Hell Was Chosen For Me~ 5

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Chapter 5


At first it was quiet but I got tired of it so I had to say something before I explode. Things have been so weird between us first I fall on him, he beats me at my game, he kisses me, he flirts and now he's being all nice. and today's just his first day.

"so have you lived here for long?" thank goodness he broke the silence I had no idea of what I could say.

"Yup since I was born"

"cool so you pretty much know this town like the inside of your palm"

"It's a really really small town so ya. I wouldn't mind if I were just small but nothing ever happens here." I said while shrugging

"Just my luck. Out of all the places my dad had to get transferred to it had to be here... well it can't be that bad considering someone as hot as you lives here" he said the last part with a smirk. Did he seriously just say that? oh my I think I'm blushing.

"you know you look even cuter when you blush" Trevor said. which made me blush even a darker shade of red.

"Okay! you got to stop what your doing right now!" I snapped at him

"doing what?" as if he doesn't know

"That. Cute. Hot. you just met me a few hours ago. Can't you at least wait a few days until you try to get me in your bed?"

"Sorry I just love seeing your reaction" so that was why he was doing this. I should have known

"whatever" why was I so upset about this?

"Don't get me wrong I would love to get you in my pants. But There's something different about you" what did he mean by that. why does he have to confuse me so much?

he spoke again "so why don't you tell me why you hate this town so much"

"I don't hate it" do I? "It's not that bad living here. I mean we get to go to lots of places since there's not a lot of things here... once me and teddy went to a Paramore concert 2 towns away and it was great until we tried to get back stage and get an autograph. In the end we got it. see" I lifted up my skate board for him to see.

"wow that so cool. It must have been hard to get it"

"Hell Ya!!! It would have been even better if we hadn't gotten caught by some security guard. At first they where like 'WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING BACK HERE WITHOUT A PASS?!?!' But since he was like being a total jerk. so gave him a piece of my mind."

"And how did that work out for you?" he asked as if he already knew what had happened.

"Not so well. They took both of us to the police station. Teddy's dad came to bail us out. The worst part of the night was when he gave us a speech on why we should respect the authority. It was horrible."

"You guys must have had Tons of fun that night" he said sarcastically

"Yes. because I love hearing grown men yell at me"

"so apart form the concert and adults yelling at you what else can you do?"

"well there's a club not to far away from here. You don't need an id to get in but you will if you want to drink. It's the best place in town"

"we'll have to go there someday then."

"ya we should. well I have to turn here."

"okay so I'll se you tomorrow."

"Ya. Bye" I said and waved goodbye and walked away.

I didn't want to go to the orphanage yet so I kept on walking. It was still pretty early like around 5:30 or something like that. I didn't really worry about getting back late since the only one that cared was Ms. Grace and she knew I always arrive late so had a few more hours.

I bought myself something to eat and went to the one place I would always go when I was small. I walked for what seem like a half an hour when I started to see tress I knew I was close. I walked more until I was finally there.

It was just as I remembered it. In back of me where plain Pine trees but in front was a water clear lake. Then further to the lake where Mountain that showed a perfect sunset every evening. This was my favorite place when I was small. I found it one day that I 'tried' to run away. I hadn't come here in quiet a long time.

I sat on a rock and just enjoyed the view. It was perfect. This has to be the best way to end a very weird day. I sat there and just thougt of all the things that have happened. i didn{t notice when i started to cry but i had tears falling down my face by the time i knew it. then I heard a noise come from behind me.

"Who's there?"

I heard the same noise again

i stood up and yelled ahain "WHO'S THERE!" I make sure they heard me. That's when it came out from behinds the trees. It was now dark so I it's whole body was like a shadow. It didn't even look like a real person from how black it looked. it started to walk towards me until...


Leave a comment of what U thought about this chapter. Plz!! tell me what i can do 2 improve. or what you would like to happen. what do U think this new mistery thing is leave a comment and see if you are right.





or else no next chapter

u have been warned :o

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