A Day in Hell

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A day in hell.

That's what Taina would describe this as.

She had hoped that after their meeting and almost-kiss, that cute American girl would visit her again whilst they stayed, but sadly they couldn't.

She'd climbed down to the balcony and heard the teachers talking with the students, telling them today was their last. After a good five minutes sitting there and listening, they'd all left except for Meghan, the blonde's name as she learnt. Taina didn't tell them her own.

They walked around Rio, talking to and about each other. It had turned out the drug raid Meghan and her class witnessed the day before was a crackdown on the Brazilian's father's storehouse.

"Wait, your dads drug store? What is he, a kingpin?" Meghan chuckled nervously, looking around to see if anybody was following them.

"Yes, he runs one of the three major gangs around the Favela. There are the 'Aperto Da Morte', Death's Grasp, who run the east of Rio through drugs, then there's 'A Mão Do Destino', The Hands Of The Fates, who run a system where you pay for protection if you're important and do bodyguard work, but if you don't pay." She made her hand into the shape of a gun and 'shot' herself in the head. "My father runs a multiple task one, doing drugs, slavery, anything that'll put money in their pockets, food in their belly's, drink in their hands and a woman on their lap."

"I. . .that must be hard for you." Meghan said as she looked around.

"He only kept me for his clients pleasure. Drugged me without me knowing, next thing I knew I was naked in a bed at ten minutes to twelve feeling like a wreck." A tear fell down her cheek from her eye as she remembered the moment that she found out her father, the man she'd looked up to as a child, did these things to her.

The rest of their walk was in an awkward silence, neither talking to each other for the remainder of the journey. After a few minutes silence the Brazilian snaked her hand around Meghan's, holding it firmly. The blonde was slightly taken back by this and blushed, holding their hand back.

They got back to the hotel relatively quick, but the brunette grabbed the American, pulling her into a small alley.

"What are you doing?" Meghan asked just as Taina kissed her quickly, a small peck, as they both blushed. They stared at each other for a few seconds before the Brazilian spoke.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to,I have got to go now,bye." The sentence came out quick before they ran away, leaving Meghan both confused, dazed and wanting more.

She smiled brightly, leaning her head back. "I like girls. I like girls. I like a girl. And she likes me." Meghan kept telling herself this for a few seconds before her eyes widened. "What'll my parents think?"

Taina felt the mud hit her hard, her face covered as a boot hit her hard on their back as they tried to move up. Whilst looking up she saw the ugly face of her trainer who despised her after catching her robbing a convince store.

Taina was desperate for food. She hadn't eaten anything in two weeks whilst in the run from all three of the leading gangs. Two wanted her to bribe her father into giving them drugs and money, the other wanted her so they could kill her. She had a pistol, only four mags, and decided to give into her hunger.

"Food, NOW." The threat came demanding as the pistol was pointed at his forehead.

He quickly gave them the food and left, getting cornered and arrested. The rest is in her files.

"Get up asshole." He kicked her over whilst grunting at her.

That was it. That was enough, the last straw. It was in that split second he kicked her that Taina decided she'd had enough, grabbing his leg and pulling him down, elbowing his balls. He tried to fight her but she kicked his nose, wrapping her thighs around his neck, strangling him.

Then a shot rang out, hitting the mud beside their leg. Vicente 'Capitão' Souza had been the one to pull the trigger, which distracted the brunette as he grabbed her by their arms, pulling them off of the man who gasped for breath.

"Take her to solitary!" Instantly a soldier grabbed them and pushed them forward to base as they looked back at her trainer, smiling.

"Taina." Vicente said as he walked into her cell, seeing them staring blankly at the wall. "I'm willing to forgive what happened today, on one account."

He threw a file at her, landing on her lap. Curious, the Brazilian opened it, three faces meeting her eyes instantly.

"The highest paying client's of your fathers gang. I'm guessing we don't need to tell you their names." He casually leaned on the wall of the cell, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it. "What we need from you is to get information from them. They are already here, we just need you to get it out of them."

Looking up, he noticed that the woman who he was talking to had disappeared, only to hear the door he closed behind him open. Taina was standing at the newly opened door with a blank expression on her face.

"In need face paint. Black and white." Those were the only words she said before leaving the door wide open, walking to the armory as Vicente signaled for the guard to give her what she asked for. Once given the paint, she used a knife to put it on, roughly making a skull on her face, to intimidate them.

"Tell me where the FUCK they are asshole!!! Or do you need more 'convincing'?" The threat came accompanied with a punch to the face, the man already having a bruised and blooded face as well as the black eye Taina had given him when he first entered and refused to talk.

"A-alright!! I'll tell you, I'll tell you!! Just stop, please!! I-I'll write it down for you, just please!" He then speedily wrote down the two major drug storages which he knew of, swiftly taken out of the cell by the guards, muttering to them frantically 'Please, please stop the skull'.(Caveira is Skull in Portuguese)

"Caveira. . .I'll keep it." The Brazilian chuckled lightly as she looked at her now bloody gloves, pulling a cigarette from the carton she had 'borrowed' during the fight and bringing it up to her lips, lighting it.

The next prisoner was much more cooperative after having heard what happened to the person before him and seeing the damage that she had dealt towards him, giving the names of the five suppliers of the drug making equipment and chemicals which the gang used for their cocaine, crack, and other drugs.

The third was worse. Even though Taina punched him several times, kneed his gut, broke his nose then putting it back in place before breaking it again.

"I. . .am NOT selling out my client!" He spat at his torturer, which was a death sentence.

"A shame. . .I was hoping that you'd live for at least a bit longer, you are a very effective punching bag after all." Taina wiped the spit from her cheek casually.

"Live for a-?!" His sentence was cut short as the brunette punched his broken nose, making him fall down in the chair, and putting her boot on his chest and groin.

"Goodbye Mr. Mason." She placed the cigarette bud in his eye, making him scream loudly before pulling out her specially handmade silenced pistol, ending his miserable existence.

She only rose higher in BOPE after that, taking part in multiple successful raids and getting information from people who'd mysteriously die before they could be brought in or during the operations.

As time went on, the Brazilian only got more and more brutal, forgetting about her past life before BOPE, thinking of it as only torture and bad things. She even forgot about Meghan, but never stopped wearing her earrings. She didn't know why, only that they were special to her in a way which she couldn't explain in words. Only actions towards the person she felt the connection she felt with the earrings with them aswell. But nobody like that came into her life, not until very much later.

By then, Taina was just a small fragment of Caveira's being, a small tiny blip suppressed by the thoughts and experiences of the person she had become, the demon which prayed upon those who opposed and threatened her.

But there was the occasional outburst, which was when Taina came out, and had an overwhelming desire to visit her family, just watching from afar.

Or, extremely rarely, she went to a muddy alley, or a hotel roof, never knowing just why she did. . .

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