Mission Sickness

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And that was when Meghan knew she was falling for the Brazilian. It became something of an addiction to her, thinking that they liked her back somehow, or that Taina remembered their short time together as teenagers.

It was too short.

Secretly, she thought they were embarrassed by knowing who Meghan was, and what they'd done together. And seeing how much she had changed.

But it wasn't true.

Taina didn't remember, Taina didn't know who Meghan was, Taina didn't like her. At least, she didn't know if she did. They might still be in love with that awkward, young and rebellious teenager who she had met so very long ago. She still may be roaming the broken, dirty streets with them, hand in hand.

That was nice to think. A thought, a fantasy, which Taina very much liked. To still be hand in hand with that strange girl who had been visiting. Maybe she would come back one day, and try to find Taina again.

This thought, this fantasy, made the brunette smile happily, closing herself and breathing out, inhaling the taste of that perfect, pretty world with the strange American girl.

It was the first time in months, perhaps a year, Taina had smiled so happily and brightly without it being because of her torturous persona.

Or because she was under the influence.

The mere memory of holding their hand, one which she remembered and looked back upon so fondly, made her giddy. But thinking, no, dreaming of a life with them where that was common, and even daily, was enough to make her act as though she was higher than a jet.

But for Meghan? A thing like that was something of which she had been through but only once before, but sadly their opinions upon certain subjects had made them distance from each other, so much so they weren't dating any longer well before their initial breakup.

Meghan didn't wants repeat of this with anybody, not even someone who she was so sure of still liking them, only had they been knowing of who exactly they were.

Meghan wouldn't take the chance of going through another heartbreak like that. No.

Never again.

"Alright, Caveira, Valkyrie, Maestro, Alibi and Lesion: you will be training against IQ, Twitch, Lion, Thatcher and Hibana today at Clubhouse. Good luck operators." Six announced over the base's radio system, before it went silent.

Training was just an excuse to take out any hate for other operators on them with paintball guns. Although Caveira was a little more brutal against the attackers than needed.

But it was simple, and went by so. That was until Oliver(Lion) went tryhard on everyone the round before last.

Then it was all out war.

"Stairs!" Lesion announced, spraying at IQ on the stairs up to the bedroom, who threw a frag in return.

Maestro managed to shock them to death before his Evil Eye was disabled by Thatcher.

"Ain't gonna get me wit' does fookin' lasers." He chuckled, running up the stairs and

Hibana had been dealt with by Caveira already, and now it was just Cav, Valk, Alibi and Maestro against Thatcher, Lion and Twitch.

Lion then activated his drone, Maestro caught moving slightly then wall banged, leaving it at a 3v3, but since people hadn't seen or heard from Twitch or Alibi for a while, it was more like a 2v2.

As soon as Meghan got a line of sight on them, she opened fire, having it returned almost instantly, retreating to the hall in between the bedroom and the two bomb sites.

"Olã." Meghan jumped at the sound of Taina's voice, blushing. "Scare you?" She teased, winking at them.

"Stay focused, they're around the corner." The American ordered, aiming down the door way.

"You've a Nitro Cell." Caveira laughed.

Meghan grumbled, reaching into her pocket and grabbing the explosive, chucking it through the doorway and detonating it, and killing them both.

"Ahhhh, FOOK!" Thatcher's thick accent sounded, making Caveira chuckle.

"Now," her voice playfully echoed. "Where's Shocky?"

She had nicknames for every single member of Team Rainbow, some were harmless, some insulting, and some flirty. Most were harmless ones.

Then they heard Aria (Alibi) over comms, telling them that Emma had escaped and was most likely repositioning.

So they walked through the door to the bedroom, hearing a click. It was a claymore.

The small explosion sent them onto the side of the bed, Taina atop of Meghan who started blushing wildly. Looking up, Taina was a bit confused.

"Why so red?" They asked, as though they had never heard of blushing or seen it before.

"I'm, uhh. . . a bit ill." Valkyrie wanted to hit themselves in the face. That was the worst excuse ever.

"So what took you so long?" Lesion asked Alibi after training was over and they'd won.

"We got into hand-to-hand combat." They shrugged, but it was obvious what they really did.

Meghan saw the mark on their neck.

But because they won, they got free ice cream after dinner in the mess hall, so it was a win-win situation for Aria. Not for Emma though.

At the table where they ate, Taina decided to actually stay with them to eat for once. Meaning she didn't have her face paint on, so Meghan saw her beautiful face again, but not for long.

It was soon after that they left, only bothering to finish the cold dessert which they'd been given for winning before leaving.

In her room that night, Meghan laid down on her bed, wondering what was going through Taina's mind every time they were on missions, and off.

She seemed so. . .fascinating, so wondrous and perfect all those years ago, but something had happened to tamper with that perfection, and make her less so.

But that only drew Meghan in more.

There was a small creak, and the blonde looked at the end of her bed, seeing Taina there, crawling up to her. They didn't say anything, nor did they, not until they were a hair away from their face.

"Sleep tight, Castellano."

Meghan woke up in a cold sweat with a start, blushing. Was that a dream? A nightmare? Was Taina really just in her room?

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