"OH my head" Scoth said as he tried to get up.
Groaning from the other side, Raven tried sitting up.
"What the heck happened to us?!" Raven yelled.
"Calm down, I'm trying to think, but with the pounding in my head.." Scoth passed out before he could finish his sentence.
"Scoth! Get up! Come on don't do this to me" Raven said as he tried getting Scoth to his feet.
Suddenly something hit Raven in the back, as it made contact with Raven, a body emerged from behind a tall tree.
Raven fell back and hit the ground, looking up he saw a tall figure standing over him.
"This way, they might be of use" Was the last thing heard before Ravens, too, passed out.
A couple days later, Scoth awoke in a large bed. How did I end up here?
Looking around, he admired all the beautiful paintings on the wall. A bed has never felt so good. And these paintings.. Where am I? What about the others!!?
He was snapped out of his thoughts as a maid in a black and white dress walked in."Oh I see you're up" She said as she went and opened up the velvet drapes.
"Where exactly am I?" Scoth asked in curiosity. "How did I get here?"
"I'm forbidden to talk to any guests or anyone for that matter" she said looking down.
"Why? I mean I just need to find out where I am." Scoth said in an irritated tone of voice.
"If you must know.. You are in the Gem Stone castle.. The king isn't currently here so another kingdom is watching over until further notice." the maid said looking around nervously.
"Where is my friend!?" Scoth asked raising his voice.
"I told you I'm not aloud to talk to.." the maid started but was cutoff by distant yelling.
"Sarah! You know better than to talk with the guest! Your job is to clean things and make sure everything is in order! Nothing more!!" A female voice yelled.
"I-m sorry.." Sarah the maid replied hurrying out of the room.
Slowly trying to get up, Scoth groaned as the pain in his back struck.
"Oh don't try getting up. It's no use." A dark hair female said turning to Scoth revealing deep blue eyes.
"Who are you? Where's Raven?" Scoth asked getting up ignoring the pain.
"I'm Princess Daphne, and your friend is in the chamber next over." The beautiful princess replied.
Her beauty was mesmerizing and it was hard to take your eyes off her. But Scoth was too worried and to anxious to pay attention to that.
"Follow me" She said in a harsher tone than before. She was disappointed that he took no notice in her at all.
"Hey stop! I can do it myself! Where's Scoth!? And the others!? Where am I???" Raven yelled.
"Your friend is quiet anxious I see." Daphne said walking towards a large wooden door with dark green gem stones on the sides.
"Oh no shit." Scoth replied sarcastically.
Walking into the room, Scoth noticed the maid, Sarah and Raven, who had a look of panic and confusion on his face.
After a few hours, after everything was explained and all, Raven and Scoth started making a new plan to get away from the castle.
"Why did you bring us here?" Scoth asked Daphne one evening.
"Well you guys looked like you need help"
"Hmm.. But I remember you said they might be of use." Raven said.
"Oh yea.. You might as well know." Daphne cleared her throat as to start a whole speech.
"Long ago the king here lost the only two things he ever truly cared about.""The queen and the princess" Scoth said.
"Yes" She said in a sour tone. "The king was devastated, and he and my kingdom were once close. Of course his kingdom was more powerful and richer. Anyway a few weeks ago the king went out to search for his lost daughter. And that gave me the opportunity to learn everything about this castle and overthrow the poor weak king."
"What makes you so sure that you will accomplish this?" Raven asked just as Sarah entered the room with a tray.
"Because I know that you two have a group. And in group is a girl. Now if you ask me that is just outrageous but she isn't a regular girl." Daphne said her blue eyes intimidating. "She is the lost princess."
"How do you know that!?" Scoth asked in an outrage.
"You could say a little birdie told her" A voice from behind said.
Turning around quickly, Scoth and Raven come face to face with a masked figure. They know that mask all too well.
"Zephron" They both said.
Suddenly Zephron makes a glowing ball of magic and throws it towards Raven. But Raven dodges it as it smashes the wall into pieces.
"Get out of here!" Raven yelled at Sarah who stood there in shock.
Quickly Raven ran to her and held her close just as another spark of magic came their way.
"Go" He said as their eyes met."Oh come on Daphne, we don't have time for these petty little fools." Zephron said as he takes another blow to Scoth.
Suddenly in a ray of red smoke both Zephron and Daphne disappear.
"Are you okay?" Raven rushes over to Scoth.
"Yea.." He manages to choke out as he passes out.
Quickly Raven picks him up and tries to find a room. He runs into Sarah who had just emerged from hiding behind a velvet curtain.
"He's hurt, we need to find a room" Raven says looking into Sarah's green eyes.
"Follow me" She makes moving motion to follow.
"Well now that we know who's side Daphne is on.. No one is safe. He could be anywhere doing anything" Raven says impatiently.
"Yea.. Is it true about you and your group?" Sarah asks as she puts a wet cloth on Scoth's forehead.
"Yes, I just hope they are all right. Especially Crystal."
"The lost Princess" Sarah mutters under her breath.

Royal Secret
AdventureCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...