Tell Nobody

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Hereford Base, the European Headquarters of the most elite Special Forces unit in the world: Team Rainbow. It housed all of its operators from a multitude of countries, CTU’s, backgrounds and all with different and unique personalities that matched their respective gadgets. Although some weren’t their own, but rather designs or actual gadgets and designs of others. Most notably were Maestro’s and Lion’s, both having been made by Emmanuelle.

She had also helped in the making of Aria’s gadget, doing all of the actual design and making of the gadget whilst one lazy, Japanese man just went over her blueprints with a black marker to make tweaks and adjustments to certain things, and criticizing her whilst she worked, himself having done nothing for the entire time Emma was working. Having to work on both of the Italian operator’s gadgets was tiresome, and took a notable toll upon the young woman, who had spent at least an entire day in her room sleeping.

But she didn’t care. She was too busy to care about her co-worker's laziness, being distracted by a very specific Libyan woman working for the Italian GIS who was wearing a pair of extremely tight combat trousers, or was that just Emma’s imagination running amok?

But the two got off to a good start, even a joke or two was slipped in. It would have been better for Emmanuelle if Masaru (Echo) wasn’t there so she could be a little more direct and flirtatious with Aria, but she still managed to do quite well with her and even managed to get her to blush slightly.

Emma smiled at the memory of her first meeting with Aria, and the times that they had spent together after. As much as she loved to dwell upon her memories of her beautiful girlfriend, the bright sun was shining into the room through the curtains she had thought were closed.

Despite being wide awake, Emma didn’t make a single move, happy to stay where she was in her bed. She wasn’t sleeping in the same bed, or even room as Aria. Six had banned anyone from doing so, even if they were in a relationship.

But it still didn’t stop them from cuddling up on a sofa whenever they could. It felt good, even natural to them both. To be together in each other’s arms, holding one another. She loved being held in Aria’s arms, it made her feel so safe and protected.

It reminded her of what her mother had once told her whilst she was growing up: “Someday, little Emmanuelle, you will find your prince charming, and he will sweep you off your feet, and make you feel so special, and safe and loved. When you find him, you will know that he is the right one for you. And make sure to tell me straight away, little Emma.”

The irony of it was not lost on Emmanuelle. What her mother said had been true, and Emma was very glad of it, but being with a woman was something her family disapproved of greatly. Her father, mother, two brothers and one of her sisters all clearly disagreed with it.

The only person in her family of whom Emma knew was lenient towards her preference at the very least was her older, twin sister Charlotte. It was probably the fact of them being twins that had made her feel a bit sympathetic towards her, despite having been born ten seconds before Emmanuelle.

After half an hour of being lazy in bed, Emma finally decided to get up and go to work in her technology department of Rainbow, which specialized in gadgets. Despite having to share it with Echo, Mira, and Mute, among others, it seemed Echo was always a bit too busy chasing after Ying, Mark was spending time with Vigil to improve their gadgets, and Elena had been talking with Clash recently about how well her shield was working in the field, so it was all hers.

Emma smiled as she familiarized herself with the workshop, making sure everything was where it was, and nothing had been moved out of place or touched.

“Oi, Frenchie,” The all too familiar British accent of Mark (Mute) called out to her.

“Ah, my favorite tea drinking, pastry eating friend! What can I do for you today?” She grinned. Despite their clear and obvious differences and rivalry during training, they were best friends outside of the training situations, often joking about with each other.

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