Chapter 15

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This is not happening. This can't be happening.

Herobrine is officially the president of the United States.

Well, now what? What are we supposed to do? Do we really have to listen to everything he's telling us to do? Is he serious about turning Brooklyn into a giant prison/work/certain death camp? Do I have to call him 'President Herobrine' now? Because if I do, it ain't happenin'. 

Right now, all of us are worried, because we can hear Tommy's rather high-pitched yelling from Bryne's room. He sounded like he was screaming at the TV (which I do ALL THE TIME) and then it was like he started crying, and then he shouted Bryne's name. 

Oh, shoot. Is Bryne dead? She can't be... 

Then, Tommy speeds out of the room.

"Herobrine's the president!" he screams. "And Bryne's alive!"

"The first one we knew, but the second one- she is?" Tyler gasped.

"Yeah... and we kinda-sorta-may or may not have-"

"They kissed," Dr. Carson says, stepping out from the room. "Tommy, we just put Bryne under for surgery, and your dad's on his way to fill out some paperwork. But we will have to try to speed it up a little. I don't know how long you all can get away with not being in Brooklyn."


Oh, right! We have to go to this stupid prison camp now! I hate everything! 

"She'll be okay?" Jenny asks, staring up at Dr. Carson. 

"We believe so," Dr. Carson says, "and usually we're right."

I hope they are right.



"Tommy... help me!" 

I run over to Bryne and start pushing her wheelchair. She only needs it until we get on the train, the doctors said, and then all we have to do is help her.

Bryne's surgery is over and we're getting on the train to go back to Brooklyn. We've already said goodbye to Kelsea and her mom. I am gonna miss her; she was so much like me. I've already wished her and her club luck, even though I know they won't be very successful until we can manage to get Herobrine back into Minecraft.

As soon as we step on the train, worries flood my mind. I don't really know what to expect when we get back there. Will Herobrine have built the wall and turned the city into a prison yet? As soon as we get back, will we technically be his prisoners? Has Entity303- whoever he is- taken over the White House?

Bryne is having some trouble sitting down, so I help her. She smiles at me and puts her hand- which still has marks on it from where the doctors took the IV out- on top of mine. Then, she leans her head on top of my shoulder and says, "Tommy, I'm scared."

I'm terrified as well, but I don't want to admit it. I usually don't admit my fears aloud. "I am a little scared, too," I say, downgrading my actual fear level, which is so high it would make the Empire State Building look like the height of a kindergartner, "but we have to stay strong. We can't let Herobrine push us around. He may legally be in charge of us, but he doesn't own us. No matter what his tiny brain thinks, we aren't his slaves. We are human people with human rights, and we will take him down, sooner or later."

Bryne grins, showing off her teeth that are brighter than the sun (in my opinion).

"Y'know what, Tommy?" she asks, yawning. "If there was a Nobel Prize for pep-talking and being supportive, you would so win it. I don't think you've ever made anyone doubt themselves. And I think that's what I like about you. You're always so positive. You can make the darkest situation seem like a bright one."

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