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Muna's PoV9

      Bushra was cradled in my arms as I rocked back and forth while humming a tune to put her to sleep. I'm so thankful to Allah for giving me a healthy and beautiful child with my beloved husband. Sometimes it still feels like a dream to me. A beautiful dream. I mean, what are the odds of marrying your first crush who also happens to like you; I know how lucky I am and I'm grateful to Allah. Some people suffer in the name of love. Experiencing pain because of something that's suppose to be wonderful and blissful. Something that is daresay the magical part of this life.

   Ahlam always had this idea that she already loves the person who was going to marry her. At first, I thought she liked someone but that wasn't the case. She even started wearing niqab so that no other guy would see her face. Personally, I thought it was kind of absurd, Ahlam idolizing someone she didn't even have a clue about, was crazy to me. I know they say love is blind however Ahlam was taking it to a whole new level. But I think she was starting to see the error of believing her picturesque future. The boys avoided her like the plague because she was the only girl our age wearing niqab.It started as a joke until it became part of her wardrobe. She wasted her whole childhood on someone she might never meet.

   I was stroking my daughter's head when my phone rang. It was Ahlam. I just let it ring and after a few seconds it stopped. I continued caressing Bushra when I got interrupted by the sound of keys and the front door opening and closing.

Sameer is back.

With a last glance at Bushra, I stood up to welcome my husband home. He was removing his shoes when I entered our living room.

"Assalamu aleikum, beautiful." He said as he walked over to me and kissing my cheek.

"Wa aleykumsalaam." I smiled at his handsome face. We sat on the couch making small talks but I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked playing with his fingers."I feel like you're not telling me something?" Instead of saying anything he smiled and kissed me.

"I love you." He still made me feel that wonderful sensation in my tummy just like the first time he uttered those words to me.

"So what's up?" I casually asked. After a few minutes of silence Sameer told me that his brother, Ammar, wanted to marry. I don't understand what made him so nervous because it was clearly good news. I was about to voice out my thought but I realized he wasn't finished talking.

"Honey, Ammar wants to marry Ahlam and he wants you to tell Ahlam first, before he officially seeks her hand in marriage." So that was why he was nervous.

"You know our friendship is not like before. Things have changed between us!" Ammar can tell her himself.

"Please Muna, My brother likes her. Please pass his message to her." His eyes were pleading with me. urgh! "Fine." He fist bumped the air hissing 'yes' and hugged me."You're the best!"

   While in Sameer's arms I couldn't help but wonder what he would think of me if he knew I didn't want Ahlam as his sister-in-law. Will he hate me? That thought alone stabbed my heart. I hugged him tighter.

What should I do?

   Ahlam's PoV

   I tried calling Muna but she didn't pick up, I know when she sees my missed call she'll call me back. It has been a while since we talked, like really talking about everything and anything, but whenever I call her she rushes the conversation and sometimes it gets awkward. Does she not want me as a friend anymore? No, she's just busy now that she's a mother. I need to understand that we can't talk like before, she has to put her family first and I need to respect that. Though I can't help but feel like Muna is forgetting me: forgetting our friendship. She wouldn't, would she?

Sighing, I got up from my bed and went to the window, it looked like it was about to rain. I need to stop assuming things. Just because I'm bitter for being stupid and thinking I'll find a fairy-tale like love doesn't mean the people I love have given up on me.

Even though I have given up on myself.

I peered at the sky again and hoped it would rain. Maybe, just maybe, I'll find peace then.




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