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Today was the day. The day which Meghan had been waiting for after three weeks of long and patient waiting. Four weeks ago they'd underwent an exam of their mental and physical heath as well as their accuracy on the range and tactical awareness.

Nobody who took part in it knew why they were doing it or what their reason for it was. It wasn't until a week after that their suspicions had all been put to rest when their commander walked in and told them that it was an evaluation to see who would be joining team Rainbow six or not, and only two of them would.

She remembered the exact moment when the commander walked in and told them. Since then they've all been on the edge of their seats, waiting with ears wide to hear the news of who would be joining the renowned anti terrorist organization. To make sure it was them, each person trained much more often, making sure to brush up on any skills which they lacked in.

"Better safe than sorry." Meghan had adopted that as her new catchphrase since her last incident with her fractured arm. It was better now, possible more so than it had been before it was broken.

Then the commander entered the training hall where everyone was, getting their attention just by opening the door. The troops all lined up on either side of a running track which made it way through the centre of the room, saluting him.

"At ease soldiers, you can take whatever position you want. You've all trained hard, and deserve a rest." He nodded as they all did as told,some leaning on walls or gym equipment,and other sat or lay down on the gym floor. The blonde just leaned against a pillar in the room, her face red and clothes drenched in swear from her long and hard workout.

"I'm not going to keep you waiting, so here it is. Meghan and Craig, you've been selected to join Rainbow Six. Pack your stuff later, Six, its conductor, wants to meet you two in my office now. Goodbyes can be given now, bit quickly. You've only time for the meeting, packing and leaving."

Then the commander left, saluting the two selected soldiers.

Goodbyes were short and quick, just a simple 'good luck', 'bye', 'see ya', and a handshake.

Then they left for the meeting.

"So, you're Valkyrie." The voice sounded cool, and unlike anything she'd heard before. It may have been a question or a statement, the way Six had said it made it impossible to tell.

"Yes ma'am." Meghan tried to keep cool, standing next to Craig 'Blackbeard' Jenson, whom she'd formerly met during a training situation.

"And I would be blind not to know who you are." The woman's glance switched over to Craig, a slight amount of humour noticeable in her voice but no smile was made.

"Ma'am." He gave her a small salute, earning a slight wave of a hand.

"Both of your files are impressive, very impressive, exactly what my program is looking for. You two will be joining the team tomorrow at 1600, and I believe you've met some of the team already?" Again, Meghan couldn't tell if it was a question or statement.

"Yes ma'am, Frost, Rook, Jäger, and Smoke." The blonde responded, her back starting to ache from all the standing on the spot which she was doing.

"As for me it was IQ, Thermite, Twitch, Sledge and Buck." Craig could be looking anywhere in the room, his glasses covered his eyes so it was impossible to tell. They could be closed for all they knew.

"Hmm alright then. Pack your stuff, you both are now officially part if team Rainbow. Don't disappoint me." Six said, waving them off.

Once out of the room with the door closed, Meghan whipped her brow, sighing. "That was stressful."

After that,the two went back to their dorms, and packed all of their separate positions. Meghan hide a stuffed toy in her duffle bag, afraid in case anybody found it. Her muscular and tattooed arms gave her the impression of being a very feisty and string person, which was true.

But the mocking somebody would get if they were like her and it had been found out that they owned and slept with a stuffed bear every night would defiantly undermine all of the time they'd taken to adopt that 'tough girl' persona.

Meghan didn't worry about it much, but made sure that it would be both hard to find and that nobody would see her putting it I to her bag.


Caveira was in the training arena, beating the living shit out of a training dummy with her bare hands. And a knife.

"Caveira, trainings over. You're wanted." The man said scared, trying to sound confident and dominant even though he was more scared than he could have ever been before in his life.

"Already? Can't those bastards just quit when we raid them?" She was referring to, of course, the multiple gangs and drug dealers in Brazil's Favella.

"No, its a meeting. In Vincent's room." He was close to breaking down in tears, the sight of the woman frightening.

"Thank you, Conrad was it? How's your mother? Still down with the flu. Its bad, isn't it. Bad enough for you to join the army to get the money for medication for her. And your sister, still working the fields in a farm in the country, isn't she?" Everything which Taina had said was both completely true, and scary. He had never had any interactions with them before now, and her saying all this so accurately was scaring him.

"H-how do you know?" His voice shook, eyes filled with fear.

"I'm an interrogator, its my job to read read people. And well." She grinned, sensing his fear even though Taina had her back to him, throwing a towel at him. "Disturb me during trained ng again, and I'll have you killed. Understand?"

"Y-yes ma'am." He gulped his fear, not noticing as she left, leaving him all alone with a towel.

Once in the small office, more like a closet, she was greeted by two faces: a woman, African-American, ageing, looking like a confident business woman at a job interview or meeting; and Vincent Souza, her mentor and only friend. But even then he wasn't close enough to call a friend.

"Taina, its good to see you. Take a seat." The woman gestured to a seat in front of the desk she was at and next to Capitão's one, which Caveira reluctantly took. "I'm here to recruit you to Rainbow Six, of which I'm sure you've heard of. You'll be joining with Vincent here as well, along with members from the Canadian JTF2, YS Navy SEALS, and Japanese SAT."

"Fine. I'm in. Gets me out if this shit hole." Taina huffed, blowing a small strand of hair out of her eye.

"Language, Taina." Vincent spoke softly, but with a hint of aggression in the words he spoke.

"Get tour things ready and be able to leave at what is 0500 for you. Good day." The woman,Six, said with a grin as the Brazilian woman left with a sigh.

It was easy to get her items sorted out. Two pairs of clothes, a t-shirt and jeans along with what she was wearing, her guns, knife's, and earrings.

Why'd she always wear them? Taina didn't know. What she did know, was she was getting a feeling, in her stomach, from looking at them about this trip.

It was a good feeling.

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