Chapter 3

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Katniss and Annie had talked Finnick into meeting me at my appointment. Turns out he'd gone to the flat above the fishmonger's that we owned- I never really went in as fish really unerve me when they stare so he hadn't taken Charlie far. To me, that told me he still cared about me a little eventhough he was angry. I sat in the doctor's office staring at my shoes. The door opened and he sat beside me. We didn't look at each other. Me and Finn almost never argued but when we did it ususally lasted a good few hours- mainly down to me being stubborn. But this time it was different.

"Hi." He mumbled

I paused and whispered "Umm...Hi."

The recceptionist went into the back room and he turned to me


I loved her. I always would. She was staring at me now because I'd turned to face her to say something and now I wasn't. I opened and shut my mouth like a goldfish then managed to find my voice: "Umm...Thanks for letting me come with you?"

She shrugged "You don't have to thank me?"

I looked and the recceptionist still wasn't here. This gave me a minute.

I slid along the sofa and put my arm around her. She looked at me for a few seconds and mumbled "Mixed messages?"

"Yeah well...I love you."

She nodded and whispered "I'm ready to talk if you are? It might take me hours but, I will, I swear."

I paused and mumbled "So umm..." - this was nice and awkward- "When can I move back in?"

She shook her head "You stay where you are with Charlie while I sort this out- I don't want him in the house because I don't want him to see me like that ever again."

I understood then "Right."

The receptionist came back "Lily Odair?"

She grimaced and mumbled "Come on?"


I sat on the end of the chaise- I always refused to lie down and discuss all the problems in my life. Finn sat next to me and clutched my hand. I took a deep breath and exhaled when the therapist came in.

"Hello." She sat down. I knew what was coming. My time and leeway had ran out.

"Any improvements?"

That's all she ever said to me. Any improvements. But there never were any.

I shook my head "No."

She bit her lip and took out a pad "When was the last one?"

I froze and mumbled "Yesterday."

"Right," She took off her glasses and lent forward "I'm afraid Lily, you are beyond my area of expertise- you're not making any progress just by coming here: I believe you need something more...Intensive- to help quash your night terrors."

I nodded. I knew exactly what she was going to say next as she filled in a form with my name at the top.

"I'm going to send you- just for a few days- to a mental rehabilitation centre."

"Why? She isn't crazy?" Finn said slowly

"Mr.Odair I have reason to believe that your wife's problems are deeply rooted to emotional trauma: the mental rehabilitation centre has a special care facility for that."

I held my head in my hands "Can you not give me one more week or a day even?"

"I'm afraid not: I'll tell the centre to expect you at 8 pm sharp. If you don't turn up, then action will be taken against you under the Mental health act of the Capitol- right?"

I sighed hard and nodded "Okay."

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