"Wha-t happened?" Asher said rubbing his head. Standing up Asher looks around. "Hey guys?"
After listening closely but not hearing any reply, he walks over to a large rock and tries to remember all that has occurred."How did I end up here?" He thinks to himself. "Where are the others?"
A rustle was heard in the bushes, quickly getting up Asher grabs the nearest thing he could find, a stick.
"Who's there!?" he asked cautiously.A grunt is heard from behind the bush and a thud that follows.
Moving the bush leaves away, he makes his way to the noise. His green eyes widen as he sees a person.
The person tries to get up slowly but falls back down. His hood over his eyes and his hand clutching onto something under the cloak,the man grunts as blood trickles down his cheek.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Asher says in a worried tone. Reaching down the man's side, Asher gets the man to sit up against a tree.
Asher reaches forward to take the man's hood off but is cutoff by sudden daggers at his throat.
"Don't you fucking move" The man's deep voice says.
Frozen in place, Asher stands perfectly still as the man pulls back his hood revealing a red and black haired man with blood red eyes.
"Zayne.." Asher said as his eyes widen.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Zayne says as he pulls away from Asher.
"Here let me help" Asher says as he tries to help mend Zayne's wounds.
"Why would you help me? You know who I am. Who I am for." Zayne asks full of questions.
"Because you are hurt and it looks like we both could use each other's help" Asher replied.
Zayne's eyes widen as he is shocked by someone being that kind to him. In his past no one was ever nice to him. No one cared for him. His parent's died when he was young and he had been growing it alone ever since. That is until someone changed his life, but then another person came and not only changed his life but also who he was.
The only problem was that he couldn't remember who that person was that ever showed any caring or love to him. It had always troubled him and Zayne had dreams with this person but the face would never reveal.
"Uh.. Thanks?" Zayne says looking down.
"Okay, I know what your thinking, like you are from the Dark Circle, I am from the bandits who are against you, but right now we don't have any choice but to be allies for now."Asher says as he gets up." We can go our separate ways once we've found out gang okay?"
" Yea" was the short answer.
Why is he so familiar. I mean we met before on fighting. But I feel to know him more. Have I gone mad? Zayne thinks to himself while watching Asher.
"Okay, so you coming or not?" Asher says looking behind.
"Yea, hold on" Zayne says as he gets up.
Pushing away some leaves and bushes out of the way, the two make it down a path that eventually leads to a small village.
"Shit" Asher mumbles to himself.
"Yep" Zayne says looking skeptical at Asher.
"Isn't great to be wanted in every part of the kingdom?" Asher asks sarcastically.
"Or most hated because you work for the Dark Circle?" Zayne says looking at the village.
"We need disguises" Asher turns to Zayne, but Zayne isn't there. "Aw come on man, we don't got time for these games."
Suddenly a bundle is hurtled towards Asher. "What the.."
"Disguises like you said, your majesty" Zayne said sarcastically.
As he said that Asher had a vision of a little boy and a castle.
'Mommy! Mommy!' the little boy was saying. 'I don't want to be here' 'Well you don't have a choice you are to be the next king, my little prince' A soft gently feminine voice said.
"Snap out of it" Zayne says as he snaps his fingers in front of Asher's face.
"Oh sorry" Asher said still dazed. "Where did you get these clothes?"
"Don't worry about it"
Pulling out the clothes he holds them up. Zayne bursts out laughing as the clothes Asher was holding up was a dress.
"No, I'm not wearing that" Asher said.
"Either that, or get caught and taken away to DEATH!" Zayne said still laughing.
"No need for the exaggeration" Asher groaned.
"So we are little peasants and you will be my peasant wife" Zayne said while pulling off his boot.
"No, no I'm sorry but that's not going to work. I said we would be allies but I'm not going to become your freaking wife!" Asher said angrily "Besides why can't you be the wife?"
"You have more of a feminine appearance" Zayne said looking at Asher.
"Why you little....ugh fine but this is only between me and you" Asher says as he pulls the dress over his head.
"Adorable" Zayne says as Asher is finished with his transformation.
"Shut up" Asher said his cheeks burning up.
Arm in arm the two, now disguised, make their way to the village.
This is so embarrassing. Asher thought to himself.
His eyes... His smile.. It's all so familiar.. But why? Zayne thinks as he casts a quick glance at Asher. I could easily kill him right now, I should that's what Zephron wants.. But he seems so trustworthy and nice.. I couldn't.. What's happening to me!!?
Walking into the village the two look down to avoid eye contact.
"Look to see if you see anyone you recognize. If not we just pass through" Zayne whispers to Asher.
"Come back here, you little squirt!" A voice yelled.
"Only if you can catch me!" Another voice yelled back.
The voice belonged to a baker and a girl who had stolen some bread. Suddenly the girl tripped and fell. "Fuck!" She yelled.
"Haha got you now!" the baker yelled reaching for the girl.
"That will be enough" Zayne suddenly spoke up.
Asher quickly hit his side and gave him a question look.
"Stay out of this" the anger baker yelled.
"Uh.. Well you see.. Jenny here uh.. She's our cousin and uhm well we.." Asher started.
"Blagh I don't got time for you fools." The baker stormed off.
"You idiot!" Zayne yelled at Asher. "I had everything under control until you-"
"Excuse me" The girl said looking at the two.
"Oh right, well sorry about that, you seemed like you needed help" Asher said looking into the girls bright green eyes.
"I had everything under control" the girl replied.
"Yea sure, if you count almost getting caught and tripping, under control. Then yes you did." Zayne rolled his eyes.
"Thanks.." The girl said looking down.
"Jenny? Cousin?" Zayne said looking at Asher. "You've got to be the most dumbest, yet smartest guy I ever met" He laughed.
"Guy?" The girl said.
The two had forgotten about the disguises. And the girl looked at them questioningly.
"Well... If you don't tell anyone.." Asher started.
"I'm Klarise" The blonde, green eyed girl said.
Just as she said that name Asher's eyes widened.
No.. No.. She died.. It can't be.. Maybe it's just.. I need to find out more.. I'm going crazy.

Royal Secret
PertualanganCrystal, who's real name seems to be Astrid, has found out that her life was pretty much a lie. Now she faces the truth and reality of who she really is. Along with a band of bandits they face many adventures along with many secrets and missing piec...