I Like You

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Meghan had settled in pretty well. Not everyone liked her, that was to be expected, but the people who did were nice friends. She'd learnt different things about different people, some good and some bad.

What mattered was that she did her job, and did it well.

But that wasn't a problem. It seemed that, once she'd gotten a grip on where everything was, nobody could even find her cameras. As though they were invisible.

Her doing a good job wasn't a problem, at least it wasn't until a certain Brazilian woman joined Rainbow. More specifically, during their first mission together.

"We've got hostiles converging in the main hall with a bomber plus two shields." Meghan informed the team, loading her SPAS12 Shotgun and Dessert Eagle, Frost and Kapkan nodding whilst Smoke hummed in response. Caveira, however, didn't give a reply, scouting the basements of the Chalet as she roamed around.

There was a moment of silence. Then an explosion. They breached an unreinforced wall near Frost, who quickly drew her pistol, firing ten shots and landing seven of them.

Kapkan grabbed the Hostage, pulling them to safety whilst Smoke pulled Frost from the breach hole, Valk providing covering fire.

A few shouts from the terrorists confirmed that their position in the upstairs was compromised. A few good minutes of fighting and two casualties on the terrorists side, and none of them knew where the bomber had gone.

"Nitro!" The German shouted, throwing the explosive at the shield bearing terrorist, pressing the dial button on the phone, killing five of them.

The location of the last was know to them all, but they knew how careful they had to be. One wrong step could get them killed.

It wasn't until a scream if terror came from the mouth of their last opponent that Meghan decided to look, seeing the Brazilian pinning them onto the floor, holding a knife to their throat and a large grin plastered onto her face, trailing the sharp edge of it across their neck, before thrusting it in, not bothering to pull it out.

Valkyrie was about to tell Caveira about it, although well sure that they knew, but was silenced when they produced a second knife from their belt, putting it to their lips and shushing the American with a wink and a grin.

That was Meghan's first, but by no means last, experience with Taina.

After the mission had been completed, and the hostage defended successfully, a helicopter arrived to return everyone to base. Nobody talked, perhaps put off by the unsettling vibe Caveira gave off,or how she handled her knifes with care, as though they were children of hers rather than tools or weapons.

Then Meghan spoke out. "How was your first mission in Rainbow?"

Although the American was looking at Taina, she could feel everyone else looking at her, as though she had broken some sort of sacred rule as not to talk to them.

But Meghan didn't care.

"I thought they'd have put up more of a fight." A dark chuckle escaped from their lips, another wink directed at Meghan, who blushed slightly in response.

"You weren't dealing with suicide bombers and shields coming at you." The American looked outside of the helicopter at the scenery around them.

"Oh, I was. The basement was crawling with them. But now, . . ." they shrugged, a grim smile on her lips, one which Meghan oddly found nice. "Now its just their bodies."

Not a single voice was heard in the helicopter again from then until their arrival at base. It turned then into everyone laughing and talking, Taina however, was never around during these interactions. If she was, then she was just there.

Nobody knew she was.

Nobody noticed she was.

Nobody cared that she was.

Meghan found it slightly disturbing, her constantly there, yet she could never be found standing there. She was like a ghost. And with her abilities and profession, it was best she was.

But her weirdest encounter with them was yet to come.

"We will, we will, rock you. We will, we will, rock you." Meghan sung silently to herself in the empty changing rooms of the gym, drenched in the water from the pool, opening her locker to grab a towel. Closing the door, she found Taina leaning on the lockers beside her, grinning.

"Hola Meghan." She had her usual shit-eating grin on, but no face paint, letting Meghan see her tanned face, brown eyes, and pink lips better.

"Cav. What do you want?" The American was so used by now to their sudden and unexpected appearance anywhere without warning, it was like tradition now.

"Awww, what did I do to make you mad? Was it all the killing?" Unlike what much people thought about her, Taina wasn't as hard off missions as on them, more of a happy psychopath than a crazy madwoman, which was somehow more disturbing. "You kill too."

"Yes,I kill, but I don't injure my enemies, then puts knife to their throat and stab them with it, not bothering to remove it after." She shot an angry look at the smiling brunette, who did nothing in response. "I'm not like YOU. I don't torture people."

"That's it? Whew! I thought it was something worse!" A laugh came from their lips, sending chills down Meghan's spine.

"It is bad! We are supposed to be the good guys, stopping them! Not being like them!" Meghan shouted, making Taina's eyes widen in surprise. "I can't work with someone like that! Someone who tortures the enemy, when we're supposed to stop them from torturing others!"

"Oh. Well, that's a shame, now, isn't it Meghan?" The Brazilian smiled, getting closer to her teammate, cornering them, using one hand to put some stray strands of Valkyrie's wet, blonde hair behind their left ear, earning a blush.

Meghan's thoughts were racing. 'Why's she so close? Why's she so hot?' They were just some of the thoughts in her head, but what caught her attention was the earrings they were wearing. The ones she'd given to that girl in Brazil all those years ago.

On Taina.

Who was Brazilian.








"Its a real shame." Taina continued, sighing heavily. "I like you."

And with that they left, leaving a very red and very confused Meghan left to wonder what she meant by that.

"Meghan?" A smug voice asked, accompanied by an equally smug grin. "What were you an Taina doing?"

"I think I've a crush on them, Emma." The blonde said to the Frenchwomen who signed, shaking her head.

"Tell me about it. I've one on the new person." She chuckled, going into the gym. "Good luck with spooky bitch!"

"Yeah. . .thanks." Meghan gulped, sliding to the floor, burying her face in the towel.

How Taina had changed. How did she change so much? It didn't matter, not as long as she still loved her like then.

But did she then?

And would she still?

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