Hell was chosen for me ~ 2

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Chapter 2


I walked over to my locker to put in my book and grabbed my skateboard. Then I went out side to the court yard where I knew for sure that teddy would be there. And he was with the same group of guys we always hanged out with.

"Hey Teddy... Jared, Ryan, Ivan, David, Ash, Johnny, Jeremy, and last but not least Seth. HEY U Guys" I said fast in one breath and pointed at each one as I said their names and still with a smile.

"Hey Alex" they all said together and returned my smile

These guys rock. there's no one that knows how to have more fun than them. we have been all together since the beginning of high school. all 11 of us .... wait 11 last time I counted we were only 10.

I turned to ask teddy who the 11th guy was but he must have seen my confused expression

"Alex I like you to meet Trevor."

Trevor I've heard that name before. Could he be the same Trevor that I fell on.

"He just moved here. Today's his first day" Teddy added

Yup that was him. God I hope he doesn't tell the guys what happened earlier today. Please he better not say anything I won't live this on down if he does.

as if he could read my mind he held out a hand for me to shake and said

"hey Alex it nice to 'finally' meet you"

"ya same here" I said and mouth 'thank you' but instead of shaking his hand I slap it like a side ways high five and punch his palm.

"so..." I asked and looked at Teddy with an expression that said why-the-hell-is-he-with-us-?

"Trevor thinks he is good enough to skate with the big boys"

"ha so what are you thinking about?" I asked Teddy

"oh you 'know' what I'm thinking bout" he said with an evil smile

I returned that evil smile and chuckled

"show him what you got kiddo"

"Wait to got to race her? You go to be kidding me! I'm not racing her!" Trevor said annoyed or maybe angry that I was the one he was up against well if he thought I was going to be easy he's got another thing coming and even more now that he's starting to get me mad.

"Her or nothing. You choose" Teddy said calmly

"Fine lets get this over with" Trevor said really annoying

I got my board and got ready

"You guys ready? okay all you have to do is go around the whole campus, just any obstacle you come across, and the first one back here is the winner...well ready... set... go !"

And we were off.

At first he had a head start but as we started to get farther into the race he started to have some complications. which gave me time to catch up. we where so close to reach the finish line when once again my stupid wheel had to let me down. Damn I had completely forgotten about it. But unlike last time I didn't fall instead I jumped off my board. when I looked up Trevor had already reached the guys. I grabbed my board and headed toward them.

"Well Alex it seems as if Trevor beat you" Teddy said while chuckling

"NO he didn't my wheel lost a bolt which made it go completely crazy" I said angry because I could have won.

"Then I guess I'll thank that bolt for my victory" this time it was Trevor who spoke. when I looked at him he had an evil smile that told me he had something up his sleeves. I just returned his smile with a glare.

"So what is my victory prize?" he asked Teddy but kept his eyes on me.

"your on the team"

"Don't I at least get a victory kiss form the loser?"

"No yo-" I was cut short. Trevor had cupped my face in his hands and crushed his lips on mine.


Okay There you have it chapter 2. I hope you guys like it & if you don't tell me what i need to improve remember i'm new at all this. Leave a comment if you want me to upload the next chapter or vote either one is fine and if you want fan.




<3 :)

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