Shivering and cold, Crystal was laying down on cold hard ground. While around her there were many voices.
"You did well" A deep voice said. "You may go"
Why does that voice sound so familiar?
Hearing footsteps come she quickly backed up from the bars she was behind.
"Oh look, the little bitch is up"
"About time" a voice said laughing evilly.Opening the prison, two cloaked men grabbed her by the arms and led her out.
"Oh I see she is up" A man said with his back turned.
"Who are you? And what do you want?" Crystal asked frightened.
Turning around the man gave her an evil grin. Gasping she recognized who the man was. It was the same man from before who had his eyes of two colors.
In the dim lighting Crystal couldn't make out much but she could definitely tell it was him by the armor plate on his shoulder."Who are you? What do you want?" Crystal repeated.
"Shush I heard you the first time" he said.
"I for one am Zephron, leader of the Dark Circle." He said as five figures appeared behind him.
Crystal recognized three of the five for they had fought with the bandits and held her captive.
One of the two she didn't recognize came up from behind Zephron and stood next to him.
"This is Aaron, he is my--" Zephron started.
"I don't care who he is, or any of you guys are" Crystal said looking at the ground.
Aaron, who had dark Grey hair and crystal blue eyes, started to walk towards her as if to hit her.
But Zephron stopped him.
Noticing something, Crystal looked up and saw that Aaron didn't have both arms. He did but only one real. He had a robotic arm, which was controlled by him, but more by Zephron, and the other was gloved."Now, for what I want" Zephron said holding Crystal's chin up.
"I don't know what you are ta--" She stuttered. She looked over at the others and noticed one guy who had a hood over his eyes, so she couldn't tell who he was.
"Of course you know" Zephron started moving his hand from her chin to her neck.
Quickly realizing what he was after Crystal dodged and kicked Zephron.
"Get her" He bellowed.
Running and out of breath, she quickly hid behind a wall. Holding her breath as two of the guys passed her. Breathing heavily she turned around but as she turned someone held a handkerchief on her mouth.
Screaming and trying to get out of the man's heavy grasp, Crystal starts to feel dizzy.
"Shh, I'm here to help you." A kind but firm voice said.
Looking up Crystal sees two dark eyes looking straight into hers.
"Let's go, but be quiet" he said.
"Ezra?" She asked looking more closely at him.
"Shh, if your not quiet we'll both get caught" Ezra said putting a finger on her lips to shush her.
"Find her! She couldn't have gone far" Zephron said full of rage.
"Not so fast" A voice behind Crystal said.
Turning around she notices a guy with dusty blonde hair and a crystal ball in his palms.
"Careful, he can track you down with that, let alone teleport himself." Her partner said glaring at the man.
"Haha right you are." the figure said.
Trying to be subtle, the man slowly pulls out his sword from the sheath.
"No use trying to fight me" the figure laughed.
"It's worth a shot" the man said his eye sparkling. Lunging forward her takes a swipe and manages to knock out the ball out of the figures hand.
"Get it" the man says nodding his head towards the ball. Quickly Crystal gets the crystal ball, feeling how powerful it is she hesitates.
"No! Please don't do this" Soren says as he watches the man and Crystal about to break the ball.
"All right, if you let us go, we will give you the ball back, if not you can pick up the remains later." Crystal says holding the ball and looking straight into the desperate blue eyes of Soren.
Looking at the crystal ball to the man to Crystal, he says "Yes, but please just don't break it"
Crystal holding on tightly to the ball she moves forward to give the ball to Soren, but the man stops her.
"But first you get us out of here, then you can get your precious glass ball back."
Silently Soren turns around and motions them to follow. Quietly they manage to get just before a small Door carved into the giant cave.
"This is as far as I can take you" Soren said looking into the eyes of the man. "But don't think I will be your companion from now on."
Crystal hands him the glass ball but before she could say thank you he disappeared.
Walking slowly outside she is blinded by the sun for she had not seen daylight in two days.
Turning around she looks at the man who was wearing a hooded cape. As he takes the hood off he looks at Crystal.
Crystal runs to him and gives him a hug. "I knew it was you, thank you"
Shocked by the hug Ezra is hesitant. "I was so worried. That you were gone forever" Ezra said looking into Crystal's blue eyes with his dark one.
"I didn't want to lose you too" he says putting his arms around her.

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...