Chapter 23

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I glance away from the tip of the gun that's about an inch from my face and look up at whoever is standing behind me. It's definitely a man, maybe somewhere between thirty and fifty years old. He seems familiar... but where from? I look at his outfit and almost laugh. Is that a Superman costume? Who on Earth...

He wants to protect me... between thirty and fifty... Superman costume...


"Dad?" I ask, and Bryne asks, "Mr. Cheverton?" and Herobrine even gasps, "MONKEYPANTS?!"

"I said get away from him," Dad growls. 

"How did you even- I never even captured you!" Herobrine says, clearly shocked.

"Just because you didn't bring me in here doesn't mean I can't get in here," Dad says. "I told the guards that I was an escaped prisoner and I was going to turn myself in. Now, get away from my son."

"Well, get your son away from my daughter!" Herobrine shoots back.

"Daughter?" Dad asks. "What do you mean, daughter?"

Herobrine points to Sam.

"She's your daughter?!" Dad yells.

He nods.

"Who'd want to marry YOU?!"

Isabella and Bryne start laughing their heads off, and I have to admit, what he said was pretty funny. But something tells me Herobrine isn't going to be happy about this.

And he isn't.

He stands up; all of the weakness he had earlier disappears. Then, he moves the gun from my face to my dad's.

Oh no. Oh no. He better goshdarnit not.

But he does. He does and we have to watch. We have to watch him pull the trigger, watch the bullet fly towards Dad's face, watch him fall out of the tower window and on to the hard, sandy ground. All of us immediately run to the window to see. Bryne and I are in the front, staring with our mouths wide open. Isabella is on my other side, shocked as well. Sam is looking excited, and Herobrine is standing there, smirking, with his arms crossed. He knows it, I know it, Bryne and Isabella know it, and Sam knows it. We all know it.

My father is dead.

But I don't realize it at first. My first instinct is to leap out the window after him, and my second is to beg Herobrine to kill me so I can be with Dad again. Bryne looks close to the first one, leaning out the window so far I'm afraid she might fall. But I'm too in shock to do anything, so Isabella grabs her. I start to cry. It turns from a drizzle to a downpour in a matter of seconds. Soon I must be crying a whole aquarium's worth of water. And Herobrine doesn't stop me. He just stands there with that stupid sneer on his face and chuckling every time I start crying even harder. I know he's done this a lot, but it's still shocking to me. Someone has just died. He has just killed someone. And he's laughing about it. He thinks it's funny. And he's laughing because I'm sad. He thinks that this is all a big joke, like every life that he snuffs out is just another piece of paper that you throw in the trash. He's actually taking pleasure in my suffering. But that one little fact is what provoked me to do what I did next.

I step away from the window. My face turns bright red. My hands clench the windowsill. Nobody notices as I step away from the window. 

From that point on, I don't see or hear anything. I don't hear Sam taunting my dad's dead body from the windowsill. I don't see Isabella and Bryne grab Sam and throw her out the window. I don't hear Herobrine yelling and charging towards them. I don't see the two of them punch him right in the face at the same exact time. All I see is Herobrine's gun, lying on the table, with nothing to guard it.

I step forward, breathing heavily. My hand closes around the metal handle of the gun. I pick it up off the table and start walking towards Herobrine. He's still trying to get rid of Isabella and Bryne. He doesn't see me.

As I walk past the girls, I mutter, "Grab his arms."

They nod and snatch both of Herobrine's arms, holding as tightly as they can. He looks at them, trying to shake them off, but it doesn't work.

"What the heck are you doing?!" he yells, staring at me.

"I'm giving you exactly what you deserve," I say firmly.

"Oh, really?" he asks. "And what's that?"

"Death," I snarl, raising the gun until it's level with Herobrine's chest.

I look up at his face and I see something unimaginable. Something that I had never seen before, not in all my years.

Herobrine is scared.

I'm not joking. The look on his face... I recognize it so well. I've made that exact look so many times, usually because of him. Isn't that ironic? How he has the same fear that he's given me because of me? I'll just tell you this- any rumors you may have heard about the emotion 'fear' not existing in Herobrine's mind is false. Completely false.

"Gameknight, think about what you're doing," he says hastily. "You're about to kill somebody. That would make you in equivalent to me, and I've heard you say plenty of times that you don't want to be anything like me."

"I am nothing like you," I growl. "You kill people because you can. You kill because you think it's fun. Because it makes you happy. You don't care who you get rid of. To you, a person could not even have met you and you still have to kill them. I, however, am killing you because you had it coming to you. You deserve this. Admit it."

Herobrine doesn't reply.

"ADMIT IT!!" I yell, moving the gun closer to his chest.

"Fine," he says. "You're right, Gameknight. I...I do deserve to die. All of the things I've done... I never really thought about how bad they were. I wasn't right. Everything I did was wrong. I see that now. Please. Just spare me. I know you have it in your heart to do it."

At first, I think about letting him go. He really does seem sorry for everything he's done. He didn't mean to get Crafter sick. He didn't mean to turn Stitcher to End Stone. He didn't mean to possess Herder. He didn't mean to shoot Bryne. He didn't mean to lock us up in here. He didn't mean to kill my dad...

...he killed my dad...

That one fact seemed to decide it. He killed my father because he said something (very, very true and reasonable) about him. That... is the last straw.

"Sorry, Herobrine," I say, all remorse I had before leaving me. "You killed my dad. That is just crossing the line. I can't forgive you for that. I'm afraid I can't spare you."

Everyone in the room is holding their breath. Herobrine turns his head and looks out the window, which is right behind him. He knows it- he's going out the same way as my dad. Bryne and Isabella are watching eagerly, ready to end all of the pain and struggling we've all been through.

I take a deep breath and pull the trigger.

I step back from Herobrine's falling body. The whole world seems to fall into slow motion... Bryne, Isabella, and I just stand there, watching him fall, not sure if he's really dead or not.

Without saying a word, we sprint down the tower steps and out the door of the tower. Dad and Sam's bodies have already cleared out. I suppose the guards assumed there was a fight there and they killed each other. But we immediately run to Herobrine's body. I look up and see Jenny there, too, staring. I run up and hug her. 

"Tommy...oh thank goodness... but how..." she says, out of breath.

"Shh," I say.

Bryne, Jenny, and I stand around his body. Isabella places her hand on his chest, trying to feel a heartbeat. She lifts her hand, nods, and runs up to me. She whispers the news into my ear. I nod and walk over to the body. Putting my hands on my hips like a pro, I put one of my feet on his body and raise the gun into the air with my other arm. I glance around at the other prisoners watching and announce to the whole vicinity...

"Herobrine is dead!"

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