Hell Was Chosen For Me ~ 7

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~Chapter 7~

Bip Bip Bip Bi-

I woke up and felt as if yesterday was just a dream. As if I had never gone to the meadow. As if I had never met him. As if I had never heard his voice. I didn't want to fell like this al I wanted to do was go back and hope that he would be there. But that can't happen I got to go to school and live another day of hell.

I got up off the bed and took a quick shower when I was done I put on whatever I found. I ended up with some caprice, a white long shirt, and my white chucks. I put my damp hair up into a pony tail. When I was done I grabbed my stuff and was about to get my board when I remembered the wheel was screwed so what was the point? I hurried out before I ran into one of the witches.

"Alexia You need to get the groceries today. And you better get here early I don't want to be waiting for your lazy ass" well speaking of the devil.

"Sure Ms. Beckerman I'll get it" I reply to her just as harsh as she talks to me.

"Don't dare talk to me like that it if wasn't for me your ass would be out on the streets" she spats all on my face.

I take a few deep breaths and say

"I'm sorry maim it won't happen again"

"It better not. Now leave you irritate me" I happily left. It looks to me as if she was in a good mood today. She's way more bitchier. If I don't get the groceries its going to be hell for me.

I was walking to school when I hear a honk and turn around and a very expensive sports car and driving it is non other than... Trevor.

He honks again and yells "Want a ride?"

I was going to say no but I'm really not in the mood to walk school today so I get it to the front seat. He had the heater on.

"the warm feels so good?" I tell him

"It pretty cold today that's why I came for you. You would take longer to get to school with out your board."

"Yeah which reminds me thanks for not telling the guys about me falling on you" I said really embarrassed

"sure no problem. I've had a lot of girls fall for me before but you were the first that literately threw herself on me." he said with a smirk on his face.

"That was not my fault it was my boards so can you PLEASE let it go already it's starting to get old...No better said it is old." I was really annoyed now.

"Okay fine I'll let it go. I won't mention you falling for me ever again."

"For the last time I didn't fall for you I fell on top of you. That's completely different. And I thought you where going to let it go" I slightly yelled the last part

"Shish fine I'll let it go. I promise. But can i atleast get something in return. i mean i saved ass.I think i deserve something."

"What do you want?" Whatever it is I just want to get this over.

"Go out with." he said as if he hadn't asked for anything

"What do you mean go out with you." did he mean as being his girlfriend or just on a date?

"I mean as in one date."

" No way!" I was so not going to let him get what he wants. Not so easily that is. sure it might be just a date but what comes after that? he'llwant more. well he's not getting it from me.

"Come on it's not as if I'm asking you to marry me. It's just one date."

"Trevor I Said No!" Once again he had me all worked up over practically nothing.

"Really because you say no but it looks like you want to say yes"

"Well then i guess you just don't know how to read people"

"That's not it,babe, i can read you like an open book. you just close yourself as you where afraid that soemone might read something they're not suppost to."

"Oh really and since when did you become Dr. Phil?"

"Please that guy wishes he was as good as me" i had a feelig he wasn't just talking about knowing a person.

"You have a big head for someone who's not even that good looking" I lied terribly. Trevor was a totla sex god but i wasn't going to tell him that.

"that not the only big thing i have" he said with a huge smirk on his face that made me laugh.

"Thats sick" i said between laughs.

"Thats the truth."


"So is that a yes?"

"That's how about we be friends?"

"i can deal with that, babe"

"stop calling me babe thats like the second time you've done it"

"does it annoye you?" he asked


"Then it stays" hes cockyness was driving me crazy. he got his baclpack and left the car. i looked around an noticed we had reached school. wow it past by faster than i thought.

Trevor left his way without saying another word to me and i left mine.

"Alex! Wait up" I turned around and saw teddy jogging over to me.

"Hey Teddy" I said with a big smile on my face. Its been a good morning so far can you blame me for being happy.

"Hey why where you ridding in Trevor's car?" he asks with a demanding voice that got me really pissed off.

"My board didn't work so he gave me a ride."

"Well i don't want you to hang out with him so much" did he just order me to stay away from him.

"what the hell is your problem Teddy?"

"Nothing will you just listen to me" he yelled at me

"No i won't. Unless you tell me why."

"He just doesn't give me a good edge."

"So i can't be around him just because he dosen't give you a good 'edge'. Are you serious? since when do you get to decide my life?"

"im not deciding for you im only warning you."

"well i don't need your warning. i can live my life perfectly without you."

"oh really." he said in a mocking tone that made me think who this person was infront of me. Because this sure wasn't the Teddy i loved.

"Yes really. So Please leave me the hell alone!" i yelled and left without saying or letting him say another word. who did he think he was to tell me all this crap. i've lived through enough Bull. i don't need him to give me some as well.


Hope you liked this one better. cuz i sure do. tell me what you think Plz i really love when you leave comments and votes it makes my day. so don't forget to leave a. oh and i dedicated this chapter to iceangel1208 because of that comment u left last chapter thanks.





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