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After my brothers left, I washed the dirty utensils and cleaned the kitchen. My mother insisted on preparing lunch and I gladly let her. I was not going to cook for the she devil.

I excused myself and went to my room.I flopped myself on the bed and took out my ipod from my bedside drawer and started listening to the Holy Quran. Closing my eyes I let the beautiful words fill my heart. Whenever I listen to the Quran I get this peaceful feeling within me. I just feel at ease and am surrounded by peace and tranquility. Such an amazing feeling.

After about an hour, I went to see if my mother wanted help with anything. But she had everything ready. Well, it looks like Laila would be here any second from now.

"Am going to set the table. " I stated.

"No sweetie, we are going to eat on the mat." Mom beamed.

The mat?! But that was my my mother's and I thing. We always had our special lunch on that mat. It was our thing. Everyone knew that. And now Laila was going to sit with us? Over my dead body. I will not allow it.

"Honey, everything ok?" Mom asked sceptically.

"Do we have to use the mat?" I asked.

"Yes, it's going to be special!" She practically jumped with excitement.

See! Special. Special because only my mother and I sit on that thing. Even my brothers know that. It's even called Ahlam and mom's mat!

"But the mat is our thing, mom."Why can't she see that?

"Now, now behave Ahlam, " she said disapprovingly.

Ugh! Laila just have to ruin everything, doesn't she?

I left the kitchen and went to the living room, stretching myself on the couch. I swear I'll never touch that mat ever again.

Ouch, what was that? I tried scooting away but something was blocking my way.

Again, It's like someone was pinching my upper arm. Hard.

That's it!

I opened my eyes and saw none other than Laila with an evil smile plastered on her face.

I had fallen asleep on the couch and she was pinching me.

I was hit by a sudden wave of anger. Who does that to a sleeping person.

"Good you're already awake,  now come on girls!" My mother suddenly announced entering the room oblivious to the death glare I was shooting Laila.

"coming aunty, " Laila said sweetly.

"You're so gonna pay for this." I said, shoving her out of the way and following my mother to the kitchen.

I know the strongest amongst us is he who controls his anger but one of these days am going to smack her senseless .

"That's nice, don't you think so honey?" I looked up to see my mother waiting for an answer.

"Yeah it is, " I replied even though I had no inkling of what she was talking about; I zoned out the minute Laila started speaking.

Mom looked really intrigued in whatever that girl was saying. Yes both of them were sitting on the special mat(not anymore) chatting animatedly between themselves. And when I went to sit at the dining table with my food, she didn't even ask me to come sit with them. It's like I cease to exist whenever that girl is around.

Jealous much?

Yes and I have every reason to be. She's my mother after all.

"By the way, why are you here? I mean don't you have school and stuff." I asked her.

"Well yeah, but I sorta had to meet this suitor and yeah.I mean you know how this things are,  right? " She finished with a wicked smirk. Oh, she did not just go there!

"MashAllah, so there's going to be a wedding soon? " Mom asked smiling.

"No aunty, I turned him down. I mean I have been getting lots of proposals but none of them um, how do I put, it doesn't feel right. Sorry I know am not making sense... "

"I understand what you're trying to say Laila." My mother tenderly.

That was my cue to leave. I stood up leaving my untouched food on the table.

"Ahlam sweetie, you haven't touched your food."

"Not hungry and I have to pray dhuhr." I said while exiting the kitchen.

I truly pity the man who'll end up marrying her.

Astaghfirullah, I am in no position to judge.

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