Chapter Ten

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My parents and brother had been filled in by the FBI and were now under protection. I was supposed to be with them, but I was staying with Cole for as long as I could. They needed my help, too, but not just yet. Apparently a little while after he’d captured Farnsworth, Jared sent live feed to the FBI saying that if they did not give into his demands that April would be killed.

His demands were simple, really. All he wanted to do was leave the country…..with my sister. Cole explained that he would be protected in Italy.

"Won’t his connections in Italy hate him for killing his father, though?" I’d asked Cole. I had been under the impression that Vincent Petrelli was respected like the freaking Godfather.

"He has his own little gang there," Cole had answered.

"We won’t even pretend it’s a mob or mafia," Leroy Givens had added. Givens was an older man, late into his forties. So far he was pretty cool. I could tell Cole really respected him.

"But they’ll protect him, nonetheless."

Cole and Givens had nodded.

Now I was in the break room, contemplating the current dilemma. I didn’t want Denise—ugh, April!—to die any more than anyone else would. But Cole had already said several times that Farnsworth would not want them to make a deal with Jared. Quietly, he’d told me, that if all else failed Starkovsky would definitely get her out alive. But that also meant the FBI would lose Jared Petrelli.

I watched as Cole paced the room anxiously. He was in Givens’s office and they were having a rather heated discussion. I couldn’t imagine the kind of pressure they were under. To make matters worse, the first thing Givens had done once he saw me was nod, all knowing like, and tell Cole that he would discuss "this matter" later. Meaning he knew about us and Cole was going to be in some serious trouble.

My head was honestly hurting with all the thought swimming rapidly around in my skull. How could my sister have gotten involved with a murderer? Had she tried to leave him and he threatened her or was she really sick enough to love him? Either way, Cole said if they got her, she would go to jail. She probably wouldn’t stay there long, but there she would be going all the same.

Dad and Mom had been absolutely disgusted with her. They said they wouldn’t help her for anything, but I doubted they were going to keep to their "vow". She was their daughter. No matter what kind of shit she got into they would help her. It was in the job description. Besides, I had an inkling they were fairly pissed with Cole for using her. A villain’s girlfriend or not, if she was my daughter I think I would have been pissed, too.

But the crazy thing was that I was truly relieved Cole didn’t love her. As twisted as it was, deep down I was relieved she was in love with another guy, albeit a very sick one. And even if we got our wrists slapped by the FBI, I knew we were going to last together. No matter what.

Cole, suddenly, was coming into the break room. He did not look happy at all. He took the seat in front of me with a loud sigh.

I put my hand on his knee. "Any updates?"

He shook his hand, raking his hands through his hair. "Not at the moment. Boss thinks we should move in."

"You know where he is?"

Cole didn’t answer me right away. He took my hand in both of his and looked me seriously in the eyes. "That’s where you come in, sweetheart. If you’re willing, we need you to call Marisa. Keep her on the phone for as long as you can so we can track her cell. Chances are, she’s with Jared."

I nodded, not even having to think about it. "I’ll do it."

With a brisk nod, Cole led me into the tech room where he gave me my cell, which was attached to a wire, which was attached to the computer where other people could hear our conversation.

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