Chapter Seven

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"I need to talk to you."

I had successfully avoided Marisa for almost two weeks without her trapping me. Well, I got so used to her not making a move that I got lazy. The millisecond my guard was down, my older sister pounced.

"Oh." I floundered for any intelligible excuse. I couldn’t talk to her! There was absolutely no way! The second I did, I knew she would see it all over my face; that I was having an affair with her husband. "Well, I….."

Marisa didn’t give me a choice. Taking me by the elbow, she very nearly dragged me out back, where, I noticed, no one else was. "I need you to answer a question for me," she said very seriously. "And I need you to be completely honest with me."

I stared back at her, trying to play it cool. But really my thoughts were playing ping pong in my head. She knew! Oh my God, she knew! How? We’d been so careful! Unless we were really that obvious…..Oh, Lord, please don’t let her know! Please, please, pleaspleasepleaseplease!

"Okay," I choked out.

"Do you think Dane’s cheating on me?"

I laughed. It came out sounded all wrong; shrill and shaky. "Why would you think that? You guys just got married! Don’t you think it takes a few years for the whole cheating suspicion?"

"Well, it’s just that…." She toyed with her hands frantically. She really was worried Dane was cheating on her…Marisa let out a loud sigh. "Okay, so we haven’t had sex since our honeymoon. And even then he was, like, so careful. Like making sure he had condoms and everything."

"Okay, I get it," I snapped.

"I thought we would have sex, like, a whole lot. Especially since he was so against it before we got married. I guess he’s like religious or something."

Ha! Sure. I’m pretty sure religious people don’t sleep with their wife’s sister. Just saying. "You guys are kinda bickering back and forth. And no offense, Marisa, I love you and all, but you’re totally instigating the fights."

"Yes, but doesn’t that bring passion?"

"Um, no. I’m pretty sure it just makes you wanna kill the other person. And besides." I dropped my voice when I added, "You guys are still under Mom and Dad’s roof. I think Dane gets that it’s a little disrespectful to our parents if you guys….you know."

Marisa rolled her eyes. "Oh, God, Emmy, you’re such a prude."

"It’s true, though," I said, shoving my not-so-prudish thoughts out of my head. "That sorta thing is just uncool."

"But we can’t agree on a house! Dane’s so stubborn!"

"Well, you knew that before you married him."

Marisa sighed melodramatically. "You’re supposed to be on my side, Emmy!"

"Why don’t you just save the ‘sides’ ‘till the divorce?"

The words were out of my mouth before I even thought them.

Marisa stared at me, open mouthed. "What did you say?"

"Marisa, I didn’t—"

"You actually think Dane and I will get a divorce?!" Her voice rose to a glass shattering pitch.

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