Hell Was Chosen for Me ~ 3

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Chapter 4


At first It was just like a long hard peck but then he started to slowly move his hard on mine. It Would have been better if I hadn't stupidly started to move mine as well. It's just that he was forcing me to ... Ya that's why I kept on kissing him. Then he finally parted our lips.

God what has Just happened? Why did he do that? Most importantly why didn't I pull him away? Did I just enjoy that? Man why does my life have to be filled with so many question? great another one.

"wow Trev first day and you already got a girl that wants in your pants"

who was that dumb ass who said that.

Ryan. why am I not surprised?

"He Did NOT! All he's going to get is a kick in the ass if he does that again! And I SO don't want in his pants. so if you know what's good for you Ryan You'll keep your mouth shut" I yelled with venom in my voice.

"Just chill kiddo. Come on lets get to class." Teddy said while grabbing my shoulders and pushing me inside. Sure now he comes in. where was he 5 seconds ago? like before he kissed me.

"where the hell where you? why did you let him kiss me?" I yelled at him. which made me feel even worst because I knew he had nothing to do with it. It's all Trevor's fault for making me feel this way.

"I don't know I guess it took me by surprise. Just like you. I didn't really think he was going to kiss you."


"Are you mad at me kiddo ?" he asked in an innocent voice that he knew I couldn't not give him what he wanted with that. wait did that make sense? I don't think I even got myself well the point is I wasn't mad at him.

"No" and with that I walked into my last class and sat at my usual desk in back of the room. I was finally starting to calm down when the schools slut comes up to me and says

"Your in my seat 'dude' ...oh Alex is that you? well if you were trying to pass off for a guy mission accomplished."

what is she talking about I've sat here the whole year. this is my seat. why would she want to sit here all of a sudden... oh I see why now the Andrew Paterson cough man whore cough switched seats with the girl that used to seat next to me. I'll give her the seat because I so don't want to be seated next to Mr. I -can -get -any- girl- in- this- school- in- my- bed but not before I have my fun

"Ahhh... Tiffany I see you've visited the screwed up plastic surgeon again."

"Alex you know it's sad that more girls hit on then guys"

"And it's sad that half of your body is fake"


"owe Tif don't hurt your by trying to come up with a good insult you offend me just by being in the same room as me. oh and by the way."

I decided to sit next to the window. school will finally be over. You know I wouldn't mind coming to school more if it wasn't for the annoying teachers, the sluts and Jocks that think they all own the school. oh well I guess you can't have everything you want.

'welcome my class Mr. ...' 'Mitchell. Trevor Mitchell'

Ohhh no this can't be. why this class out of all the others can't they put him in an other class? well as long as they don't put him next to me preferably as far way from me as possible.

'well Mr. Mitchell why don't you have a set next to mm Ms. Sterling over there'

why me? This wouldn't have happened if Tiffany weren't such a slut and want to sit to her friends instead of the guy she's fu*king tonight.

I heard foot steps coming toward me but I was so not going to look up. Then Trevor Just to annoy me bents down to the side of my shoulder and says "My pleasure Ms. Sterling" with the same sexy smirk on his face as earlier.

This was going to be a long period. All I can do now is ignore him. Just then I feel a tap on my shoulder but I so wasn't going to look up so I kept my eyes down on my desk. Then I see a folded piece of paper. I got curious so I open it bad mistake.

Trevor- U No Ur A Good Kisser? Can I have another 1?

Alex-U Try Ad get another 1 Ad I Swear I'll sneak into ur room & cut Ur balls off.

Trevor- but the first part did sound good without the whole cutting my balls off.

Alex- you R such a pig

Trevor- Ya but you'll love me becaz of that l8er

Alex- Trust me I won't

Trevor -Chill I'm just messin w/ U... so R we cool now?

Alex-Hell no!

Trevor-come on don't be like that I said I was sorry

Alex- NO you think you can just kiss me and expect me to be all fine about it. I'm not like the sluts you like to 'hang out with'

Trevor- I know your not like them that's why I kissed you.

Alex- I don't care why you kissed me like I said before as long as it doesn't happen EVER again.


Finally!!! I grabbed my stuff and left the room as fast as I could

School was finally over. I was grabbing all my stuff from my locker when I heard the locker next to mine. I looked up expecting to see Teddy but instead it was Trevor. haven't i've seen him enough for today

wow. I hadn't really looked at him. He was pretty hot I must admit. He had dirty blond, short, spiky hair; the same shade as Teddy. Greenish grayish eyes and a perfect smile.

"well I got to give it to you. your pretty good" he said breaking the silence

"I'm better than 'pretty good' I would have beaten you too if it wasn't because of my wheel"

"Ya I wasn't talking about the race but what ever floats your boat."

"whatever. so what do you want?" I said but harsher this time I wasn't going to let him think he was off the hook

"Can't I Just compliment your good kissing without being accused of wanting something. well I would want another kiss if you don't mind "

"why do you have to be such " I said closing my locker and was already walking when I heard him yell from my locker

"Hey wait up! let me give you a ride"

"You have a car. Last time I remembered you got here walking"

"Ya. your right. But I can make a great walking partner." he said while showing off he sexy smile. scratch that did I just say sexy? oh god what is he doing to me I don't even know him that well. oh well I'll deal with it later.

I nodded and said "okay"


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I just need to know what goes on in ur head

<3 <3 <3 <3

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