonpil until he moved away. She opened her eyes and saw him giving her a look.


"Um...my lips they uh...hurt...a lot"

"Oppa do you want me to—"

"Go home and get plenty of rest? Ofc beautiful! I'll call you tomorrow! See ya" Wonpil ushered her out the house and as soon as she was out he quickly closed the door and locked it.

"Gosh. I can't deal with this type of stuff for long" he ran his finger through his hair again and took at his phone to text a special someone.

To Unknown:

Let's talk some more hm?


From Unknown:

Mom says I can't talk 2 strangers..


To Unknown:

I'm pretty sure we know each other very well


From Unknown:

I'm pretty sure we don't. Ur creeping me out.


To Unknown:
Don't be spooked :(( I don't wanna scare u


                                            From Unknown:
       Well gee how about telling me who u are.

To Unknown:
:((( surprised u still don't know. Anywho ur probably tired after your day. I just wanted to talk for a while I guess. Again, I'm sorry for what I did.

To Unknown:
Btw, I love you too ❤️

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