Ghosts of the Past

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The room was deathly silent, not a single noise could be heard apart from the gentle and rhythmic breathing of Meghan. The windows were closed and curtains were down, turning the room into a crushingly dark space. Despite the coldness of the room, Taina managed to keep warm under the covers of the single blanket which she was sharing with Meghan. Taina wasn’t surprised when she woke up to find herself clutching onto the sleeping form of the American who was in a ball almost as they held onto the Brazilian. She was just surprised it was her holding them and not the other way around. Not that they didn’t enjoy having them in her arms.

Looking at the woman in her arms, she saw how the sides and back of her head were almost completely shaved of hair, only stubble there, whilst the hair on the top of her hair was kept relatively uncut. It was long, and stuck upwards and outwards whilst she slept. Taina found the style she had very . . . punk, almost. It suited them.

The blonde moved slightly further into the Brazilian’s arms, cuddling up closer for warmth. Looking down at their feet, she saw the blanket didn’t cover them, so she pulled Meghan’s legs up closer to herself, for their sakes. Taina couldn’t help but wonder whether they knew they were cuddling or not. She didn’t know which she wanted to be true more, Valkyrie knowing they were in this position or not.

“Mmmph,” Meghan groaned sleepily, eyes still closed. Smiling, the brunette decided to get up and out of bed before Meghan saw the position they were in, but found the American only pulled them closer. “D-don’t leave Cass, please, not yet,” Meghan whispered, whimpering almost, looking scared. Who was Cass?

The younger woman decided to leave the bed anyways, giving the blonde a pillow to sleep with instead and a small kiss on her forehead. Probably the most intimacy she would ever get with them after yesterday.

They got dressed into their casual attire which consisted of jeans, boots, a T-shirt, leather jacket and, sometimes, sunglasses. Caveira felt that the only way she could truly express herself and who she truly was, who she wanted to be, outside of her job was impossible, her work life all too well blended in with her personal one. So she decided to make herself as unnoticeable as possible, wearing something that would be seen as normal, or common, that had no real statement behind it. She was all too good at blending in with the crowds and remaining unseen, so good at it she did it without even thinking about it. Perhaps that was why the SEAL had never taken any real notice of them before, and why they never showed any interest in them

She went to make herself the usual black coffee, and one for Meghan too, as she turned on the stereo system she owned. It played the disc which she had left in it from, what was it now? Weeks, months ago? She was last in Brazil after Archangel, so most likely it was left from then.

She recognised the song almost instantly, the tune and rhythm familiar to the brunette’s ears. “Something Good, alt-J,” Taina said to herself, a small smile tugging at her usually emotionless face. Few things could make her smile, Meghan was one of them.

Sitting down at the couch in front of the TV, she turned it on, but left it on mute so the music could be heard over it and Meghan wouldn’t be woken up by it. No new or interesting news was on yet, the only eye-catching thing she noticed was on the successful raid by Team Rainbow on the warehouse. It listed the casualties, their names, ages, motivations and any past incidents with the law before this final one.

“All of these men had one thing in common: a tattoo of a skull with a knife going upwards through it. The jaw of the skull was broken, and blood was oozing out of the eyes. It is unclear what this tattoo means, but it has long since suspected to mean membership of the gang The Black Devils,” The subtitles told Taina as an image of one of the members’ tattoos was shown, on their neck. Another image was put up, this time on their wrist.

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