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Wonpil woke up with a smile on his face. That night he went to sleep happy. Dowoon was actually giving him a chance. He didn't want to mess anything up. Wonpil really wanted to be in Dowoon's life again, even if Wonpil was the one who shut himself out of it. He didn't want to leave Dowoon again.

"Somehow, I'll make him mine again soon. It'll take a while, but I'll make it right" He said to himself as he lazily trudged his way up the stairs to his room.

"And when I do, I'll make sure to never let him go. I'll treat him like a special gem" he laid himself face front on the bed and smiled to himself.

"I'll make him smile all the time. I'll be there for him. I'll protect him with my life."

"I just want him with me again. I was retarded to leave him." He mumbled to himself as he felt himself get weary.

"I want him back. I love him" was the last thing he said before he drifted off to sleep.



Dowoon held Wonpil's jacket in his arms as Wonpil's scent came in contact with his nose. It made him feel safe. But something felt off to him. He didn't know what it was but it made it a bit hard to trust Wonpil. He just couldn't point it out. Because of that, he couldn't sleep. He wanted to know, what it was. He wanted to be alarmed. He wanted to know before hand, so he doesn't find out the hard way. He wanted to know, so he didn't have to be lied to or be made a fool of.

He kept asking "what is it? Is he lying?" Hoping for an answer somehow. He didn't get it. It bothered him. It bothered him so much that just one small feeling kept him from trying to actually trust Wonpil. All he could do is fight it and continue to try. What was it about Wonpil? Was it the fact that he left for 3 years and all of a sudden wants to be back in Dowoon's life like that? Or was it the fact that he said so many hurtful things to him, but covered it up wit sweet words later on, only to say something offensive again. Wonpil was like a maze that Dowoon was lost in. He couldn't found the exit no matter how many times he tried. It confused him. The maze was pleasant and fun in the beginning. Soon it became frustrating as he continued to try and find his way out. It gets worse and worse as you spend days, then weeks, then months, and all of a sudden years just trying to get out. He grew tired, annoyed, and upset. He wanted out, but he couldn't. That's what Wonpil was. A never ending maze. Dowoon couldn't find his way out. He was lost. Dowoon looked at the jacket in his hands and sadly smiled.

"Your like a maze Kim Wonpil. Your never ending. You confuse me, you know that? But your a magnet as well. Even if I do find my way out, you'll always pull me back. I'm attracted to you. It's an endless cycle." Tears soon found its way to Dowoon's eyes. A burst of feelings were going through him. Annoyance, confusion, anger, sadness, and somewhat happiness, found its way to him.

He just wanted it all to stop so he could take a break and breathe. That's all he wanted.

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 {𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦!}Where stories live. Discover now