Two Week Vacation

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Valkyrie coughed, wiping the blood from the corners of her mouth whilst getting back up on to shaky feet, and faced her opponent with a bloody scowl directed at them, who only grinned at their handy work on the American's lip and face in response, lunging at them with speed instead of force or power.

This time Meghan was more prepared for it, dodging the first punch thrown at her narrowly, swinging back at them with one in return.

This action caught them off guard, making them stagger backward for a few steps. Despite the surprise, they quickly regained their stance, preparing for a fight.

Then a whistle was blown, and the two stood down, as did everyone else in their training pairs, stopping the fighting and waiting to hear what Eliza (Ash) had deemed important enough to stop training in the middle of a session to say.

"Alright, to spice things up a little bit, whoever wins this spar training will be getting free pizza, milkshakes, ice creams et cetera," The duos suddenly perked up, listening more closely when the word ‘Free’ had been mentioned. A sudden motivation to do better than usual against their opponent sparked in them all, leaving no room in their thoughts for mercy. “May the better one of the two win.”

In the ensuing chaos of everyone tackling each other, Valkyrie managed to get a hold of Caveira's arms and pin her down on the large, soft mat each pair had as a sort of boundary as to where they could fight in.

Once pinned, Taina tried to kick her way out of Meghan's stronger grip or twist out by spinning around and on top of them using her legs. To counter this, the blonde tangled their legs together, grinning at her victory, pinning the Brazilian down with her whole body.

"Gonna give up?" Meghan cheekily suggested into Taina's ear with a wide grin.

"Never!" Taina spat back, struggling to escape the American's steel tight grip.

Then Meghan heard a wolf whistle directed at them, and some 'Ooohs!' from their teammates. Confused at first, Meghan then realized exactly why they were whistling at them, and blushed, loosening her grip slightly which gave Taina the opportunity which she had been waiting for to turn the tables on her opponent.

Spinning around so Meghan was on the bottom and kneeling over her, hands on their wrists with a strong grip, and an angry look on their face, radiating vibes of anger, scowling at them.

"I guess Taina is the Dom in their relationship." James (Smoke) joked, winking at them.

The next few minutes of training were spent trying to stop Caveira from murdering James brutally, which was very hard with her speed and agility.

It only ended when Capitão shouted at them, gripping her forearm, ordering at her in Portuguese, which made her suddenly stop struggling, and look shocked for a singular brief moment, before scowling at the old man, tugging herself free of his grip and exiting the training area as Eliza ran up to her, telling her something inaudible to the rest of the room before they left.

"Don't worry Meg. I'm sure that Taina's good on top," Emma teased with a wink.

"And I'm sure Aria is as well," Meghan winked back at the now blushing Frenchwoman, who was struggling to construct a sentence in response.

"W-well, it’s not like - I, uh, we like to, um - she's a, we don't, uh, um -it’s a-a bit, um we just - I-I don’t really, um, err," Emma kept up with her struggle, until Meghan waved it off, walking away, grinning.

"Oh, Meghan. Six told me that she wanted to see you in her office right away," Eliza informed her, rushing back to help a crying Blitz who Bandit had punched in the eye ‘accidentally’ even though they were in different groups.

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