Meeting of Chance

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"I hate this place. . .so depressing."

Meghan said aloud, observing the vast array of buildings and shacks that covered every part of her eyesight, except the ground which was covered in a brown, muddy tarmacking with holes, gum and footprints, and the sky, a bright blue colour with small and few pure white clouds moving slowly across the sky.

Why'd she come on this trip? Oh yeah, to get away from her parents. Despite their deepest feelings, her mother and father still decided to let her go, feeling that a bit of time away would help with her teenage rebellion stage.

"What was that Meghan?" Her teacher, Miss Chucas, asked, stopping the class who all looked at the blonde.

"I said this place is depressing." She repeated, looking straight at her teacher whilst some class members sniggered. "We passed a drug raid for God's sakes!"

"It was an accident, we came in the wrong place." The teacher shook their head, turning to continue the tour.

"What, like your dad? Coming in the wrong place?" The young girl thought herself funny, smiling and laughing slightly at the joke, but miss Chucas didn't think so.

"Meghan!!! Tonight you're sleeping in the teachers room!!" They shouted, knowing that would mean she wouldn't be near her Walkman or friends.

Meghan sighed loudly, throwing her head back as the class went forward.

"Do me a favour and kill yourself." She whispered, turning on her Walkman which she'd managed to sneak along on the journey.

Whilst opening it up to put in her favorite tape, an album by a British band called Queen, she realised that the group had gone ahead of her, leaving them behind.

Meghan quickly looked around, finding no sign of the rest of her class to be found anywhere. They groaned, putting her headphones on and playing the tape, walking around the Favela back to the hotel which they were staying in.

After three minutes of wandering around, she realised that it had been ten minutes. But the hotel was in sight, and not that far away as well.

Deciding to take a trip down an alleyway to get there quicker, her first mistake. Her second was not handing over the little money she had on her when the robber had assaulted her.

The man was rough, pushing out from a door way to hit into her, toppling Meghan over, then grabbing her by the collar and placing a knife to her throat.

"Seu dinheiro, entregue agora!!!(Your money, hand it over now!!!" His voice was gruff, any politeness beaten out of him at a young age, yet there was a tint of fear mixed in as well.

"Puta(bitch)." Meghan spat at him, getting his eye.

He quickly wiped it off, now extremely pissed off. It was clear by both his expression and new attitude towards her that she was going to be killed.

But just then, a girl walked down the alley. She was wearing a hoodie with the hood up, black and brown, probably mud, a pair of blue denim jeans and green shoes. The man hadn't noticed her yet, a mistake he would very soon regret.

Then, the mystery woman ran at him, punching him in the nose as he turned to face her.

The punch knocked him back, making him drop Meghan, who fell to her knees and rubbed her throat where the man had grabbed her by.

Meghan looked to see the two fighting, realizing the man had her bag. She took a step forward, when the hooded woman rolled on top of him, brandishing the knife he had held to the blonde's throat, and shoved it into his own.

Meghan quickly looked away, appalled by the sight of the dead man.

Turning around she was face to face with the girl who'd saved her, holding her backpack out for her.

Meghan studied her face: she had brown eyes, chocolate coloured, brown hair which was all messed and mudded, probably from the fight, and dark skin which seemed to bring out her finer features. Her beautiful lips and facial structure, strong jawline and perfect neck. She looked eighteen, so around her age.

Wait, why was Meghan thinking this? She didn't even know their name.

"Que(what)?" The Brazilian asked, noticing Meghan observing her. But that just made the American more distracted, her voice sounded like that of an angles.

"I,uh, sorry. Thanks for getting my bag back." Meghan thanked them, looking past her to the dead body then looking quickly back at her.

"English?" Her accent was more profound now, more noticeable whilst not speaking her native tongue.

"No, American." The blonde smiled slightly at her, nodding their head. "Thank you miss. . .?"

"I'm no one of consequence." The reply came fluently, like water from a tap. It was natural.

"But your name? What is it?" Meghan asked, looking at them.

"If we meet again, I might tell you."

Meghan smiled and gave a slight wave and grin, walking off.

She heard the woman mutter something in Portuguese, but couldn't understand, walking back to the hotel, realizing once she got there she'd dropped her Walkman during her attack.

When the teacher had finished making the bed in their room for Meghan, he left so she could get to sleep, the time being 9pm. Before she could lie down, a knock was heard at the window.

"Wha-why are you here?" The blonde asked the mystery woman who'd once again turned up unheard.

"Follow me." They were the only words she'd said before climbing up the wall to the roof,

Meghan looked around, making sure nobody was there then followed the Brazilian, seeing a whole bunch of ass as she went up.

Once in the roof the darker haired one of the pair got up further, offering Meghan a hand, which she gladly took as they pulled her up onto a metal roof looking over the city with its bright lights and glowing colours in the dark.

"I, uhhh, thought you'd like to this this. I heard what you said earlier, about this place being depressing, so I thought I'd show you the beauty in it as well. And after the attack I thought you needed some breathing space. And here's your Walkman, you dropped it." They sounded so caring, as though they genuinely knew and cared about her, giving them her tape player back.

"I. . .thank you, I thought I'd lost it. This is beautiful." Meghan blushed at the scene, smiling. Looking at the Brazilian, she realised they were leaning towards them.

"Você é tão fodidamente fofo." The dark haired one whispered, leaning closer as Meghan blushed and moved back slightly, and just before their lips touched the Brazilian stopped, moving away slightly. "I, um, like your earrings."

Meghan took one out, looking at the skull shape it was, taking the other out and handing them to her new friend.

"H-here. As a thanks for saving my ass earlier." Meghan smiled and pushed them forward to her.

"E que burro é." The American couldn't tell what is was she'd said, but thought it was something along the lines of 'Thank you'.

"I've gotta go now. See you around!" They jumped off the scaffolding onto the roof, climbing down to the room and entering it, leaving the Brazilian to stay on top of the hotel, blushing with thoughts of only Meghan.





See ya soon."


Thanks to Bellatwix24 for the inspiration to this story.

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