Out of the Frying Pan . . .

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People always tell you to follow your heart, but if your heart’s shattered into a thousand pieces, which piece do you follow?

“-And there’s nothing I can do,” Taina heard as she started to regain consciousness, furrowing her eyebrows, as the effects of the drugs started to wear off. The voice she heard singing so sweetly to her, it sounded so familiar, yet they couldn’t tell how. Opening her eyes slowly and looking up, Taina saw the angelic face of Meghan as they looked down at her with a sad smile, seeing them finally wake up, their hand continuing to play with her soft hair.

“Meu lindo anjo loiro,” Taina whispered, voice hoarse and croaky, smiling as she started moving closer into the warm body of her girlfriend. “Excuse if I sound a bit like a stereotypical Disney princess, but thank you dearly for saving me, minha Valquíria.”

“No, I didn’t,” Meghan sniffed, a small tear falling from her left eye onto the Brazilian’s chest as she tried to keep her smile. “I’m sorry, Taina, I am so, so, sorry.”

At first, the brunette was very confused, but the sudden halt of the vehicle and the backdoors opening, light flooding into the small space they occupied filled her mind with dread. Meghan didn’t rescue her, she wasn’t safe, and neither of them would be safe, not anymore. They were in complete and utter danger.

“I swear I tried to kill him, but he got under my skin, said he’d torture you a-and I couldn’t let him hurt you,” The American softly whimpered as silent tears filled up her eyes, hand still in the Brazilian’s dark coloured hair. “I didn’t want to lose you, I don’t want to.”

“You haven’t lost me, Valquíria, and you never will,” Despite the effects of the drugs having worn off enough for her to regain consciousness, she was still weak, barely able to lift her arm up to stroke Meghan’s cheek with the back of her hand. “And you’ll never lose me again. I promise.”

“Hey! Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out!” The grizzled, middle-aged man shouted at them from the now opened doors of the vehicle, gun falling across his chest from the strap as he looked upon the couple scornfully.

Meghan sighed as she patted Taina’s head softly, standing up. The Brazilian put her legs over the bench onto the floor of the truck. She tried to stand up, but her legs were still weak from the drugs, and they failed her as her body fell to the floor. Meghan managed to catch her arm as she fell, pulling her up onto their feet. The blonde saw that Taina couldn’t walk, so she told them to wrap her arms around their neck and carried them in her arms.

“My beautiful and sexy knight in shining armour, here to save me from the evil terrorists and bring me to her palace,” The brunette flirted in an exaggerated tone, putting her head closer to their chest, listening contently to her girlfriends’ heartbeat in a rhythmic tone, finding beauty and joy even in these dark times.

Despite the looks the couple got from the terrorists, Taina’s father, and Maria, they didn’t care and kept the position they were in since it was comfortable for them both. Why should they care what they thought? Anything which annoyed their captors or was a difficulty for them was something the two would gladly do.

Looking around the area they were in carefully, Taina studied her surroundings intently to try and figure out a way to escape from this compound and to leave a long trail of as many bodies as she possibly could on the way out. She spotted six guard towers, two inside of the compound itself and one on each corner of the walls, with two snipers on each, most likely taking shifts with two others. In the very center, there was a large building with three floors, surrounded by troop barracks, armories, canteens, comms stations, medical centers, showers, and a garage with an APC, three trucks, five 4x4s, and a very casual and not at all suspicious looking white van. Over in the far right, there was a training area with gym equipment, tires, boxing bags and other ways which people stationed there could use to help themselves to keep in shape. There was a firing range right beside it, and a large one at that, where an assortment of people were training against each other. Taina wondered who the better shot was, the White Masks, the White Devils, or the Santa Blanca soldiers?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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