Chapter 18

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Hello, fellow Wattpadders! I have a feeling some of you are losing your minds right now. Tommy is dead, Bryne is about to die, and the ship has sunk. So I just wanted to reassure you all.

Tommy is NOT dead. None of that actually happened. That was just a dream that Bryne had after she fell asleep. However... that is actually Herobrine's plan. She actually saw the future, and she will figure that out eventually, and she has to change it.

Sorry for spoiling that for you all, but people were getting really upset at me for it, and I needed to calm everyone down.

Please enjoy the next chapter! Warning- crazy and insane stuff happens. 



BRYNE'S POV (still- sorry!):


I sit up on my shelf, sweating. It's still nighttime. Everyone else is asleep.

Then, I relax as I realize it. It was all a dream. Tommy isn't actually dead. It was just a nightmare. Thank you, brain, for my daily heart attack.

But Tommy is still trapped. And I don't know where he is, so I can't get him out... wait, who says I can't get him out? I can find him. It'll be okay.

I walk towards the door. There has to be a way out of here. I could bust the door down, I guess... but would that work? No. Herobrine wouldn't be that stupid.

Would he?

I kick the door as hard as I can. Guess he is smart. Dang it. Now what?

I decide to grab the bars and pull them. They're shaking... maybe I can rip them off?  No, too unrealistic...

I pull them one last time and the door opens. Seriously? Herobrine forgot to lock the door? Honestly. 

I'm about to step out when I hear the creak of someone's shelf.

"Bryne? What're you doing up?"


I turn around and shut the door. "Hi, Sam," I say. "What are you doing up?"

"I heard something," she says. "Why are you..." She looks from me to the door that's open just a little bit. "Are you trying to escape?"

"No..." I try to lie, but Sam doesn't buy it. "Yeah," I admit. "I was trying to rescue Tommy."

"Oh, Bryne, you can't," Sam says, leaping down from her shelf. "I'm sorry, but it's too late for him."

"No, it's not," I say firmly. "It isn't too late until he's dead, and I know he's alive."

"But you can't save him," Sam says sadly. "There's no way you'll be able to do it. Not without getting caught. You'll just make things worse for all of us."

I stare her right in the eye. "Are you saying that you would rather have Tommy die than yourself?"

Sam looks like she wants to erase everything she's said. "No, that's not what I-"

"Yes, it is," I say, very angry with her. "Don't deny it. You want Tommy to die so you can save yourself. Well, guess what? If that's the way you want to play it, I don't think I want to be stuck with you any longer. I thought you were my friend. But now I know who you really are. You don't care how many people die in this whole thing, as long as you survive. You're selfish and unfaithful. I don't want to fight with someone who's selfish and unfaithful."

Sam looks taken aback. At first, she looks shocked, but then her face turns angry.

"Maybe you're right," she says, and suddenly, she smiles, but it isn't the kind of smile I would know Sam to have. "To be honest, Bryne, I never really liked Tommy in the first place. I thought he was stupid and overconfident. I would never personally get rid of him (even though I sorta wanted to) but now I can."

Have you ever played kickball and the ball from the outfield comes in and hits you right in the gut? That's what this feels like. "How?" I ask, now terrified of Sam.

"By keeping you here and letting Herobrine kill him," Sam says, laughing. Then, she grabs my hand.

"Let me go!" I shout.


"Fine," I growl. "But you asked for this!"

I punch Sam right in the face. She lets go of me. I sprint out the door and lock it behind myself, leaving her trapped.

Tears burn in the back of my eyes. How could Sam do this to me? The two of us have been best friends since I was in first grade. If she didn't like Tommy, she should just have told me. I probably would've gotten a little mad and said something to her and we would've been done with it. But no! She really wanted him dead! 

I look around. All around me are buildings. Lots and lots of drab and dark looking buildings. Tommy has to be somewhere here. Herobrine wouldn't have taken him out of the prison unless he was trying to drown him (which isn't unlikely, but I'll use it as a last resort) so he should still be in here.

Then, I hear it. The crying. Any person in here could be crying, but I would know that sound anywhere. It's Tommy. 

Oh, Tommy, where are you?

I try to follow the sound of Tommy's cries. The prison is pretty silent, so it's fairly easy. I find that it leads to a door inside a huge building. I put my ear up to the door and listen.

"Shut up," I can hear Herobrine say. "Your crying won't help your case."

But Tommy doesn't stop. Just be quiet, I think because, at the moment, I thought I would be able to send a telepathic message to him through the door. Just be quiet. It'll be better for you.

Somehow, it works. But only for a second. Then, Tommy starts screaming and Herobrine starts laughing. Like, maniacally. This is not good.

I try to turn the handle, but the door is locked. I jiggle it as hard as I possibly can, but nothing works.

"Open, you dumb door!" I say angrily, loud enough to hear it myself but not loud enough for either of them to hear it.

Then, I remember something I saw in a YouTube video once. I take the bobby pin that was holding up my hair and snatch it out, causing all my hair to fall in my face. I push it out of the way and hold up the pin.

"Okay, Bobby Pin," I say, not sure why I'm talking to a pin. "You are my last hope."

I stick the pin in the door, turn it a few times, and take it out. 

Please, dear God, let this work, I think desperately. 

I turn the handle. It's open! Thank goodness!

As soon as the door cracks open the slightest bit, I lift up my foot and kick the door wide open.

Herobrine looks up at me, surprised.

I smile fiercely.


Hey guys! Crazy chap, right? In the next chapter, I will change the POV, because I'm actually kinda getting sick of having Bryne tell the story. 

I actually didn't plan to have Sam turn on us (the real-life Sam is already after my blood for including her in this without asking her permission- sorry Sam!). It really just happened. Do you guys think she should join Herobrine and go against us in the next few chapters, if not the sequel (and yes, there will be a sequel)? I'm sorta leaning in that direction, but I want to hear all of your opinions. 

Please remember to vote, comment, and follow me! Also be sure to check out my friends' profiles-


Bella's just a really good friend of mine. The others are amazing authors who have published their own epic stories. All of you have really helped me with your supportive and super funny comments. Thank you all so much!

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