"Let's get on with this" Asher complained as he picked up a large bag.
"Stop complaining you big baby" Raven told him.
"Excuse me!? I think we both know that yo-" Asher had started but stopped when he saw the glare he was getting from Scoth.
The bandits and Crystal were on their way to the village. The walk was quiet as everyone had something on his mind.
"So, we just follow them?" A cloaked figure with a mask asked.
"Yes, and make sure they never reach the village." A figure said looking at the bandits. "Let's rest here for they are also resting" he said taking his hood off.
All three of the cloaked figures removed their cloaks and masks. One of them revealing a tall, man with jet black hair with red tips, and fire red eyes, he had daggers at the side of his belt, and a scar on his cheek, he was named Zayne.
The other one was shorter man with dusty blonde hair and emerald green eyes, he was carrying a bow and arrows, his friends called him Soren.
The last was a man with Grey hair and deep blue eyes filled with anger and revenge. He was carrying a crystal ball which had the powers to teleport him and keep an eye on the enemy.
"Seth" the black haired male said. "Make sure you keep that crystal ball with you, we need to make sure not to lose them out of our sight."
The next morning when the bandits had been walking for quite some time they came to the end of the jungle.
Crystal hesitated as she had never stepped foot out of her jungle, she had often dreamt about leaving but now was her chance to yet she had a mix of emotions of whether or not she should go.
This is what I wanted. But what if Zar is right? What if-- she thought."Hey, it's going to be all right" Raven said looking into her eyes.
Raven outstretched his hand and Crystal held onto it as she stepped out of the jungle.
Seeing this Ezra clenched his fists and quickly turned his back so they couldn't see the jealousy on his face.
Out of nowhere an arrow was shot and hit a tree inches away from Ezra's face. Quickly he took the arrow and paid a closer attention to it. I recognize this..
"You aren't going anywhere" A voice from behind Crystal said.
Another arrow was shot but this time shot towards Scoth, dodging it quickly, he pulled out his nunchucks.
Turning around quickly, Raven threw one of his shurikens and threw it towards where the arrows were coming from.
While Scoth and Asher were trying to fight off one of the figures, another figure emerged from the bushes and all of a sudden teleported to behind Crystal and grabbed her,teleported teleporting away.
"No!" Ezra and Raven said at the same time.
"Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite traitor. A voice said emerging from behind the bushes holding a shureken between his fingers.
" I didn--"Ezra started but was cutoff by the figure throwing the shureken to Raven. Raven tried to dodge but the shureken hit his arm luckily it was only his shirt not his skin.
Exhausted and trying to keep up with the fast and powerful cloaked figures the bandits slowly fell one by one. Clutching his side, Asher tried one last time to fight them.
"Stop, it's no use they win, for now," Scoth said glaring into the eyes of the cloaked figure.
Seeing that they were only two cloaked figures Asher realized one of two things, there used to be three and Crystal was gone.
"What have you done to her!" he asked full of rage.
"Hold your breath, the girl is fine, but I hope you said your goodbyes because I don't think you'll see her again" the figure said with an evil grin. As he turned around Ezra ran towards him and swiped his sword at the figures head.
Dodging he said, "Have you forgotten? I know your moves, your blind spots" Quickly he grabbed the tip of the sword and swung it out of Ezra's hand.
Ezra fell on his knees and held onto his arm which had been cut be an arrow, "Stupid fool" The figure said kicking Ezra as he walked away.
Asher ran, or tried to, to Ezra. Laying a hand on Ezra he asked, "Who were those guys? They seemed to know you."
"The--" Ezra stuttered. "They belong to an evil force called, The Dark Circle, it is ruled by a heartless cruel leader, but from stories and legends there is an even bigger force who rules over all evil forces."
"How do you know all this?" Asher said his eyes wide.
"This is common knowledge, almost all those would know about this." Scoth cut in.
Grunting and bruising the bandits managed to get themselves under some shelter just at the border line between the jungle and the outside world, where they had fought.
For the first time the bandits had realized that Zakir nor Shade was with them.
"Ugh where could those two be?" Asher groaned.
"Oh, I don't know, probably having a lovely picnic by the sea on the beach." Raven said sarcastically.
"First of all, there are many things wrong with that statement, one there is not freaking beach or sea here and tw--" Asher said trying to prove a point.
"How long are you two going to be fighting!! You guys are like small children who don't know left from right" Scoth said angrily.
"Let's just rest for the night, we'll figure everything out in the morning" Ezra said turning to his side, closing his eyes.
"Sir, we have brought what you wanted" A voice said.
"Excellent" A figure said turning his head, his red and brown eye glowing. "Just excellent"

Royal Secret
AventuraCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...