Tired and heavy hearted Crystal laid down and looked up at the stars. Her mind full of questions. Thinking of what has been happening to her since the bandits arrived.
"But who is she?" she overheard Scoth say to the others. Sighing she closed her eyes.
Later that morning Crystal decided to get away from the bandits, she would return but she just needed to be alone. Cautiously as to not wake up the others she went out to her favorite cliff which overlooked most of the jungle.
"She's gone!" Raven yelled as he tied his shoulder length hair into a low ponytail.
"What?!" Scoth said furious.
Zakir remained calm as he knew where she went and why.
" She'll be back" Zakir said to himself.Raven sat down and stroked Zakir. Zakir and Raven have become good friends even though Zakir is still uncertain about humans.
Later that afternoon Crystal decided to head back "They might be worried by now" she said aloud.
"Indeed they might" A mysterious voice said.
"Who's there!" Crystal said startled.
"You'll find out soon enough.. You'll find out" the voice said with an evil chuckle.Confused Crystal started to head back and as she reached the campsite she saw only Zakir, Raven, and Scoth. I wonder where everyone else is.
"Crystal come here" Scoth said with a bunch of old books in his hands.
"Uhm.. Yes?"
Scoth took a long look at her and noticed something around her neck. Cautiously he reached to take it. Crystal moved his hand away and said, "I would prefer if you didn't touch that."
"Why, I'll only look at it, I'll give it back"
Cautiously Crystal took off the object hanging around her neck, a light blue crystal with a golden frame. Scoth looked at it with interest, "Where did you get this?"
"I have had it my whole life" She replied.
Her real parents must have given it to her. Scoth thought to himself. "Now, turn around for a minute."
Crystal turns around slightly and Scoth notices the small tattoo on her right shoulder just like Asher said.
"Do you know anything of your past?" he asked.
"No, this whole time I thought I was born here, and raised by Zakir and his father."
Zakir who seemed to have been listening said slowly, " That's what we told you but there's more"
"Wha--" Crystal's blue eyes start to fill with tears.
"Zorah, my mother, found you in a ditch, she took pity on you and brought you home, I was only a cub when you came. One day while she went out, humans came and killed a while lot of us,including Zorah, and as you know Zar, loved her very much and when he saw her lying there dead, his heart filled with hate and rage towards the humans. He told me to keep you away from the humans, he didn't want to lose you too. But after Zorah's death he was never the same." Zakir told her watching Crystal's eyes fill with more tears and her sinking lower.
" So-- I-- this is why you kept warning me? Why Zar wanted me away from them?" Crystal said in a shaking voice.
" Yes"
Crystal buries her head in her hands and Scoth sighed.
There is something special about her, she isn't just a jungle girl, she is someone, the crystal, the tattoo, even her appearance.. I can't put my finger on it.. Scoth thought.
Later that night while everyone was sitting around a fire Asher spoke up, "We aren't the only ones here"
"What do you mean? No one else has come to this jungle in forever" Raven points out.
"He's right, we saw footprints" Ezra says looking into the fire.
Crystal was deciding whether or not to mention someone had come to her while on the cliff. You'll find out. The voice rang through her head.
"Well we have to be alert from now on then, that includes night watch" Scoth said standing up. "Ezra you be first watch, Shade your second."
They nod as Scoth heads towards his tent. Asher gets up and waves goodnight, Raven follows.
"You go, I'll get you when it's your time" Ezra said to Shade.
After everyone's gone. Ezra stares into the fire. "No, he can't be here. If he is then.. The others are too.. He already has done enough damage.." Ezra says to himself. "They only reason he is..""Who are you talking to?" Crystal says taking a seat next to Ezra.
Ezra shifts uncomfortably "Mind your own business" he snaps.
"oh sorry" Crystal says quietly. Why is he so mean? He never smiles, never does anything out of his way. And I only know him for a few days.
"You should go to sleep" Ezra says glancing at Crystal.
"Uh.. Yea.. Goodnight" Crystal says getting up. Ezra watches her as she walks away.
"Why? Why her? Why is he here?" he said.
So many unanswered questions that need answers.
That night a shadow came towards Ezra."Traitor" a mysterious voice said. "You will pay"
Ezra jumps and gets his sword, "Haven't I already?" he replied scanning the area recognizing the voice.
"Oh that was only a small part, you just wait.. Just wait"
The shadow vanishes and Ezra shakes and thinks to himself.
What does he mean by that? How? Why?

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...