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   The night was getting colder and darker, a clear indication that it was really late but I had no intention of going home. Everything that happened was like a nightmare to me and I wished there was a way I could erase my memory. Or to block the occasional flashes I still seeing.

"Hey, you know you can't stay mad at mom." Yusuf said. The truth was, I wasn't mad. I was hurt. And there was a huge difference.

"I'm not mad at anyone." I finally answered.

After a few minutes Yusuf decided it was time to go home. We made our way to the bus station just in time to catch the bus. There was an old man who was sleeping sitting next to a woman who was reading a newspaper. I was wearing Yusuf's leather jacket that had a sweatshirt hoodie attached to it so I pulled the hoodie half way down my face and lowered my head. I felt exposed even though the bus was almost empty. I missed my niqab.

"Ahlam, Where are your shoes?" Yusuf whispered once we were seated. I took the window seat.

"I left it there." I said.

"Oh." We didn't talk for the rest of the ride home.

When we reached home all the lights were on. Even the front porch and I felt really bad. Mom was obviously worried sick and it was my fault she was not asleep. She was also alone in the house what if something happened. Then I remembered what BinYamin said.

What if my mom is dead right now?

I couldn't even banish that evil thought out of my head because we were humans and we could die any time, any second.

I rushed to the front door but it was locked before I could ask Yusuf if he had the spare key,the door was opened. I turned to see my mom with swollen red eyes. I'm going to hell. Ya Allah forgive me for making my mom cry. Please forgive me. Please.

It was clear my mom had cried her eyes out. She was looking at me with sad eyes and I couldn't afford to see her like that. Especially when I was the cause of it.

"Mom I'm sorry," I said throwing my arms around her in a tight hug. She hugged me back immediately. "Mom, I'm really sorry I didn't know what to do so I just ran and-"

"Sssh, sweety. I was worried something happened to you." Mom spoke with sadness still etched on her voice. We entered the house when mom spoke again, "Alhamdulillah you are both safe. Yusuf left his phone here and you left yours at Hafsa's and as the hours flew by I just grew more worried."

Ya Allah, what have I done. "Ahlam sweety," Mom hugged me tightly as if to assure herself I was really there. I started sobbing uncontrollably in her familiar and warm embrace.

" I'll leave you two to talk," Yusuf said. "Goodnight."

I knew we had to talk but first things first, I had to pray. Both maghrib (better late than never) and Isha.

"Let me pray first and then we can talk InshaAllah, okay?"

"Okay," She looked really tired. I kissed her on both cheeks before leaving the room. I took a shower and made wudhu afterwards after changing into clean clothes. I took my time praying for forgiveness, begging for Allah's mercy to pardon my mistakes and grant my parents Jannah. I felt really good after praying. I felt whole and at peace.

I made my way downstairs to the living room and sat beside my mom again. She smiled before taking my hand in hers. "I'm really sorry honey," Mom said. "Ahlam I was just so-"

"No, mom I'm the one who should be apologizing, I made you worry and ran off instead of telling everyone Ammar was lying." I still can't believe that stupid liar.

Mom sighed and shook her head slowly. "Ahlam dear, I'm sorry and before you interrupt me, yes I have to apologize because we learned the truth after you left."

So I'm guessing that lying boy regretted what he did and felt bad so he confessed.

Mom told me how Laila's mother arrived with her daughter just after I ran off. Apparently it was Laila's mom, Habiba, who told everyone what actually happened.

"But mom how can she know? Ammar was the one who made up this whole story." I asked confused.

"Ahlam, Ammar is innocent. Just like you in all this." Mom explained. "Habiba found out everything when she overheard her daughter talking ill about you with someone else on the phone. So she confronted Laila who revealed everything."
That... that evil, hate-filled demon!

"So it was in fact Laila?" I asked stupidly. I was still trying to comprehend everything that mom was telling me. I mean, I knew she has always hated me but I never knew she'd do something like this.

Mom just nodded her head but there was something else she wasn't telling me. "What is it?" I don't know why, but as soon as those words left my mouth, I wished I didn't ask.

"Ahlam, Laila and...,"Mom took a deep breath and completed the sentence that burned me from the inside out. "It was Laila and Muna. They're the ones who lied to Ammar..." But everything else faded out after that. Why would Muna want to hurt me? She's my best friend so why would she gang up on me with Laila of all people?

And here I thought things couldn't possibly take a turn for the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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