Santa Blanca

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Meghan groaned loudly as she finally awoke from her long rest, turning over in the large bed. The room was empty of people except for Meghan, and she could’ve sworn that somebody else had been in the room with her last night. Trying to sit up, the blonde clutched her head, a loud, pounding pain inside of her head. How much did she drink last night? Too much was the answer.

Looking around the room, she found it hard to get a good grip on anything, everything was blurred and waving around slightly. Despite this, Valkyrie decided to get up from the bed and out of the room. Her first objective was to turn on the lights so she could see where her clothes were. Flicking on the switch, the lights turned on blinding her momentarily.

After blinking rapidly for a few seconds, everything became semi-clear once again. Looking around the room, Meghan saw her clothes in a small pile next to her bag. The American decided that they’d want to wear something fresh, and so opened their bag to get a fresh set of clothes to wear.

Her new outfit consisted of a black T-shirt with a picture of a grey skull on it and blue denim jeans. Her short, slightly curled, shoulder-length hair was let down in a mess. Opening the door to the lounge area, she once again groaned loudly. Her entire body hurt like hell and just walking around hurt.

She flopped onto the couch in front of the TV, which was off, and lay there for a few seconds. Then, Taina walked over, sat down, and placed a cup of black, strong coffee in front of them on the coffee table. Without speaking a single word, the Brazilian drank her own cup, turning on the news. Seeing the headlines, Valkyrie shot up into a sitting position almost instantly, and Caveira’s eyes widened.

“Could you put on English subtitles?” The blonde asked, to which the brunette complied.

“-that another attack on the people of Brazil has been made by the Santa Blanca terrorists based in neighboring Bolivia. Despite authorities’ best efforts, it seems that a few explosives were still managed to be smuggled into the country past the border by the Santa Blanca cartel. Hopefully, the recent rumors floating around Rio of members from Rainbow Six proves to be true, and they will undoubtedly provide a huge help in containing this threat all too close to home. This city has seen turmoil before, in the form of the White Mask terrorist group has set up shop here before, and it seems that their presence is still lingering. And with Santa Blanca over the border, it seems that Brazil must deal with another terrorist organization atop of the multiple gangs already stationed here. The people of Rio can only hope that our BOPE and Team Rainbow can, together, put an end to the suffering and turmoil here. Back to the studio,” The words shocked them both, despite being an obvious occurrence with the Santa Blanca cartel being on the border with Brazil. But the two countries were friends, so what motive did they have to attack?

“That’s why we’re here,” Caveira stated angrily, her hands tightening around the cup, nearly breaking it. “It’s because of Santa Blanca, the White Masks, AND the gangs around Rio! Fuck! This is because we went into Bolivia to help!”

“How can it be our fault?” Meghan asked, standing up as Caveira started to pace the room. As soon as they stood up, she grasped her head as pain shot through it again, groaning. “Just because we went into Bolivia to help in Operation Archangel doesn’t mean that they targeted Brazil specifically because of that. They were always going to attack their neighbors to gain territory, land, and influence anyways.”

They didn’t answer and kept pacing the room. Not bothered anymore, the American sat down slowly onto the couch so that she didn’t get dizzy and fall over, taking the cup of hot, black, strong, and fresh coffee into her hands, sipping the hot liquid.

There wasn’t much else on the news, even with the English subtitles, and what was on Meghan found extremely boring and bland. When the Brazilian woman finally sat down again, Meghan glanced at them. There was one thing that was on her mind, something she hoped Taina would be able to tell her.

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